Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Zionists are scum. Pure cancer. They are hated all over the world.

They are Satan worshippers, pure evil, their slaves in the Muslim world are the same, those who turn their face when babies are being slaughtered.
Israel appears be to rejecting their own ceasefire proposal they requested Biden announce they proposed. These two ministers are not the reason. They're a scapegoat for entire Israeli policy. Very simply US pressure and threats will make them stop the war. There is no pressure at all and only opening the way for Israel to continue.

Lies in order to manufacture consent for a genocide. Though it wouldn't even manufacture consent for a genocide, which would still violate international law and should have resulted in sanctions and military intervention. If you're trying to find reasons to commit genocide, then you're wanting to commit a genocide. There are no justifications in committing a genocide. That's only terrorists or genocidal people's way of thinking. And international community usually would punish the culprits and go after and hunt them. All it tells us is Israelis want to actually kill every single Palestinian. The Israelis are thus genocidal mass murdering terrorists. And no one made them into genocidal mass murdering terrorists. Genocide is not allowed or acceptable by the international community and greater world. The dumb terrorists and their dumb logic telling us Hamas retaliation and strike on IDF southern division warrants a genocide on Gaza, are nothing but dumb terrorists and fools that support genocide and mass slaughter. It's not Hamas that made them come up with their twisted and dumb terrorist logic. It's them that are inherently evil and/or retarded.

It is like saying if Ukrainians attack Russian forces and kill 250 soldiers, that Russia has the right and is justified to nuke Ukraine and kill 10% of its population. No it does not. Period.

Blaming Hamas, which is defending Palestinian people and retaliating against Jewish radical satanic terrorism, is wild and shows hatred towards Islam and God because everyone, even the evil satanic retards that come up with logic, know Hamas is the جماعة and is properly following Islam, and they hate the جماعة and want it destroyed. So hopefully we don't see any more idiots in the thread tell us Hamas gave Israel a justification to commit genocide. When genocide is never justified. Especially against a occupied people that are fighting back. And not waging a war.

Unbelievable how idiots embolden Jewish satanic terrorism by giving them the pass to commit genocide !!! Then blaming others for their inherent evil and execution of a genocide !! Absolving the terrorist Jewish satanic entity of its crime of genocide in the process !!
May Allah almighty bless this person and give him Imaan. What a brave man, shame on the Muslims and Muslim rulers watching the Palestinians babies getting slaughtered.

If Allah want, who can stop him entering Jannah? He deserves it more than us coward loosers.
Cheers to Ireland and Irish people. Netanyahu is sheer evil and detached from reality. Actually the whole psychotic Israeli society is detached from reality. And they shouldn't be allowed to own land let alone run a country. Let them be psychotic in their sick usury real estate lifestyle in Jew York and other cities in America. At least they won't be committing a Holocaust that way!!

Totally normal behavior. Some cocksuckers of the Jews like Hindu extremists and shills of AIPAC say everything Israel does is good and Jewish satanic terrorists can do nothing wrong. And ofc idiot cucks in Muslim world that somehow can't blame Israel for anything it's doing.

The fanaticism and cheerleading for Jews has reached extremes. It's time to crush that fanaticism and tear it apart and crush it's proponents and butcher them for suggesting Jewish terrorist satanic animals are some great and innovative peace loving people. That should have privilege over the whole world and enjoy privileges shared by no one else that isn't Jewish.

Breaking down and crying is a emotional response to helplessness. When every human norm was violated in this Israeli Satanic terrorist genocide on Gaza, it breaks the hearts of non-Jewish Americans. Ofc it does nothing for the Jewish-American terrorist community that's full of evil pricks that should be shipped off to a remote island then nuked to spare humanity of their evil.


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