SC rebukes ‘misconceived’ ECP clarification request, orders immediate implentation of reserved seats verdict

Supreme court need to file contempt of case against Sharabi face ECP Sikandar

Send KPK police to go arrest that Sharabi/Druggie ECP
Lo sir lo, jaldi na karo.

Not me, but two brother judges of the same bench (i.e., Justice Aminuddin Khan and Justice Naeem Akhtar Afghan) have already pointed out those articles and sections.

Their dissenting note said for creating and carving out relief for the PTI, the SC would have to travel beyond the jurisdiction conferred by Articles 175 and 185 of the Constitution and would also have to suspend Articles 51, 106 and 63 of the Constitution and Section 104 of the Elections Act, 2017 along with the relevant rules.

"We would also have to insert instead of Articles 51, 106 and Section 104. Such articles and sections therein in substitution and in consonance with the relief granted through the majority judgment.

"Previously there was a term used which was 'reading in to the Constitution' or 'reading down the Constitution' but now a new phrase has been introduced that of "inserting new Articles in consonance with the relief to be granted in the peculiar circumstances of the case" in the Constitution."

That is, the unasked-for relief was given to PTI under Article 187, clause 1 at the cost of all those articles and sections.

As I said before, the matter of fact is that Article 187 of the Constitution of Pakistan cannot be used by a court to subvert other constitutional articles in the name of providing complete justice (what these dishonest and politicized judges call 'other technicalities').

Hey man, I don’t mind you having intellectual or political differences but refrain from name calling and getting personal. That ‘charsi khota’ has done more for pakistan from an international prestige perspective, than others. Nobody will remember certain chiefs or politicians or judges but remember the man you’re calling a ‘charsi khota’. I implore you not to get riled up and get personal after this post, because you sometimes sound like Azma B and Atta T. If you have further issues with my comments then let’s sit down virtually or man to man and come to some understanding.
this ‘Qazi’ is compromised, he is doing the exact same and even on steroids what he used to accuse his predecessor of, if he is doing this because of a mere lack extension, then I would not even spit on his grave. Judges, bureaucrats, police officers and politicians need to understand what is greater then them ‘selves’ or the country as a whole. I don’t remember the playboy, Jewish agent and taliban agent leaving the country but I do remember ‘sons of the soil’ leaving the ‘soil’’ at the first opportunity that they got and the rest medical issues.
Now Qazis fellow judges and one of his successors is asking the same what ‘Qazi’ used to ask of his predecessor if they are hypocrites, then pray, tell me what does that make Qazi? The highest judge of the land. Poor fellow doesn’t even realize that being desperate for extension and bringing personal matters in an issue when he occupiers the chief legal office rank of the entire country is only going to harm him. That being said I don’t think majority of them ever do.
@mythbuster tagging you here as well dear sir, read somewhere that you do realize that PDM is compromised and the saviour of pakistan is using them as pawns to make necessary changes, so are we under an artificial martial law? And if we are why not make it official and end this sham and make official for all? And try something this country has tried 3 times in the past officially?
Election Commissioner status is that of Peon (Chaprasi) in front of Supreme court verdit

Sharibi ECP should stay within his Peon Auqat

Someone should tell the SHARABI ECP , drink less alcohol the face will appear less swollen
View attachment 67086
Editorial: The judiciary has, for all practical purposes, been rendered defunct.

Read the full editorial:

Nice! These libturds in Dawn were very giddy when IK government was removed in a conspiracy and attack on democracy was celebrated then! In their hatred of IK , every one of them has done one thing very consistently, which is to let these rats in GHQ encroach in their domain. Be it Judiciary, bureaucracy, or media. Everyone of them have let their their pants down to GHQ , just because of their hatred of one man, IK. This is the same Judiciary which opened at midnight to ensure the GHQ led removal of IK goes according to plan. Now chickens are coming home to roost.
Well, I hate to shatter your illusion, but those objections have been thoroughly addressed and decisively dismissed in the detailed judgment—if only one takes the time to read it:

Kindly read through this, and if you find any part unclear, feel free to reach out. We can discuss any questions you may have.
Don’t try to run away!
You asked for the clauses which were subverted, suspended, or overstepped by these eight judges. I provided you with a few of those clauses. Now you tell us how the eight judges have responded to the rather grave indirect charges by their peer judges. What I found in their detailed judgement is only the disgraceful person attacks by naming the two judges.

Tell us how the eight judges have proved that they have not subverted, suspended, and overstepped the legal/constitutional clauses they were indirectly accused of.

Again, don’t run away. If you expect a meaningful response from me, then so do I from you. In fact, I will ask you more than this. But let’s first see what you come up with.
Hey man, I don’t mind you having intellectual or political differences but refrain from name calling and getting personal. That ‘charsi khota’ has done more for pakistan from an international prestige perspective, than others. Nobody will remember certain chiefs or politicians or judges but remember the man you’re calling a ‘charsi khota’. I implore you not to get riled up and get personal after this post, because you sometimes sound like Azma B and Atta T. If you have further issues with my comments then let’s sit down virtually or man to man and come to some understanding.
The only 'international prestige' that the charsi khota has earned is the hue and cry by the disgraced Zionist war criminals who are dying for their asset and calling upon their allies to do everything to get their mole out of Pakistani jail.

Tell me any 'international prestige' that he brought to Pakistan. To the contrary, he pushed Pakistan into a worst kind of international isolation in his disastrous four years of rule. On top of that, he got a package from the IMF on really bad terms/conditions and then rogue on that deal. As a result Pakistan slipped onto the brink of default on its payments.

Tell me one thing; if the military picked a shit from the trash, built a magical aura for him, installed him as the PM, and then turned dead against him (after recognizing his shitself). There must be some reason for that. Did you ever think of that?
Joke of the century this Sharabi ECP went to Azerbaijan to advice them on their election
Nice! These libturds in Dawn were very giddy when IK government was removed in a conspiracy and attack on democracy was celebrated then! In their hatred of IK , every one of them has done one thing very consistently, which is to let these rats in GHQ encroach in their domain. Be it Judiciary, bureaucracy, or media. Everyone of them have let their their pants down to GHQ , just because of their hatred of one man, IK. This is the same Judiciary which opened at midnight to ensure the GHQ led removal of IK goes according to plan. Now chickens are coming home to roost.
They wouldn't care in the least. Khooni liberals all have a singular agenda, i.e. colonial servitude under either Western bloc or their latest masters the hindutva forces in India. The jamedar force is leading them there and they are all too happy to follow. IK stood in the way with this religious orientation and anti colonial stance and so he was opposed. They never cared for democracy, tolerance or even liberalism. In the yesteryears they were all on board the fascist communist band wagon and from there seamlessly jumped onto the neo-liberal colonial order pushed by the western powers.
Roshan Khiyal News papers of Pakistan
and Sharabi ECP of Pakistan , face swollen with Alcoholism

Sharabi confused about order from Supreme court thinks he is above the law

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