Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

This is why Israel wants to continue bombarding Gaza for years to come. It wants to make life so miserable until a time it deems appropriate to try forcing Palestinians out of their land one way or another.

This has to be stopped by Arab and Muslim nations. And hopefully it will. It may take a little more time for people to get through this major tribulation for the whole region. That included previous conflicts as well. Not just in Palestine. Muslims outside middle east should pray for Muslims of Middle East for this difficult situation they are in.

Bro, how do you think this has and more importantly will affect the population's view of Hamas and the other Mujahideen? I know this is a tricky question; my friend Jamal and my other very close and extended Palestinian family & friends also have voiced their opinion and frankly it's on the fence because of exactly what this young girl was saying. Of course, they have been unbelievably loyal to the cause Hamas is fighting for and paying an unimaginable price as we've all witnessed. And you hardly ever hear them bitch, moan, complain or anything of that sort which is remarkable in of itself. But at some time, the cost is so high like what this young girl is suffering through that it would be completely understandable if that loyalty dissolves in some way, shape or form. I'm interested in your opinion to see if it matches those of family & many Palestinian friends.
This is why Israel wants to continue bombarding Gaza for years to come. It wants to make life so miserable until a time it deems appropriate to try forcing Palestinians out of their land one way or another.

This has to be stopped by Arab and Muslim nations. And hopefully it will. It may take a little more time for people to get through this major tribulation for the whole region. That included previous conflicts as well. Not just in Palestine. Muslims outside middle east should pray for Muslims of Middle East for this difficult situation they are in.

If the Muslim men won't fight then perhaps they should send their women to fight?
Israel is going to get well fu(ked and deNazified:-

Israelis must be laughing all the way to the Kibutz because of Sisi, the pitiful force he put on the border is not even enough to beat a ****:- even Spain has joined....more nations will join eventually..

True that we live in the jungle where the strong govern.. but things can change with time.. a lion can dominate for a while but a time comes where he is challenged and even defeated..

It is said that a lion is always defeated by another lion who then rules the pride kills the cubs and mates the females, never by a jackal. Do Muslims have that sort of will? Definitely, not, at this juncture.
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An embarrassing situation for US President Joe Biden, who is trying to sit in a vacuum on a chair that does not exist!!..His wife is trying to warn him so that he does not fall to the ground, seeing what his situation would be like if he won a second presidential term

This is the President who takes decisions on Palestine-Israel conflict and world affairs!
He is shitting in his pants.
That's karma in this world.
But the real thing he is going to taste will be in the next world.
Israeli forces targeted children while they slept at the UNRWA school in Gaza’s Al-Nusairat…The bloodstained ground is left to haunt the displaced refugees… they must remain at the school as there is no safe haven in Gaza…

Barbaric. even Spain has joined....more nations will join eventually..

True that we live in the jungle where the strong govern.. but things can change with time.. a lion can dominate for a while but a time comes where he is challenged and even defeated..

It is said that a lion is always defeated by another lion who then rules the pride kills the cubs and mates the females, never by a jackal. Do Muslims have that sort of will? Definitely, not, at this juncture.

I would suggest watching the documentary Brothers in Blood: The Lions of Sabi Sand; it's a 16-year documentary summarizing the Mapogo Coalition of Lions (5 lion brothers), how they united in confronting threats and expanding killing more than over 100 lions and cubs within a year, and when the split happened, how others took them out.

One can learn a lot from animals. Their behavior, their strategies, and their responses to change can provide valuable insights into our own potential for change.

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