Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

In Plato's book "Republic," a character named Thrasymachus presents the idea that "Justice is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger." This means that those in power, the ruling class, create rules to benefit themselves and use various forms of power to enforce them. Therefore, justice is not about fairness but about control and governance by the ruling class. They establish these rules to provide a sense of justice to the weak and keep them in check.

The "global south" seeks justice from the stronger, who set the rules to their advantage. A prudent mind should look at the past year and compare conflicts. The Russians did not inflict nearly as much damage on infrastructure or collective punishment on the civilian population as the Israelis did on the Palestinians. However, the West, which established the system, calls for the arrest of Putin. In the last 10 years, no more than 15,000 civilians have been killed, whereas in the last 7 months, over 35,000 civilians have been killed. The amount of ordinance dropped on Gaza matches what U.S. and coalition forces dropped in Afghanistan in one year.

This stark contrast and selective justice makes the point that those seeking justice mute when they have no stronger will than the strongest to enforce it within the system.

Just imagine if the Nazis had won in Europe. They would have likely held trials against the Allied forces and executed those involved, as they were the stronger power. They would have also made laws to benefit themselves.

I've been saying from the start that relying on those who have set up the system to achieve justice, whether through the courts or negotiations, is foolish unless you have the power to enforce rules and control. This often leads to more injustice for the victim, as history has shown. Sitting with the ruling elite to negotiate has also eroded more power and advantage, as it would do more damage to them if you followed an alternative path that does not conform to their rules.

@Fatman17 @RescueRanger @mulj @GoMig-21

@RescueRanger wanted to bring this to your attention as well.
Wonder why it looks like it's exploding before it hits the target. Is this just the camera going out of sync?

That's because there's a camera-to-feed delay. The projectile is moving faster than the film is able to capture & feed the imagery back to station. So by the time whatever being filmed is processed, fed back to whichever base is receiving it and recording it, the impact has already happened, so it misses capturing that bit of delay time in between.

Very common problem, especially with Russian stuff you see that mostly like so many of the FPV drones in Ukraine. Same thing but a little less of a delay than this. The extent of that delay varies depending on manufacturer and speed of signal connections.
Hezbollah seems like in recent weeks that it has won the "escalation ladder" with the terrorist entity.

It is picking off Zionist military assets and terrorists at will.

Now it also has the easy option of setting fire to huge swathes of forests in Northern Palestine as an additional detterent to attempts to commit crimes against Lebanese civilians.

Zionist terrorists are also being picked off by Hamas in Gaza and are only able to kill civilians in retaliation.
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