Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Satanic Jewish terrorists hate God with a furious passion. And want to subjugate all of humanity to misery. God crushes them each time. It's the will of God for his saints to repent and worship God. Before he grants them victory. Because God is merciful and sometimes we want to achieve things as part of our worship of God. We are created as weak and vulnerable beings. And we fall into sin. But God is still very merciful towards us and provides us with many blessings even with our shortcomings in offering a fully sincere obedience and worship to God. God will grant his saints victory against the terrorist satanic Jews once God gives us all chances and ample time to repent. And God will exercise his glory and have Jesus the true Messiah deal the death blow to global Jewry at the end of it all.

Jews are scrambling now and going to make their best effort to drag humans into hell with them and Satan. And God gave Satan and Jews free will as this shows Jews and Satan will not have any dominion over saints of God due to their shear faith in God and inherent goodness that is God given. Jews are going psychotic and fanatic and we are witnessing their meltdown. The next decade will showcase a massive Jewish meltdown and attempt to reinforce their control and save the sinking ship, which will fail. This is thanks to holy day and justified military retailation of October 7 that the Jewish satanic terrorists and their servants/prostitutes are trying to defame. We won't allow them to defame that holy day that triggered the beginning of the end of Jewish-Satanic global Jewry terrorism.

Another clip from the holy day of October 7 showing the Qassam Brigades eliminating a Israeli terrorist base near Gaza. According to the Jewish-American community pricks and the Jew-run media of Jew-NN, Fox Jews, and Jew York Times, this was beheading of babies and raping of women!!! Just unbelievable!! Jewish lies must not be allowed to populate. Jewish pride and arrogance makes it so the terrorist animals refuse to concede their military got routed by a besieged tiny group. And so they fabricate a whole other story to hide the embarrassment!!

A different Israeli military base eliminated by Hamas commandos on October 7. Hamas commandos then engaged in combat using captured Israeli army rifles. According to psychotic Jewish run media, this was beheading of babies and raping of women!!!

The US government has made over a 100 military supply deliveries to Israel for its genocide on Gaza. Most of the details are not released to the public. And they are most certainly not 'sales'. Israel does not pay for them. American taxpayers do. Look at the quotes in the article. It suggests Israel did not have the capability to do what it did to Gaza.

What that means is Israel's entire arsenal which was intended to fight multiple nations, was all dropped on Gaza. Including bunker buster munitions which are used for terror and mass murder effect in Gaza. And have no military purpose to be used in Gaza. Israel not only used it's entire arsenal, the US refilled it over a 100 times to unload its whole arsenal a 100 times over to carpet bomb and wipe out Gaza. It was arming them to grant them the capacity to commit genocide.

But in the case of the 100 other transactions, known in government-speak as Foreign Military Sales or FMS, the weapons transfers were processed without any public debate because each fell under a specific dollar amount that requires the executive branch to individually notify Congress, according to U.S. officials and lawmakers who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive military matter.

Taken together, the weapons packages amount to a massive transfer of firepower at a time when senior U.S. officials have complained that Israeli officials have fallen short on their appeals to limit civilian casualties, allow more aid into Gaza and refrain from rhetoric calling for the permanent displacement of Palestinians.

“That’s an extraordinary number of sales over the course of a pretty short amount of time, which really strongly suggests that the Israeli campaign would not be sustainable without this level of U.S. support,” said Jeremy Konyndyk, a former senior Biden administration official and current president of Refugees International.

Israel appears be to rejecting their own ceasefire proposal they requested Biden announce they proposed. These two ministers are not the reason. They're a scapegoat for entire Israeli policy. Very simply US pressure and threats will make them stop the war. There is no pressure at all and only opening the way for Israel to continue.

The Americans are playing a double game. In the public we hear minor condemnation. In private the Americans are sending weapons and giving full cover to the Israelis.

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