Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The war in Gaza international consequences:

We are talking about countries that were respecting international law for the sake of the West, and its hypocrisy has become clear to them. For example, if South Africa had organized the BRICS summit in such circumstances and after America refused to arrest Netanyahu, it would not have prevented Putin’s participation because now the hypocrisy of America and the West has become clear to the world, so from now on.. The West cannot provide lessons on human rights, children, the press, and freedom of the media... and this is what is meant, meaning that the means that America used to blackmail countries will not be effective today...

As for force, have you been waiting for this war to learn that force must be the goal and the demand of every Muslim country?!! The Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
“A strong believer is better and more beloved to God than a weak believer.”
4 years ago: The Chinese Foreign Minister slaps the US Vice President

The war in Gaza international consequences:

We are talking about countries that were respecting international law for the sake of the West, and its hypocrisy has become clear to them. For example, if South Africa had organized the BRICS summit in such circumstances and after America refused to arrest Netanyahu, it would not have prevented Putin’s participation because now the hypocrisy of America and the West has become clear to the world, so from now on.. The West cannot provide lessons on human rights, children, the press, and freedom of the media... and this is what is meant, meaning that the means that America used to blackmail countries will not be effective today...

As for force, have you been waiting for this war to learn that force must be the goal and the demand of every Muslim country?!! The Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
“A strong believer is better and more beloved to God than a weak believer.”
Honestly don’t always agree with you but 💯 correct if America ever lectures or criticizes another country on human rights they have no real legs to stand on we are watching at this moment an apartheid government far worse than South Africa you have gestapo police arresting blindfolding women interrogating them over social media you are not allowed to go up against the state for fear of arrest and death
I know right. Sounds like the ceasefire proposal by the US itself. I doubt he'll agree to anything since he wants to destroy Hamas and extend this war for another 7 months as well as prolonging his PM-ship.
Maybe if Biden gets off his old ass and actually makes the trip himself, that will hold a lot more clout than that screwy Blinken.
Pretty interesting that Biden spoke on behalf of Netanyahu on such a huge proposal!!

Is Israel in a pattern of "agreeing" to ceasefires to reset itself/its advantage in the war/ throw Gaza militants off....only to break the ceasefire b y restarting the conflict on its terms and timing?
Let's all be clear: Israel will never tolerate any hostile presence in Gaza or south Lebanon going forward and so it is only a matter of time--perhaps no more 1-2 years--where Israel will replenish itself and start another war against both. Israel is a Security State--a bully, actually--which absolutely can't have any credible threat on its borders. Once we truly undestand that then we start to draw out scenarios for the future--unless there is some behind the scene 'deal' being engineered by Saudi Arabia, which is distant possibility but still a possibility: Even the Neo Cons know the law of diminishing returns in the context of Middle East. China is the priority. But I guess I digressed!

IF israel loses this war it will be a FAR FAR FAR FAR bigger loss than what happened to the americans in afghanistan. The consequences will be FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR greater too.
Yes! America has the unique advantages which NO major country in the world has: It's geography and regional geopolitics--all great and friendly, along with the immense human and natural resources. Israel is, in contrast, extremely fragile and vulnerable. And that's why the Israeli bully snaps at everone. The bully has to be always the top dog.

It is not a question of "if"--It already has. The real question is can the international powers land this plane relatively intact or will it crash and burn?
Biden's latest ceasefire proposal is indeed an admission of Israel's defeat!

That's sikhism for you. She is a sikh.

You need to go easy on being against Sikhs and Whites. There are many million Muslim Whites, there are many Sikhs who form Pakistan's natural allies against the Hindutva, and there are many Christian and Jewish White people who are protesting against Israel. You are actually feeding some paranoia in some White people with your over and false generalizations.
Learn the details of the Jabalia ambush, in which Al-Qassam announced the killing and capture of soldiers

Political and strategic affairs researcher Saeed Ziad: The Qatari-Egyptian-American statement will encourage Hamas to accept more and deal positively with the current negotiation path, especially since it emphasizes a permanent ceasefire.



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#Urgent | Qatari-Egyptian-American Statement: The principles outlined by President Biden bring together the demands of all parties in a deal that serves multiple interests
The deal would immediately end the long suffering of the people of Gaza, as well as the suffering of the hostages and their families
The agreement is a roadmap for a permanent ceasefire in order to end the crisis


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