Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Palestinians aren't fighting just the Israelis but fighting the US , UK, Germany , France etc by Proxy their Israel.

Dont tell me this dosent look like a new crusade.

To the detail how the exact same players are taking part in both crusades.
Germany, France and UK, and of course USA which is a child of the three nations.

Is this guy a Mossad agent?
Indian born immigrant.
Could be charged for assisting foreign intelligence, and terrorism.

Mossad has also used Indians in Iran. Indians are
very close to the Israeli's because of their hate for
In Islamic world, only charlatans are people to be respected. Religious demagogues and that kind. In light of that fact, it is not surprising that many atheists started to pop up.
Habib Nurmuhamedov is respected only because the mass can say " Oh he is great and Muslim, So by default I am great because I am Muslim too", I have noticed that None Muslims take right massage from him , not Muslims.
Devotion, single mindedness, discipline, ascteism, courage, self confidence, clear goals, intelligence, purpose etc. Then people who ran like possessed in Asda , East London, buy 50 kilo of cheap rice, think that they have some similarities with him. One of the reasons for that, among others is endless questions of so called Ullama and thinking by mimicking formalities, they are onto something.
Selcuk Bayraktar , a visionary who is absolutely devouted for success of his country and who is devoted Muslim is practically unknown outside of military enthusiasts community.
It is just big dirty mouthed pseudo Islamists that are respected.
Especially those, like Muhammad Hijab ( Sisi cousin) who bear cheasted in Hide Park profess how how tough they are.
India bought Brahmos technology from the Russians, Korea also few things. But " our" charlatans bought 100s of f 15 and Rafals and couldn't get tot even for the airplane seats leather cover.
No matter how people want to put it , at the end of the day, they are the same as their rulers. That Hadith is never quoted???
In Islamic world, only charlatans are people to be respected. Religious demagogues and that kind. In light of that fact, it is not surprising that many atheists started to pop up.
Habib Nurmuhamedov is respected only because the mass can say " Oh he is great and Muslim, So by default I am great because I am Muslim too", I have noticed that None Muslims take right massage from him , not Muslims.
Devotion, single mindedness, discipline, ascteism, courage, self confidence, clear goals, intelligence, purpose etc. Then people who ran like possessed in Asda , East London, buy 50 kilo of cheap rice, think that they have some similarities with him. One of the reasons for that, among others is endless questions of so called Ullama and thinking by mimicking formalities, they are onto something.
Selcuk Bayraktar , a visionary who is absolutely devouted for success of his country and who is devoted Muslim is practically unknown outside of military enthusiasts community.
It is just big dirty mouthed pseudo Islamists that are respected.
Especially those, like Muhammad Hijab ( Sisi cousin) who bear cheasted in Hide Park profess how how tough they are.
India bought Brahmos technology from the Russians, Korea also few things. But " our" charlatans bought 100s of f 15 and Rafals and couldn't get tot even for the airplane seats leather cover.
No matter how people want to put it , at the end of the day, they are the same as their rulers. That Hadith is never quoted???

They have chosen this path and until they change they will face humiliation
In Islamic world, only charlatans are people to be respected. Religious demagogues and that kind. In light of that fact, it is not surprising that many atheists started to pop up.
Habib Nurmuhamedov is respected only because the mass can say " Oh he is great and Muslim, So by default I am great because I am Muslim too", I have noticed that None Muslims take right massage from him , not Muslims.
Devotion, single mindedness, discipline, ascteism, courage, self confidence, clear goals, intelligence, purpose etc. Then people who ran like possessed in Asda , East London, buy 50 kilo of cheap rice, think that they have some similarities with him. One of the reasons for that, among others is endless questions of so called Ullama and thinking by mimicking formalities, they are onto something.
Selcuk Bayraktar , a visionary who is absolutely devouted for success of his country and who is devoted Muslim is practically unknown outside of military enthusiasts community.
It is just big dirty mouthed pseudo Islamists that are respected.
Especially those, like Muhammad Hijab ( Sisi cousin) who bear cheasted in Hide Park profess how how tough they are.
India bought Brahmos technology from the Russians, Korea also few things. But " our" charlatans bought 100s of f 15 and Rafals and couldn't get tot even for the airplane seats leather cover.
No matter how people want to put it , at the end of the day, they are the same as their rulers. That Hadith is never quoted???

The reason why 1st and 2nd generation of muslims were so unimaginably successful, is because they werent narrowminded fools like the modern ulama who devote entire life to only 1 thing: academic exploration of islam.

The first muslims were flexible, ingenius, entrepreneurial, steadfast, fearless, strategists, commanders, shepards, businessmen, soldiers, fathers and mothers, husbands and wifes, scholar. All in one and same person simultanenously. They embodied the real world practition of islamic knowledge & spirit.

Todays Ulama are just lazy people. In the sense that they think reading and mastering Islamic texts is all there is to it.
Invading Lebanon? Then what happen next, stay in southern Lebanon or withdraw?? I don't think zionists invaders going into Lebanon they did it before in 2006 and lost ,
Invading Lebanon? Then what happen next, stay in southern Lebanon or withdraw?? I don't think zionists invaders going into Lebanon they did it before in 2006 and lost ,

They want to invade and occupy and then only withdraw if international UN forces “secure” the area so that hezb does not occupy. However, unlikely Lebanon will agree to that- so it will turn into a guerilla warfare and Israel will be driven back as they won’t be able to withstand that. The initial attack will be expensive, the ongoing occupation of the buffer zone will be even more. Lebanon will have open supply lines that cannot be interdicted that successfully.

If Israel does attack- then regular Lebanese army must get involved to try and stop that. They can’t afford to sit around with their fingers up their bums doing nothing and allow Israel to destroy the entire country.

People who say they are weak and can’t do anything, are missing the point. You have to resist with what you have to try increase the cost such that the occupation is short lived as possible and as expensive as possible. The armed forces of Lebanon have a duty to their people and country to defend Lebanon.

Countries with far less have shown more spine to resist their occupiers than the armed forces of Lebanon have. Quite shameful if they dont.
Agree but this maybe a step too far. The press in the UK are bombarding the airwaves with this act is state sponsored terrorism and Netanyahu has publicly said yesterday the UK are not helping his cause. This is the start of the west accepting the y can’t unilaterally support this mad dog

The US is 100% supportive and that's all that matters.

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