Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I honestly don't believe for a second that hamas has been degraded in any notable way, the claim of hamas having large amounts of brigades and battalions be combat ineffective is also a questionable claim.

So far we've seen zero evidence of Israeli claims, and that's all Israeli claims

With 22,000 dead, out of which 12,000 are confirmed civilians, that leaves 10,000 potential hamas operatives. If we assume that 20% of that 10,000 are also civilians (which is a conservative figure), that leaves 8,000 potential hamas operatives dead. (I personally think it's between 1,000 to 2,000 hamas KIA. I also think Israel is hiding its casualties and their KIA is likely roughly 1,000 to 1,500, with thousands more permanently injured or disabled)

We know Hamas had between 30,000 to 50,000 pre-war fighters. They likely mobilized far more, pushing their numbers closer to 70,000 to 80,000.

Even if we take 30,000 Hamas manpower, and assume 10,000 died, for Hamas being an asymmetrical force this isn't that big of a loss, we've seen militant organizations maintain their numbers despite losing tens of thousands, such as the taliban who only grew in number, despite suffering 30,000 dead during the war in afghanistan.

What I personally believe is that roughly close to 2000 hamas operative died, and they had increased their numbers to roughly 70,000 post war through mobilization. That means instead of the 33% loss, it's likely between 2.8% (if 70,000), or 6.7% (if 30,000) in degradation, if we assume 2,000 hamas operatives have died since the beginning of the war. The fact that hamas has been able to continuously large scale launch rocket attacks into Israel, and constantly launch ambushes and release a bunch of videos showing successful operations shows that the claim of over 33% loss to Hamas is simply unrealistic.

A good exercise Sir but only as robust as the sources of the estimated numbers.
Not much even the Lebanese Army can do against Hezbollah. "Power flows from the barrel of a gun".

I can understand why people wanting peace but if there is any force preventing Israel from taking up the fertile land with plenty of water up to the Litani River it is Hezbollah. Israelis, like the NAZIS, have a dream of a 'Lebensraum' and water/fertile land is CRITICAL to attract millions of Jews into Israel. I saw an Israeli blogger saying up to 50 million Jews can be accommodated if Israel takes fertile land around its borders.
Never underestimate the colonial nature of Israel!! They are mostly of European extraction and colonialism is in their blood!!
So the world is sacrificing 2 million Palestinians if they can get rid of 50 million Jews from their territory. Deep thinking by some.
Are conflicts resolved by global consensus or majorities? Since when?
Yes, but USA vetos all or any UNSC resolution against Israel.

I think two state solution and make Jerusalem an international city.
And no thinking by the Arab neighbors?
They definitely will have greater Israel after looking at the Arab apathy, they remind me of dears in the headlight, just frozen in panic. Time for Pakistan to send some Generals and ISI Chief to guide them.
Palestinains need to start digging underground shelters , protecting their people should be their number one priority.
They definitely will have greater Israel after looking at the Arab apathy, they remind me of dears in the headlight, just frozen in panic. Time for Pakistan to send some Generals and ISI Chief to guide them.
Yes, but Arab Muslims should support Pakistan on the Kashmir dispute as well.
Dear Israelis, even your children and women will not be spared, you better kill all Muslims. And if you are thinking about running to unknown countries then even there you will not be spared. You have taken things to that level.
Calm the **** down.

No need to threaten civilians, which is forbidden in Islam.
Dear Israelis, even your children and women will not be spared, you better kill all Muslims. And if you are thinking about running to unknown countries then even there you will not be spared. You have taken things to that level.

Relax bro. Muslims are not like Zionists. We believe in submitting to Allah and Allah forbids killing of innocents.
Lets ask some logical questions,

1) hamas wanted max damage at the fesitival in minimum possible time ?
2) do we believe that Hamas had time to burn bodies using flammable material ?
3) if so did they use the use flamethrower in other gaza conflicts?
4) who else has such weapons to burn people beyond recognition, whoelse was operating in Festival theater?

Think before you come up with rhetorical statements.

As I said I have no intention to argue , only to provide reasonable sources and let people decide the truth for themselves.

But a testemony of an invented sister that doest not exist , is not a source.

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