Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Btw, I'd advise against quoting Piers Morgan that Zionist shill scumbag. He's had time to show he's impartial but he's folding to Israel each time and propagating their propaganda. Tarnish his name forever. I don't care if he came out three times during the duration of the genocide to condemn one or two massacres committed. When there's been tens of thousands committed. He does not get benefit of doubt anymore. Make him invisible. He will go down with a terrible legacy as a genocide apologist.
Interesting, knew she was Indian but thought she was Hindu, not Sikh. Clearly she has some pathetic inferiority complex of some kind. And being Indian is not a excuse for incitement of genocide. She will be punished and remembered as a useless evil witch. Zionism evil has to be smashed everywhere at any cost. It's either fold to Zionism or reject and smash it. World is being dividing along those lines.

Don't know if you know but indian sikhs in the UK worship zionism and white english people. They also vehemently advocate Islamaphobia. There are a significant number of sikhs in Islamaphobic right wing organisations like the edl. sikhs might want their own homeland in india but they also want Islam and Muslims to be wiped out from the earth.
Don't know if you know but indian sikhs in the UK worship zionism and white english people. They also vehemently advocate Islamaphobia. There are a significant number of sikhs in Islamaphobic right wing organisations like the edl. sikhs might want their own homeland in india but they also want Islam and Muslims to be wiped out from the earth.
Thanks for the info, yeah they are known as anti-Islam bigots even here in the US, even though they're confused to be Muslims sometimes.
Thanks for the info, yeah they are known as anti-Islam bigots even here in the US, even though they're confused to be Muslims sometimes.

They are the MOST EXTREME Islamaphobes on planet but AT THE MOMENT they have 0 ability to do anything about it which is why they latch on to white racists, zionists and other Islamaphobes in order to live out their sikh fantasies.
Netanyahu and Jews want to fully exterminate and ethnically cleanse the people of Gaza. The infrastructure was already ruined before Israel's slaughter campaign on Gaza. And Netanyahu seeks to drag it well through into Trump's second term. During Trump's second term, Jews will try to facilitate the actual mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians into Egypt through means of violent terrorism. Even at expense of everyone's livelyhood. They don't care if it plummets the global economy and 6 billion people get killed in the process. They hate life, God and his messengers and want everyone to suffer and be miserable like the miserable terrorists they are.

Israel is a manifestation of their overall misery and desperate need for relevance and attention. The world is sick of them and everyone despises them and want them out their daily lives. No one wants to hear anything about the sick Jews but Jews force their way into everyone's lives by taking dramatic measures through media, entertainment, finance industries and through Israel.

That's why the fall of Israel means the fall of Jewish exportation of their misery and curse onto others. Which is why they hold onto Israel so much. Crushing the Jewish satanic terrorism means crushing of the fanatical Jewish pride that has no bounds.

This is going to be a war between good and evil that the Jews will have triggered and this is going to be major and calamatic. The Jews will have nobody to blame but themselves.
Netanyahu and Jews want to fully exterminate and ethnically cleanse the people of Gaza. The infrastructure was already ruined before Israel's slaughter campaign on Gaza. And Netanyahu seeks to drag it well through into Trump's second term. During Trump's second term, Jews will try to facilitate the actual mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians into Egypt through means of violent terrorism. Even at expense of everyone's livelyhood. They don't care if it plummets the global economy and 6 billion people get killed in the process. They hate life, God and his messengers and want everyone to suffer and be miserable like the miserable terrorists they are.

Israel is a manifestation of their overall misery and desperate need for relevance and attention. The world is sick of them and everyone despises them and want them out their daily lives. No one wants to hear anything about the sick Jews but Jews force their way into everyone's lives by taking dramatic measures through media, entertainment, finance industries and through Israel.

That's why the fall of Israel means the fall of Jewish exportation of their misery and curse onto others. Which is why they hold onto Israel so much. Crushing the Jewish satanic terrorism means crushing of the fanatical Jewish pride that has no bounds.

This is going to be a war between good and evil that the Jews will have triggered and this is going to be major and calamatic. The Jews will have nobody to blame but themselves.
God promised to crush the Jewish satanic terrorist pride. Muslims that don't commit their full force to crushing the Jewish pride, especially when they take next dangerous escalatory step during Trump's term, will not inherit anything after the victory and will be cursed by God and the people.
Gaza is not a country. It's a tiny besieged enclave. Waging war on it for years is attempting to exterminate its population and wipe it off the map. This Jewish satanic terrorism and pride and evil urge to kill off an entire people will trigger a war between good and evil that is not far off, in the later 20's. Jews have little time remaining to establish who they are and what they are seeking. If they continue this prideful satanic path, they will have made it clear what they are and there will be no forgiveness for any of them anywhere in the world. Global Jewry will be crushed in a heroic and divine manner. At the expense of anything. Even if they throw out their little bitch antichrist Jew at the end of it, he'll get spat on and humiliated for thinking to defy Gods promise of crushing Jewish satanic pride.
Muslims that don't take action now for Gaza are playing a very dangerous game and sealing their fate in this life and the afterlife. Being born Muslim is not a ticket to salvation. Muslim countries have a duty and obligation to crush Jewish satanic pride and to control it from ever trying to resurrect itself. Failure to do so puts them one step closer to eternal damnation. Gaza is fighting right now for Islam and for Muslims and holding on to their right to reject Jewish pride and tyranny. Jews are attempting to enforce devil worship and rejection of God on everyone. The Jews must be fought by the Muslim world. And crushed.

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