Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

No, @Indos strategy will not work in case of Israel-Palestine conflict. Israeli Jews are not stupid enough to let a growing Arab population in Palestine to threaten the Jews. Segments of the Israeli Jews are over-breeding to compete against the growing Arab population; they are also actively displacing Palestinians from settled areas of the West Bank; they are funding and encouraging immigration to Israel; they are also grabbing more and more land in East Jerusalem. The idea is to make the Palestinian lives so miserable that they would emigrate--as hundreds of thousands have--and the remaining ones would be reduced to boot-polishers at best. It is an active and vicious nation-killing plan, where 'Palestine' is a fiction and subjugation is 'normalized'.

Saudi(KSA) was about to normalise and the entity was carrying out rampant stealing and killings in the West Bank before October 7th in 2023.

That was probably the final straw that made Hamas decide that they had to roll the dice with their attack on October the 7th.

Even if the balance of power eventually changes, once all the surrounding countries normalise and trade ties are well established, then it may prove to be an almost impossible task to afterwards uproot the entity from the region then.

Make no mistake there is absolutely no peace with any silly "two state solution" as there can be nothing less than full Palestinian sovereignty from the river to the sea. It is up to Palestinians how many of the post WW1 settlers they allow to remain in their own land.
Congratulations to the IDF for rescuing four living hostages. All, I believe, taken as civilians at a music festival on October 7, 2023. Condolences to the IDF for one of their policemen losing his life in the operation. The deaths of many Palestinians shows the depravity of Hamas using them as "shields" to prevent the IDF from rescue attempts without causing such unintended deaths. It is obvious that Hamas wants Palestinian deaths for the publicity it garners. The concept of "martyrdom" of such Palestinians is sick, twisted and evil.
Depravity of the oppressor!
Depravity of one providing ammo and fuel to the occupation!
Depravity of the one egging them on!
Depravity of the cheerleaders!
Depravity of the bought and compromised.

Back to the occupied!

Shouldering the weight of the world. Standing on their own two feet... with no sponsors but volunteers!

The feather in the cap... of a fleeting existence. An occupation on borrowed time. Cheer on cause no one cared!
Judgment Day? That's too far off. The idiotic complicit Arab countries and regional countries like Turkey should know that Israel is a veritable colonial dagger into their hearts!!
It will balance out... it always does...

These politics are mere play. Same dirt meets all... some wait longer but still eat from/of their act(s).

Zion has no future and they know it... there is an urgency and hand wringing... they "believe" they can force the clock... rearrange the board... make nature play pretend.

Let them!
Jews are murdering innocent people all around the world and threatening to rape their children. Jews are officially terrorists and will be seen as such and must be recognized as such.

Media won't cover this Jewish terrorism, and will keep trying to make them out to be innocent poodles.

Don't equate jews with zionists.

Muslims have had it done to us too many times for us to be comfortable doing it to others. It's hypocrisy.
International law is a farce and a false construct. Because the Jewish lobby ravaged it and will deregulate conflicts if it's in their interest. Jews are showing their true ugly racist and violent character. Ofc, they're gonna start crying and trying to force Europe to fight Arabs and Muslims to save them when they face justice. Which will not happen and won't work. Just remember, when the Arabs and Muslims lay the smackdown on the Jews, they had it coming. Don't cry about it.

In fact Hamas and intifadas bring suffering to Palestinian, because the liberty they want from river to the sea is destruction of other sovereign country (Israel).
Like people in North Korea, they have to support their own leader (Hamas) instead of against them because of being afraid of persecution.

Anton stop!

A fictitious monster of last century has no sovereignty...

But I let you agonize! That anguish comes from you belly... one seeing its demise.

But I cannot wish away Palestinian suffering... the pretenders be damned!
Don't equate jews with zionists.

Muslims have had it done to us too many times for us to be comfortable doing it to others. It's hypocrisy.
Zionists is not a thing. It's a term made up the Jewish lobby. It's Jewish fundamentalism. Just like there is Islamic fundamentalism. This is the face of Jewish fundamentalism. And you should correct identity as such. Instead of letting them off the hook.
You think aipax is run by Jews? It's not. It's run by Dominionist christian cultists.
It's most certainly run by Jews. Christians in America are not practicing nor religious. They might seem slightly more conservative than Europeans, and hence get labelled as a religious society. It is not a religious society. It's highly secular. It's Jewish fundamentalism which drives these policies.

Christians in America hardly practice and don't even believe in most of religion. It's a projection of Jewish fundamentalism onto American Christians. To pin blame on American Christians that have no such aspirations. Once Jewish fundamentalism took over the church, is when this Israel worship culture began.

A prehistoric creature of conjecture... a blip in time while many more existed and lasted far longer.
Zion came to die at it pyre... designed and curated and chose Palestine.
The only fault of the Palestinians and their only crime was and is they exist!

They will! And the pretender will perish.
I just hate a bystander with an opinion. WATCH THE SHOW AND MOVE ALONG!

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