Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Whether someone likes it or not, Hamas is the symbol of resistance in Gaza. Israel wants to humiliate them by killing thousands in their name, so they would have to back down. As a result the spirit of resistance in Gazans would be adversely affected. This is the Israeli goal.
Whether someone likes it or not, Hamas is the symbol of resistance in Gaza. Israel wants to humiliate them by killing thousands in their name, so they would have to back down. As a result the spirit of resistance in Gazans would be adversely affected. This is the Israeli goal.

Bolded part: There is no question about it. However, it is not just Hamas. There are other resistance groups like PIJ who are also actively fighting and sacrificing in Gaza and, I dare say, most of the Gazans and the West Bank Palestinians are behind the fighters in Gaza. As despicable as the Israel UN Ambassador's speech in the UN was, where he shredded the UN Charter, he spoke one truth: Hamas would win any elections in the West Bank, too.
Whether someone likes it or not, Hamas is the symbol of resistance in Gaza. Israel wants to humiliate them by killing thousands in their name, so they would have to back down. As a result the spirit of resistance in Gazans would be adversely affected. This is the Israeli goal.

Absolutely, RESISTANCE is a natural human right

Hamas is the resistance whether anyone likes it or not,

The Jews have miscalculated, they think if they kill and murder enough that they will snuff out the resistance, that's a mistake, the resistance is a seed and they are making it stronger then ever

Long live the resistance

US ‘strongly condemns’ Palestinian journalist attack in Israel​


The US has weighed in on disturbing footage of Israeli right-wing activists attacking a Palestinian journalist during Jerusalem Day marches in East Jerusalem.

The footage began circulating late Tuesday, and on Wednesday the Biden administration expressed their shock and called for those responsible to be prosecuted.
The US has weighed in on disturbing footage of Israeli right-wing activists attacking a Palestinian journalist during Jerusalem Day marches in East Jerusalem.

Don't trust word from a govt which is bought and paid for by the Zionists. Whatever the Americans might say about this conflict is driven by the need to keep the 'appearances' of 'freedom and democracy', and for the 'Historical' records, and to evade any culpability in case of the UN Courts.
It is as simple as that!!
Whether someone likes it or not, Hamas is the symbol of resistance in Gaza. Israel wants to humiliate them by killing thousands in their name, so they would have to back down. As a result the spirit of resistance in Gazans would be adversely affected. This is the Israeli goal.
Just received a confirmation my Quran is in the mail.

A victim of good old fashioned white ex piggy beating me yesterday. Bonded out this morning.

My index finger accidentally touched his chest while he was punching me in the face.

Filled out an affidavit to have the ex piggy charged. Not holding my breath.

This is the kind of white supremacy that gets all of us, even a white older gentleman like me.

Ex piggy is respected at the local church. I am now more serious in taking up Islam.

Asked an elder if I could join in on tomorrow's protest for Palestine. He told me not to, telling me someone will likely shoot me.

America the free, hu-rah! s/
Wrote this while getting creative with Zionists and Mossad on Twitter War...

"Out with your sister doing shots
Tipsy her tells me I'm hot
I see her naked my shlong rots
TelAviv will become a parking lot"
Don't trust word from a govt which is bought and paid for by the Zionists. Whatever the Americans might say about this conflict is driven by the need to keep the 'appearances' of 'freedom and democracy', and for the 'Historical' records, and to evade any culpability in case of the UN Courts.
It is as simple as that!!

So they "strongly condemn" an assualt on a journalist but nothing to say about the over 100 that were bombed to death in Gaza by the Zionist entity?

I think there will be no escape from UN courts for the US/UK/Germany/Indian officials as those countries have not only provided diplomatic support but the very arms that were used to slaughter 10s of thousands of civilians in Gaza.

Their direct arming of the entity is on record and cannot be denied, even after the ICJ ruled that there was a plausible case for genocide back in January.
My index finger accidentally touched his chest while he was punching me in the face.

LOL!!! Gaddam pigs! They're the original jackboot thug pigs BTW. Sorry I don't mean to laugh at what was probably a really shitty situation, hell pigs can ruin your life in an instant, but the way you described that whole thing is friggin hilaaaaaaarrriousss llllmmmmffffaaaaoooo!

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