Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Show us the satellite images. Everything that has been published so far is blurry and from a far distance and suspicious. This shows that they wanted to hide something.
if you say there is damage you should show us the proof

Hezbollah can recruit and replace this # of fighters in over a shorter period of time.
you cannot replace 1,500 trained fighters with 1,500 new people. you cannot train them in Lebanon right now and there is no time for that either.

but you can dip into reserves
After today speech of superem leader there is no excuses for not going to Lebanon for jihad by people who promote it and call Iran government dovish that include stability cult ring leaders and their bots. 1000041522.jpg

The path to martyrdom opened after 36 years
After today speech of superem leader there is no excuses for not going to Lebanon for jihad by people who promote it and call Iran government dovish that include stability cult ring leaders and their bots. View attachment 67167

The path to martyrdom opened after 36 years
Why you think that Iranians are afraid of war?

If there is a war, you will see waves of volunteers lining up to participate in the war.

War is near now. It just needs a spark.
Hamas ambushes Israeli Merkava and military bulldozers in Rafah

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 17.36.08.pngScreenshot 2024-09-25 at 17.35.58.pngScreenshot 2024-09-25 at 17.36.26.pngScreenshot 2024-09-25 at 17.36.38.pngScreenshot 2024-09-25 at 17.37.01.pngScreenshot 2024-09-25 at 17.37.10.png

Quite impressive: surveillance, planning by anticipating the route of the IDF mechanised division (2 days in advance), getting into close proximity without being detected, and scoring direct hits (each recorded from two angles). @Falcon29

Israel claimed the Rafah brigade of Hamas was "destroyed" a few days ago.

If only they had modern ATGM instead of RPGs.

Blurred faces = the fighters completed this operation and survived. Just two chads taking out MBTs and military bulldozers then withdrawing to safety.
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US and NATO used ISIS and HTS and other Sunni extremist proxies to incinerate Hezbollah in Syria and that plan failed and Hezbollah only grew and became a larger and more professional (and professionally armed) militia. I guess you're one of the people @Flames In The Desert was talking about on this thread that are defeated already even after only a few days or weeks or war. lol. You're obviously underestimating or misunderstanding Hezbollah's capabilities.
I literally made no statement, in fact, if you didn't know how to interpret my comment correctly, you will implicitly see that Israel will not and cannot eliminate Hezbollah, but weakening it is a capability that is within Israel's limits, now it depends on the military strategy whether it will be successful, which I clearly do not give an opinion on because there are many factors to consider. Furthermore, calling me a defeatist is not an offense to me, because I am not even connected to the war, except for my personal interest in geopolitics and defense, but certainly here in Brazil many are connected because we have a large Lebanese population and millions of descendants of Lebanese - some sources indicate that these descendants even exceed the population of Lebanon itself.
depleting Iron Dome and depleting David's Sling and Arrow are two different questions

it will be difficult to do both.

Iron Dome is easier as Israel only has c. 800 interceptors deployed at any one time but Hezbollah has not fired more than 300 rockets per day so far.

Hezbollah hopefully has large quantities of Zelzal rockets (pre-war reports suggested in the thousands) that it should use to deplete David's Sling interceptors before using more advanced precision SRBMs

but it has to use these while it still can ...
A few days ago I read about the displacement of more AD to the north, probably Iron Dome, it seems that they took a reinforced posture in defenses before and after the start of the attacks on Lebanon.
A few days ago I read about the displacement of more AD to the north, probably Iron Dome, it seems that they took a reinforced posture in defenses before and after the start of the attacks on Lebanon.
Israel withdrew most forces from Gaza and rate of bombings there is very low (relatively) now. I expect to see resurgence of Palestinian resistance in coming months. If they can restore some rocket capability then Israel will need to reposition Iron Dome batteries. And additional stress from Iraq/Syria can help too.

But even with full arsenal of 10-12 batteries in the north, that is c. 600-800 interceptors deployed at once. each battery is likely assigned a specific territory to protect, meaning they can be localised and overrun with targeted barrages. in recent days Hezbollah has increased pace of rocket fire to c. 400 per day. if they can increase it a bit more and focus on a few areas, I would expect to see visible strain in Israeli defences within a few weeks.

Of course, Israel will aim to degrade Hezbollah's rocket capabilities before their own defences are depleted. So it's a tough battle.

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