HAL LCA Tejas: Updates, News & Discussions

Again, it is not the point, where these studies were done but who made the original concept and this was a Saab design tested in the US. The Tejas’ initial concepts - similar to the Druhv - however was not an Indian design.

If not in Gripen, Swedes had to hire several foreigners in developing Draken and Viggen.

Does this make it less Swede?
Dont talk without prof, show the credible link and not Indian generated media
Please do your own research, you want other to spoon feed you after using such sarcastic tone. Find someone else.
Please do your own research, you want other to spoon feed you after using such sarcastic tone. Find someone else.
You are the one that needs to improve your logic, testing design in USA is not the same as being design by US. It does need help from US for testing it, the same like Anka UCAV where the wind tunnel test is done in Indonesia, using Indonesian wind tunnel engineer experts since 2008, but we never say Anka is designed by Indonesians.

This is the one capability that is absolutely essential. The fact that it is LSP-8 (KH2018) prototype that is testing the Elta El-8222WB SPJ means that it will be ported on to the existing 2 squadrons of Tejas Mk1, apart from the Tejas Mk1A.
I never said it was a JV - this is indeed a major difference to the Thunder - but the early concepts, almost all aerodynamic work was done outside by German at first and later French design teams, it uses such an amount of foreign content. It can barely be called a totally indigenously developed type.

Germans?! What on earth are you even talking about? MBB offered a design which wasn't chosen, in fact BAe offered P106B as well which eventually went on to become the baseline for the Gripen (so much for Saab doing indigenous design on it's own!).


Dassault was a consultant, it trained nearly 500 HAL engineers on CATIA which was being developed by Dassault back then. The studies for the configuration were done jointly by HAL engineers and Dassault consultants.
Where? don't lie

This is pretty common knowledge, that a large percentage of the Gripen is built outside Sweden. It makes sense! Why should they try to build everything in Sweden when suppliers for the various components exist in Europe and US?

You are the one that needs to improve your logic, testing design in USA is not the same as being design by US. It does need help from US for testing it, the same like Anka UCAV where the wind tunnel test is done in Indonesia, using Indonesian wind tunnel engineer experts since 2008, but we never say Anka is designed by Indonesians.
He is really trying so hard to fit into it.
Germans?! What on earth are you even talking about? MBB offered a design which wasn't chosen, in fact BAe offered P106B as well which eventually went on to become the baseline for the Gripen (so much for Saab doing indigenous design on it's own!).


Dassault was a consultant, it trained nearly 500 HAL engineers on CATIA which was being developed by Dassault back then. The studies for the configuration were done jointly by HAL engineers and Dassault consultants.
Even the CFD studies were done by NASA

But according to enlightened people here , CFD studies are not part of designing.

What a joke these people have become, and it’s simple hatredness, even more than some Pakistanis.
Teja is a disastrous project. Its only use will be as a stepping stone to Amca/general development of the indian aeronautical ecosystem. India should just cancel teja project including mk2 and exclusively work on Amca and tedbf and indigenous engine tech.
The Mk2 is not just an upgraded version of the Mk1; it’s laying the groundwork for the AMCA. Nearly 70% of the systems between the Tejas Mk2 and AMCA will be common, including the avionics, flight control systems, indigenous actuators, larger brakes, and even the accessory gearbox. So, by developing the Tejas Mk2, India is already testing out crucial systems that will go into AMCA. Think of the Mk2 as a “proving ground” for AMCA tech. Tejas Mk1A is already benefiting from systems that are destined for the Mk2, like the new Digital Flight Control Computer.

If you cut off the Mk2 now, you're throwing away an essential platform that is de-risking AMCA's development. AMCA will benefit directly from the Tejas Mk2's supply chain, which is essential for India’s aerospace industry to mature. Having that stable supply chain in place through Mk2 will make the AMCA build program smoother and faster.
I never said it was a JV - this is indeed a major difference to the Thunder - but the early concepts, almost all aerodynamic work was done outside by German at first and later French design teams, it uses such an amount of foreign content. It can barely be called a totally indigenously developed type.
The important thing is that indigenization happens over time. As the program matures, local industries master key technologies, develop their own supply chains, and reduce reliance on foreign content. That’s exactly what’s happening here. It’s not fair to dismiss the progress just because of foreign involvement at the start. The real measure of success is how much a country can internalize and improve as it moves forward—and that’s already happening.
The important thing is that indigenization happens over time. As the program matures, local industries master key technologies, develop their own supply chains, and reduce reliance on foreign content. That’s exactly what’s happening here. It’s not fair to dismiss the progress just because of foreign involvement at the start. The real measure of success is how much a country can internalize and improve as it moves forward—and that’s already happening.

That‘s for sure … but as you say, it is a process in the making and not yet a done deal. Therefore any such overhyped claims from certain fan-boys the Tejas is better than XYZ and „surely Brazil“ will purchase them is IMO a bit overoptimistic if not just plain ridicolous.

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