Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

There can't be enough expensive Iron Domes to stop cheap rockets barrages fired from Lebanon. Only an invasion and occupying southern Lebanon can begin to dent the Hezbollah's barrages into Israel. Even carpet bombing--which Israel on its own doesn't have the capability of-- of southern Lebanon won't do the job. So Israelis, once/if taken care of Gaza, will have to bomb Beirut to try to turn the Lebanese against Hezbollah.
And Hezbollah probably hasn't used much of its rockets into Israel and I bet there are militias not far from Golan Heights in Syria who are waiting for the right time; and then there are the Houthis. And then Israel knows it can't really trust the Egyptians.
It is a bleak situation for Israel.
They're smiling and they're Jewish. This privileged subset of the population is allowed to commit genocide and war crimes while he cheered on and encouraged to do more with promises of increased support for anything they want to do. Americans have to take their country back. This so called 'minority' is able to have the whole US government fold to it and give them unlimited money whenever they want. They're trying to wipe out the first and second amendment entirely.

It's not a democracy. It's a Jewish supremacist state. You're not allowed to say that in America. You'll get in trouble in America for stating facts about a foreign country. This is gonna stop and will stop. No one is afraid anymore. Our rights as Americans will not be violated because of this one terrorist country and it's terrorist community members in the US.

Put this terrorist behind bars. She's supporting a Jewish supremacist genocide for sake of some money to live a middle class lifestyle. Selling her dignity and soul for a few bucks. Not even her supremacist masters value her highly. She will always be remembered as a loser shill for Israel. Imagine having that legacy.

Put this terrorist behind bars. She's supporting a Jewish supremacist genocide for sake of some money to live a middle class lifestyle. Selling her dignity and soul for a few bucks. Not even her supremacist masters value her highly. She will always be remembered as a loser shill for Israel. Imagine having that legacy.

She is an indian sikh. Her whole religion and belief of existence is based on the extreme hatred of Muslims and Islam. As she has relative power, her true colours are coming out. ALL indian sikhs are like this. NEVER forget the sikh genocide of 1 million innocent Pakistani Muslims in 1947. The most DISGUSTING part are those Pakistanis who claim sikhs are our allies and we should support khalistan.
She is an indian sikh. Her whole religion and belief of existence is based on the extreme hatred of Muslims and Islam. As she has relative power, her true colours are coming out. ALL indian sikhs are like this. NEVER forget the sikh genocide of 1 million innocent Pakistani Muslims in 1947. The most DISGUSTING part are those Pakistanis who claim sikhs are our allies and we should support khalistan.
Interesting, knew she was Indian but thought she was Hindu, not Sikh. Clearly she has some pathetic inferiority complex of some kind. And being Indian is not a excuse for incitement of genocide. She will be punished and remembered as a useless evil witch. Zionism evil has to be smashed everywhere at any cost. It's either fold to Zionism or reject and smash it. World is being dividing along those lines.
Good humans of the world are stronger than Zionism. There's clearly tons of humanity remaining in the world despite Zionists attempts at breaking society apart and breaking families apart. Israel will pay for the genocide it committed even if the price comes later. Nazi Germany was not punished immediately.


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