Potentially Pakistan giving access to naval base to China.

The Mughals had also given the port to the British and after that they took over the country and ruled for 200 years.

Well then it's a good job that Pakistanis are not indians and the Chinese are not the English/British.
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This is beyond cringe on how Bajwa the Qadiani tried to lick the balls of the US. I hate Chinese food, I love married with children. Wow just wow. Talk about shameless behavior.

America can’t do a single thing. It’s the sellouts uncle toms in foreign countries that enable US and Israel’s hegemony
America can't do a single thing, are you sure about this? This level of arrogance is not good.

WE must have objective analysis and realistic goals. I am not a fan of camp politics because it imposes political limitations that hamper economic growth and options.

Pak-China cooperation is welcome in all fields but Pakistan needs to find its place in global setting and cannot and should not limit itself to a single basket. Figuratively speaking, if I do business, l will tap both Aliexpress and Amazon for growth. Why should I restrict myself to one camp when I have the option to tap both markets? This is basic human instinct. I am sure that Chinese have similar thought. Camp pundits need to study history to understand why it does not work.
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America can't do a single thing, are you sure about this? This level of arrogance is not good.

WE must have objective analysis and realistic goals. I am not a fan of camp politics because it imposes political limitations that hamper economic growth and options.

Pak-China cooperation is welcome in all fields but Pakistan needs to find its place in global setting and cannot and should not limit itself to a single basket. Figuratively speaking, if I do business, l will tap both Aliexpress and Amazon for growth. Why should I restrict myself to one camp when I have the option to tap both markets? This is basic human instinct. I am sure that Chinese have similar thought. Camp pundits need to study history to understand why it does not work.
Are you an American? Or do you work for for them as a PR/Influencer? I noticed your posting history from the old forum and this one that you always write these long counter balance view defending the US if as you’re on Their payroll.
Nothing personal, just my observations.

Bringing up Amazon? Amazon is a private entity and can invest where ever they please. Your comment to mine makes no sense to what I wrote.

Now to answer what you wrote, I’m not against them or even advocating against whatever you wrote.
I’m simply stating that they’re good at divide and rule and if a nation has its stuff together, it’ll be difficult to do so. I 100% back a middle path but clearly it’s not that way when Indians are getting full offensive weapons support from the US. The US has always viewed Pakistan as expendable. Pakistan doesn’t have the emotional pedigree to work with both sides. Its political elite is immature. They could’ve used IK rhetoric to scare the US into providing more support but instead chose to full capitulate.

Are you Pakistani?
Are you an American? Or do you work for for them as a PR/Influencer? I noticed your posting history from the old forum and this one that you always write these long counter balance view defending the US if as you’re on Their payroll.
Nothing personal, just my observations.

Bringing up Amazon? Amazon is a private entity and can invest where ever they please. Your comment to mine makes no sense to what I wrote.

Now to answer what you wrote, I’m not against them or even advocating against whatever you wrote.
I’m simply stating that they’re good at divide and rule and if a nation has its stuff together, it’ll be difficult to do so. I 100% back a middle path but clearly it’s not that way when Indians are getting full offensive weapons support from the US. The US has always viewed Pakistan as expendable. Pakistan doesn’t have the emotional pedigree to work with both sides. Its political elite is immature. They could’ve used IK rhetoric to scare the US into providing more support but instead chose to full capitulate.

Are you Pakistani?
I don't care what you think about me but I find some Chinese views over the top biased and hypocritical. I provide a balanced view that don't sit well with some members of-course. Are you an agent of chaos? Don't ask me silly questions. I will not entertain silly questions. Your post clearly shows that you don't know much about Pakistani economic landscape and variation in views from location to location. You don't know much about the complexities of US-Pak engagements on various matters. So whom you trying to lecture? WE have our share of educated people who study all themes.
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Well then it's a good job that Pakistanis are not indians and the Chinese are not the English/British.
That time it was British India, not divided into India and Pakistan.
Also every country looks out for interest, China will look out for its interests and exploit a obviously weaker Pakistan on the bargaining table.
It's laughable to analogue nations to fixed roles. It's all about current interests.
This will very much happen, all Pakistan is doing is switching from a client state of the US to China.
So are you sitting in Netherlands
This is Pakistan defense forum and he is Muslim and Pakistani , it's doesn't matter where he lives, I'm also Muslim and Pakistani living in USA, you're fake Indian, so what's your problem Mr false flag Indian?
This is Pakistan defense forum and he is Muslim and Pakistani , it's doesn't matter where he lives, I'm also Muslim and Pakistani living in USA, you're fake Indian, so what's your problem Mr false flag Indian?
Bro - he’s an Indian, you can’t say “fake Indian” as grammatically that doesn’t make sense.

He’s 100% bindu. They consider themselves as the gatekeeper of Pakistan because quite frankly, the low iq, cousin marriages fu*ks running Pakistan are lazy, stupid, ugly, stupid, corrupt, ugly, and stupid running Pakistan didn’t care enough Pakistan and couldn’t invest in soft power leaving a vacuum that these fugly animals (Indians) have now taken hold and spreading their own jeet narratives.

But yeah? F**k this guy. Ive stop interacting with them as they’re all the same but with a slight degree of differences in how they want to undermine Pakistan at its core.
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I don't care what you think about me but I find some Chinese views over the top biased and hypocritical. I provide a balanced view that don't sit well with some members of-course. Are you an agent of chaos? Don't ask me silly questions. I will not entertain silly questions. Your post clearly shows that you don't know much about Pakistani economic landscape and variation in views from location to location. You don't know much about the complexities of US-Pak engagements on various matters. So whom you trying to lecture? WE have our share of educated people who study all themes.
Well calm your nerves Mr/Ms. Centcom.

quit jumping to conclusions. I prefer Pakistan to be the Vienna of this new Cold War where the US and China can come and clandestinely hash out their concerns while playing the bigger game (SCS, Middle East, Russia).

I’ve never said to abandon the US or take an overtly pro China stance. Quite frankly, after the coup de etat against IK, I’ve stopped giving a f**k about Pakistan - in line with most overseas Pakistanis in the West. It’s a bad investment with no ROI. Oddly enough, under IK it was the highest ROI given how it was finally acting as a somehow proper functioning nation-state.
Bro - he’s an Indian, you can’t say “fake Indian” as grammatically that doesn’t make sense.

He’s 100% bindu. They consider themselves as the gatekeeper of Pakistan because quite frankly, the low iq, cousin marriages fu*ks running Pakistan are lazy, stupid, ugly, stupid, corrupt, ugly, and stupid running Pakistan didn’t care enough Pakistan and couldn’t invest in soft power leaving a vacuum that these fugly animals (Indians) have now taken hold and spreading their own jeet narratives.

But yeah? F**k this guy. Ive stop interacting with them as they’re all the same but with a slight degree of differences in how they want to undermine Pakistan at its core.
What's the problem in cousin marriage? In Islam cousin marriage is OK, because on the father or mother side cousin has a different genes
What's the problem in cousin marriage? In Islam cousin marriage is OK, because on the father or mother side cousin has a different genes
bro look at the faces of some of Pakistanis and more important their iq, you can’t tell me it’s from keeping in the family.

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