Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The Jews suck at fighting and their army sucks. Contrary to Hollywood propaganda in US entertainment and media publications that praise Israeli army as some super effective army, which it isn't. Jews power lies in media, finance, and government. Particularly in the US and UK. Where they manipulate the narrative and hide their horrific genocidal warcrimes and outright make it illegal to present the true picture to the general public. And then politically, they own Washington and shield themselves from legal accountability. And manipulate American society and system to arm them to teeth with unlimited weapons.

War wise they can't do anything besides drop as many massive bombs on civilians, trying to kill as many as possible. If weapons shipments are intercepted and Israel airbases struck, this won't work anymore. And the supremacist facists will have to face the reality that they're terrorist cowards and have to make peace or die by the sword.
Instead of telling us what you think, and debating over recent events, educate yourself....

It's something well hidden how USA power works currently. No official information about it.
I know I can not know it for sure it. You should do the same, instead of falsely believe know the truth.

Is my opinion wrong? Maybe yes.
Is that book BS? Maybe too.

Who really knows? Nobody knows who take war decisions and another kind of big decisions in biggest "democracy".

In China that man is Xi Jinping.
In Russia that man is Putin.
Who is the equivalent in USA? Joe Biden? I think not, London or FED like that book says? I think neither.

But like I previously said, Libya war was made in the same scheme than hedge funds way of work, for first time in USA history, color revolution in war version.
Something changed how USA power works in Obama administration and Lehman bros bankrupt. No more 911 selfattacks BS, and a more efficient kind of war.

You and that book think USA power worked in the same way since more 100 years ago, it's your opinion, maybe right maybe wrong. My opinion is that is a nonsense, but I have no official information about it, and you neither.

Putin, who must have access to best sources of information than us, think that it doesnt matter who wins USA elections.

USA democracy is just a tv show circus to keep people distracted, and every time with less relation to real power decisions.

Who is the real USA POTUS? In my opinion, Soros is the suspect winner of all powerful current American people. And that doesnt mean a better scenario for Israel, in fact it's the worst scenario for them.
If/ when I see burning F16s on tarmac I will believe that - the accuracy claims are just that - claims… let’s not get carried away thinking these things are any more than they are… look at how those expensive intel chip factories in Israel are untouched..if these things were that accurate then they would have used them to create real economic damage. Right?

Imagine the economic damage to Israel and Israel’s backers if those intel chip factories in Israel were destroyed??? Tens of billions up in smoke. Tens. massive losses to both of them……………….

There is no real strategy or outcomes to any of this nonsense by the resistance… only in burning down treees it seems!!!!

Are you seriously trying to compare Hamas garden based rocket capabilities to what Hezbollah has been supplied with from Iran, especially over the last 8 months?
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Are you seriously trying to compare Hamas garden based rocket capabilities to what Hezbollah has been supplied with from Iran, especially over the last 8 months?

Until proven otherwise- yes. We may find out soon enough… but I have made two points a) accuracy of the fire crackers. B) lack of strategy.

If this thing with Lebanon and Israel kicks off then we will find out if they have a real strategy to trade blows that land hard and hurt Israel or if it is all random firecrackers with a random strategy that achieves nothing like most of what we see .

A few dead IDF soldiers and some destroyed tanks mean nothing… hitting and destroying Israel’s economic base does mean something. What is the most important and valuable economic thing in Israel and can the resistance destroy it? Will intel rebuild factories that get destroyed or will they walk away. If they walk away- what impact does that have on Israel?

That is how you win … ie always hit the money….
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Is there like hard proof that Hezbollah has taken out iron dome batteries or components of it you get used to hezbollah posting videos or pictures of attacks before and after but I really haven’t seen any a large part of me thinks it’s because they don’t want to alive away the method of destroying those batteries but your guess is as good as mine.
Hizbollah attack lampposts and . Compared to Hamas on Hezbollah less violent attacks since October 7th, it is absurd that Hezbollah even compare it to Hamas on the same lines as comparing the fighters of the war, Hamas, real sacrifice of blood and sweat.
Done Hezbollah

Israeli TV: A double attack on Hurfish began with a missile that caused casualties. Soldiers gathered for the rescue, and minutes later drones attacked the site.
Until proven otherwise- yes. We may find out soon enough… but I have made two points a) accuracy of the fire crackers. B) lack of strategy.

If this thing with Lebanon and Israel kicks off then we will find out if they have a real strategy to trade blows that land hard and hurt Israel or if it is all random firecrackers with a random strategy that achieves nothing like most of what we see .

A few dead IDF soldiers and some destroyed tanks mean nothing… hitting and destroying Israel’s economic base does mean something. What is the most important and valuable economic thing in Israel and can the resistance destroy it? Will intel rebuild factories that get destroyed or will they walk away. If they walk away- what impact does that have on Israel?

That is how you win … ie always hit the money….
Unless all the videos are lying hezbollah taking out surveillance and radars on a near daily basis making Israel shoot interceptor at rockets they have 10s of thousands if not hundreds of thousands in stock versus interceptors that are dwindling to nonexistent numbers every day, attacking outposts all over the northern border literally destroying them with their inaccurate Burkan rockets, huge over priced surveillance blimp that got blown up by a 10 thousand dollar drone, destroying tanks and other vehicles, having Israelis on constant 24/7 alert and all the while hezbollah just sitting back until its the right moment. Honestly by now you should know this if iran has it hezbollah has it the Houthis in reality are not Irans favorite proxy or ally hezbollah is and Houthi for a poor country has shown they have many weapons in their stockpiles so why do you think Hezbollah doesn’t have those capabilities but 10 fold did you not see an advanced anti aircraft missile that was attacked it shows hezbollah has many cards but their not stupid enough to use it until they need to 🤦‍♂️
BREAKING! Dozens of casualties reported among Palestinians after an Israeli airstrike targeted a residential building in the Al-Buruij refugee camp in #Gaza.At least 97 Palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours due to the Israel’s bombardment of the central governorate in Gaza.#GazaGenocide[
Looks like the little girl got amputated her left hand during the war. And now she is maybe in the hand of Allah
Seeing how the Islamic World is paralyzed and unable to come up with a retaliatory response, they aren't wrong—the six million holding back the two billion.
Islamic Republic of Iran, Lebanese Hezbollah, Iraqi Hashd al Shabi and Yemenies Ansar Allah ARE doing something about it. Stop saying "Islamic World" when it is YOU who sit by and do nothing!!!


@Meengla Just exactly what we were talking about...

Where is Hamas?
Where is Hezbullah?
Where are Houthis?
Where are Iranians?

Shit is serious as fuk.

This opportunity should not be missed.

The death toll of Israelis should be brought closer to Palestinians' one.

@Persian Gulf @925boy @tsunset @Immortals
Where are the Billion+ Sunnis? Why is it that only the Shia are actually helping Sunni Palestinians in any meaningful way?

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