Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

first we are told it was an Israeli proposal now he has to meet to discuss it? what is there to discuss

I know right. Sounds like the ceasefire proposal by the US itself. I doubt he'll agree to anything since he wants to destroy Hamas and extend this war for another 7 months as well as prolonging his PM-ship.

Maybe if Biden gets off his old ass and actually makes the trip himself, that will hold a lot more clout than that screwy Blinken.
You listen to this guy and The Mad Mamluks, too?
Not really, i am nower days more meme guy due overwhelming influx of information and felt urge to share this as my symbolic contribution to public awareness and contemplation point as well as constant reminder with whom we as global muslim community deal with.
He should be forced to sit and meet with Hamas representative even indirectly in same building and different room if not eye to eye. Details matter.
first we are told it was an Israeli proposal now he has to meet to discuss it? what is there to discuss
He is wiggling his way out of his "tough guy" position, pretty sure if agreed to move out his wolf nest and go to Cairo it is more or less done deal, now he is in image and skin saving mode.

Those that think that the Zionist terrorists will dare take on Hezbollah if they manage to extricate themselves from Gaza better think again.

Hezbollah can make half(north) of the occupied Palestine Zionist settlements and infrastructure look like this.

Entity dares not hit a residental block in Beirut as Hezbollah will respond in kind. 2006 paradigm is in the past in 2024.
Those that think that the Zionist terrorists will dare take on Hezbollah if they manage to extricate themselves from Gaza better think again.

Hezbollah can make half(north) of the occupied Palestine Zionist settlements and infrastructure look like this.

Entity dares not hit a residental block in Beirut as Hezbollah will respond in kind. 2006 paradigm is in the past in 2024.

Think how embarrassing it must be to be jewish/israeli at the moment. You have an unlimited supply of the world's most powerful and advanced weapons from america and the west along with an unlimited supply of financial resources yet you still cannot defeat a militia who is fighting with their hands, feet and home-made weapons after 8 months of trying. Either Hamas are the superhumans or the israelis are the most weakest and useless people on the planet. israelis are more incompetent than a pack of chimpanzees. Which is it?

PS If Pakistan had the same unlimited weapons and financial resources that israel has, it could easily annihilate india and afghanistan at the same time.
Muslims couldn't even dedicate 2% of their power. Just imagine. The Prophets and his companions fought in their 50's and 60's. And sacrificed themselves. And only number around 300 or less. And lacked resources. Only having weeks of resources at a time.
Problem isn't how many people are fighting

The problem like first time when juersulum was lost is that Arabs are fighting amongst each other and are supporting Israel like it was back when salahdin was fighting Arabs first
Emmanuel Macron:

The war in Gaza must stop.

We support the US proposal for a comprehensive agreement. We also work with our partners in the region for peace and security for all.

Release of hostages, a sustainable ceasefire in order to work towards peace and progress towards a two-state solution.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation. Government of Spain

We support the immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all hostages, the increase in humanitarian aid that leads to lasting peace in the Middle East, as proposed by the @POTUS initiative, with support from Qatar and Egypt. We want a future of peace for Israel and Palestine.


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