Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

#Urgent | The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation, according to a source:
The first phase of the deal includes the release of female detainees, female soldiers, the elderly, and the injured
The second phase of the deal includes the release of men, soldiers, and the rest of the injured
The third stage of the deal includes the release of all bodies

#Urgent | US Senator Bernie Sanders: Netanyahu is a war criminal and should not be invited to deliver a speech before the Congress

The Grand Master OG Bernie Flash in the flesh himself, baby. You tell 'em, OG Bernie! 😅 How could you not love this man!

You won't even find any grease in his kitchen, for that matter lol.

Settlers in Tel Aviv demand an exchange hostages deal..

Man, these jackboot thugs got some balls, don't they? Who the hell are they to demand jack dung those gum-sucking flap-squawking cretins. Ooff at the nerve of these stankholes. Sheeesh.
Channel 12, from a senior official:

Biden was keen to clarify the message that if Israel rejects the proposal, it will bear the consequences..
Enemy information

Broadcasting organization:
According to Egyptian reports, an Israeli security delegation is expected to arrive in Cairo tomorrow to hold a tripartite Israeli, Egyptian, and American meeting to reopen the Rafah crossing.
Israel is prepared to withdraw its forces from inside the crossing and position them away from there until the crossing is opened.
The only obstacle is who will be in charge of the crossing.

The dispute within Israel is very large, and Israel is now led by the extremist movement Ben Gvir and Smotresh, although they represent a minority, but they force Netanyahu in a strange way to comply with their orders from the beginning of the war, as if their goal was to destroy the current left-wing Zionist army and turn it into a militia like the Netzah Yehuda Brigade, on which America imposed some light sanctions..

Israel is experiencing a situation where soldiers are evading service, mutiny in the reserves, and an economy that is entering a spiral..

All of this is one of the goals of the Israeli right to control the aspects of the state..

But what America fears is that this country will turn into a pariah state isolated globally, gradually weakening and then being destroyed..

Therefore, I believe that the glory days of that state have passed and its true colors have emerged and will end within a few years..

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