Not just engines, Tejas Mk-1A delivery could be hit over key Danish part, now on export blacklist

This plane is cursed. lol

Anytime I see a delivery schedule, something comes up, either development problems or delivery issues, and it has been coming up since this project began in 1983.

This project is now 41 years old and this Mirage 2000 clone is still having issues.

Very badly managed project. They first made the mistake of trying to develop everything at once, and ended up not developing anything on a timeline, they made is dependent on multiple countries for sourcing of equipment, a full on hodge podge, where it creates more political failpoints, with one place disrupting and halting everything if there is a procurement issue. There was no emphasis on production, with design creep, in the end its just a big research project with an open ended timeline and cost overruns, and by the time it finally ends up being delivered(if ever), its outdated.

Compare this to the incremental design approach of other projects, where they did deliver on time, and over time refined and upgraded the jets, without stopping production.
Block 2 production ended in 2019 as per Warnes.

60 includes 36 Rafale, 6 last Su-30 MKi and 18 Tejas variants.

Wrong, yet again (this is proving a habit of yours), Number 18 sqd were equipped with JF-17 in 2021

In last 2 years Indian air force has had ZERO new planes and PAF inducted approx 40.

Go figure....

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