Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Once, I met an Israeli for the first time, who was originally from Poland. I asked him a simple question: "Why did you move there, knowing that the land has been embroiled in conflict for centuries? Christians, Muslims, and Jews have fought over it since the Christians expelled the Jews centuries ago. This land has never found lasting peace. If you bring your children there, aren’t you, in a way, contributing to the cycle of violence, providing human fuel for a never-ending war?" He had no real answer, except the typical reply: "We are the chosen people." Ironically, he was a white European.
Real answer was "I have no money for another thing", but that would be embarrasing.

Jews with money go to USA.

Israel is a mortal trap.
We are going to see weeks if not months of bombing of Southern Lebanon and if Hezbollah ups the ante with anything more that few rockets being fired at Northern Israel then Beirut will be targeted. With upcoming winter I don't think IDF will launch a ground invasion yet. Israel will surely go for the final solution against Hamas and Hezbollah.
We are going to see weeks if not months of bombing of Southern Lebanon and if Hezbollah ups the ante with anything more that few rockets being fired at Northern Israel then Beirut will be targeted. With upcoming winter I don't think IDF will launch a ground invasion yet. Israel will surely go for the final solution against Hamas and Hezbollah.
IDF can't

That's because Hezbollah can target Israeli infrastructure cities etc and Israel can't really stop it
A.D is not sufficient

Hezbollah is a irregular militia, while Israel is a state military

Iran has supplied and set up these militias to constantly harass Israel and keep it in conflict

Hezbollah as the irregular force may allow or soak up punishment, but it has its own redlines where it can then seek to cause major damage to Israeli infrastructure

Israel being a tiny state without any depth, makes the situation worse for Israel

Everyone gets stuck, until Palestine has got freedom
And international law and groups will hound Israel across the world
IDF can't

That's because Hezbollah can target Israeli infrastructure cities etc and Israel can't really stop it
A.D is not sufficient

Hezbollah is a irregular militia, while Israel is a state military

Iran has supplied and set up these militias to constantly harass Israel and keep it in conflict

Hezbollah as the irregular force may allow or soak up punishment, but it has its own redlines where it can then seek to cause major damage to Israeli infrastructure

Israel being a tiny state without any depth, makes the situation worse for Israel

Everyone gets stuck, until Palestine has got freedom
And international law and groups will hound Israel across the world

Yes Hezbollah can target Israeli infrastructure, so why haven't they yet? B'coz if they do Israel can flatten Beirut
More than 300 airstrikes have been recorded in the last 24 hours.
It's not a so new thing, China recommends dont go to Israel since months ago.

The last note:

At present, the relevant security reminder is still "Remind Chinese citizens not to go to Israel for the time being". Chinese citizens in Israel are requested to return to China or move to safe areas as soon as possible according to relevant requirements. Those who really need to stay in Israel should pay attention to local safety tips in a timely manner, insist on not going out unless necessary, avoid going to high-risk areas and sensitive areas such as the north, keep in touch, and ensure safety. In case of emergency, please call the police in time and contact the Chinese Embassy in Israel.

Months ago:

At present, the relevant safety reminder is still "Remind Chinese citizens not to go to Israel for the time being". Chinese citizens in Israel must attach great importance to their own safety. Those who really need to stay in Israel should insist on not going out unless necessary, avoid going to high-risk areas and sensitive areas such as the north, pay attention to the surrounding movements,

And so on, a lot of warnings.

Israel is not a safe zone, it's not new.
Yes Hezbollah can target Israeli infrastructure, so why haven't they yet? B'coz if they do Israel can flatten Beirut

So both sides are in a face off

If Israel invades then Hezbollah ups the ante,

If Israel hits Lebanese infrastructure then Hezbollah hits Israeli infrastructure

Both sides thus far are to some extent not trying to target civilians openly like Israel did in Gaza

Now Hezbollah may take pain, but this in its own won't destroy it and Israel gets stuck with constant resistance groups being built around it

At the same time trying to stop multiple nations and organizations demanding a free Palestinian state
Even the GCC Arabs and Egypt and Jordan in the aftermath will say, ok now let's create a Palestinian state AS PER INTERNATIONAL LAW and U.N resolutions

In the long term it's demographics destroying Israel and not anything else
You would hope so, but the Arab states have displayed a special kind of cockroach behaviour, so you wouldn't put it past them to continue with crap like the Abraham accords or doing business with Israel

Scum is scum

The impact of this War would draw more into the conflict than just those mentioned. treaties exist that bind nations together in mutual protection. Such a conflict Lebanon vs Zionists could lead others in to it.
It's not even the opinion of whole massmedia, but the opinion of one Chinese journalist.

Definition of terrorism depends of the weapons used or depend of the target?

Attack enemy fighters in a war, without collateral damage, it's stupid call that terrorism.

Terrorism is kill civilians deliberately, even if it's done with "official" classic weapons.
No. Terrorism is the use of violence, physical or psychological, through widespread attacks, in order to instill fear and panic, and thus achieve psychological effects that go far beyond the circle of victims, including the rest of the population.

The pager attack is a classic example of terrorism.

In the view of many authors, the term “terrorism” emerged during the French Revolution and over the years it has been modified and new forms and tactics have emerged, also linked to new motives and reasons that define them. Briefly, it is defined that after the emergence of the term, in 1850, terrorist actions were linked to anarchist movements – “Propaganda by action” -; in 1930, State Terrorism emerged, defined as practices of mass oppression employed by authoritarian governments; from 1940 onwards, Revolutionary Terrorism, linked to anti-colonialist movements, and later with a separatist nature; in 1979, Radical Islamic Terrorism emerged; and in the 1990s, narco-terrorism and the gray area phenomenon emerged.
No. Terrorism is the use of violence, physical or psychological, through widespread attacks, in order to instill fear and panic, and thus achieve psychological effects that go far beyond the circle of victims, including the rest of the population.

The pager attack is a classic example of terrorism.

In the view of many authors, the term “terrorism” emerged during the French Revolution and over the years it has been modified and new forms and tactics have emerged, also linked to new motives and reasons that define them. Briefly, it is defined that after the emergence of the term, in 1850, terrorist actions were linked to anarchist movements – “Propaganda by action” -; in 1930, State Terrorism emerged, defined as practices of mass oppression employed by authoritarian governments; from 1940 onwards, Revolutionary Terrorism, linked to anti-colonialist movements, and later with a separatist nature; in 1979, Radical Islamic Terrorism emerged; and in the 1990s, narco-terrorism and the gray area phenomenon emerged.
With that definition all wars are terrorism.

Common people understand terrorism means attack civilians, especially women and kids.

So use the word you want, who cares.

But pagers attack was accurated planned against Hezbollah fighters, it was not against Lebanese peaceful civilians.

That is what matters.

Nobody sane wants to work attacking innocent people.
Hezbollah needs to withdraw from this war now !

Their comms is compromise and the leadership has been taken out

Live to fight another day and another to time

Supply depos are gone and the ammunition is low

Hezbollah must agree to a ceasefire

And rebuild and regroup otherwise they will be gone

I know this is not what people want to hear but it is what it is unfortunately

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