Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Another numbnut with a meme.

Arno Schickedanz (27 December 1892[1] – 12 April 1945) was a diplomat of the German Reich who held paramount positions in both the NSDAP Office of Foreign Affairs (APA) and the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (RMfdbO).

He was the proposed ruler of the Reichskommissariat Kaukasien:


In his own words....


by Arno Schickedanz

The source: Arno Schickedanz, “Der Zionismus,” Der Schulungsbrief 3 (April 1936), pp. 149-150.

Some snippets...

The confusion of political Zionism with Palestine can be understood only through the Jewish prophecies in which Jewry is assured of control over all the goods of this world. Knowing that the time was near, and would culminate in taking possession of Palestine, Zionism developed the nonsensical notion of an “historic claim” to the “promised land,” to which Jews “without any outside pressure” would gradually emigrate.

In the ideology of political Zionism, Palestine fulfilled the role of an indispensable part of prophecy, just as certain rules are the guarantee for success in the magical ceremonies of primitive peoples. Political Zionism never intended Palestine to be the destination of all Jews, but rather it merely wants to make Palestine the center of Jewish world policy.

The Arabs are, after all, the undisputed owners of the land. But what other territory would be appropriate? And at the instant Palestine ceased to be the goal of Jewish emigration, political Zionism would collapse, since Palestine is seen as a means for the fulfillment of prophecy. Without that, the whole enterprise would lose its point.

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S.S. head Heinrich Himmler with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini in 1943.Credit: © Bettmann/CORBIS

The Himmler telegram reads:

“To Grand Mufti Amin al-Husseini:
From the outset, the National Socialist movement of Greater Germany has been a standard-bearer in the battle against world Jewry. For this reason, it is closely following the battle of freedom-seeking Arabs, particularly in Palestine, against the Jewish invaders. The shared recognition of the enemy and the joint fight against it are creating the strong base [uniting] Germany and freedom-seeking Arabs around the world. In this spirit, I am pleased to wish you, on the anniversary of the wretched Balfour Declaration, warm wishes on your continued fight until the great victory.”


Good to see, at least some Palestinians, remember who were once their friends....

OMG! Those evil Nazis using those poor animals for propaganda!

Do any of you fools know how long, and the patience needed, to feed deer like this?

At the moment, I need to find homes for five cats, four kittens. More, always coming up to me.

Local cat shelters ask me if I want to be on a waiting list.

Told them to put me on their waiting list permanently.

Ever seen an opossum? They are our best friends. Obviously, not pets. They eat upwards of 5,000 insects a night, and dispose all animal carcasses too.

Occasionally, will see one walk into my kitchen and eat from the cat food bowl.

No worries. Pick the critter up by the tail and carry him out.
Jordan King:

Today we stand at a critical turning point in human history

Our common conscience is now being tested by the catastrophe in Gaza and our very humanity is at stake

For 8 months without stopping, the people of Gaza have faced death and destruction that far exceeds any other conflict

The specter of famine looms on the horizon and psychological trauma is ever-present and its effects will remain for generations to come

Every place in Gaza is vulnerable to destruction

The military operation in #Rafah exacerbated the deteriorating situation and nearly one million Gazans were forcibly displaced.

Even those who have been displaced repeatedly in search of safety are being targeted, as there is no safe place

Humanitarian aid in Gaza cannot be subject to the political agendas of any party

The people of Gaza do not look to us for bombast and rhetoric. Rather, they want real action on the ground

Effective and comprehensive disengagement between actors on the ground is essential to ensuring the ability of relief agencies to operate

We will continue to deliver aid by air to Gaza

The land corridor is the most effective way for aid to flow into Gaza

I draw everyone's attention to the deteriorating economic, political and security situation in the West Bank

We cannot abandon #Gaza, it must be everyone's priority. History will judge us by our actions. It is a test of our humanity and sincerity

I have correct the Treasonous Midget King's Notice

Jordan King:

Today we stand at a critical turning point in human my Thrones' Future history.

Our My lack of common conscience is now being tested by the catastrophe inconvenience in Gaza and my progeny's rule rour very humanity is at stake

For 8 months without stopping, the people of Gaza have been acting like crybabies faced death and destruction that far exceeds any other conflict

The specter of famine Palestinians extended Ramadan fasting looms on the horizon and their lies psychological trauma is ever-present and its effects will remain for generations to come

Every place in Gaza should be destroyed so we can be obedient slaves of the Zionists is vulnerable to destruction

The justified Israeli military operation in #Rafah exacerbated the deteriorating situation and don't succeed in killing our bigger threat Islam and Allah's followers Hamasnearly one million Gazans that weren't forcibly displaced.

Even those who have been justly moved displaced repeatedly in search of safety shouldn't look to my pathetic military which is just there to protect me from my own bloody civilians are being targeted, as there is no safe place

Humanitarian aid in Gaza cannot be sent through my slave country subject to the political agendas of any party

The people of Gaza should only look do not look to us for bombast and rhetoric. Rather, they should forget about as bought any want real action on the ground

Only a good slave like me can say treasonous things like, "Effective and comprehensive disengagement between actors on the ground is essential to ensuring the ability of relief agencies to operate"

We will continue to deliver bombs aid by air to Gaza

The land corridor is the most effective way for total genocide of aid to flow into Gaza

I draw everyone's attention to the deteriorating economic, political and security situation in Israel because of Hamas that threatens my throne. the West Bank

We cannot abandon #Isreal #Gaza, it must be everyone's priority. History will judge us by our actions. It is a test of our humanity and sincerity

How often has the Obelisk been replaced?
I don't know if its ever been replaced but If they can replace the symbol for Shaytan, why did they build a wall around it to protect it?
American academic and economist Jeffrey Sachs: “It was a shameless and disgusting act, in which the United States is certainly complicit. These are war crimes. There is absolutely no justification for killing more than 270 other people... and wounding hundreds of others, for the sake of four hostages who could have been To exit peacefully on the basis of the ceasefire agreement agreed to by Hamas and rejected by Israeli extremists!”

Shocking testimony from Dr. James Smith, a British doctor returning from #Gaza: “What I saw in Al-Aqsa Hospital was the most horrific emergency conditions I have ever witnessed in my life... injured people lying on the ground, crowding everywhere, with no means to treat them... true horror... I cannot understand how this brutality was allowed.” By continuing all this time!"

“We know that talking is below the level of the heinous event, but we could not remain silent in light of the accelerating events. We promise you that we are with you with our votes, our lives, our money, and everything we are given. We promise you that we will raise our children to support and love Palestine.” A joint statement by 18 Kuwaiti NGOs, in support of Gaza. Titled “Women of #Kuwait for the Women of #Gaza.”

They are coming for Hizbollah, Israel is a coward state, it will not allow any powerful neighbours. Hizbollah is firing rockets and they cause minimum damage
minimum damage? ALl the valuable houses destroyed, internally displaced citizens created from the insecurity, damaged bases and govt infrastructure- thats all minimum damage? what do you consider more than minimum damage? all out war? Hezbollah went from 1 or 2 attacks per day to 8-50 a day, went from shooting small rockets to large caliber rockets like Burkans that are obliterating most things around it when it strikes. Soon Fatehs and cruise missiles, i guess,especially if a regional war will happen.

If Hezbollah's damage has been so minimal, why would Israel respond to it by threatening to invade and destroy Lebanon?
Nigerian-British photographer Misan Harriman highlights the horrific impact that Israel's genocidal campaign is having on children: “The number of children with amputees in #Gaza is greater than anywhere else in the world. This is the largest number recorded historically.”

Young demonstrators at a march in #London: “It is especially important for the younger generation not to be silent and to continue to stand with the Palestinians. We will not stop until they are liberated from occupation and apartheid!”

The French doctor returning from Gaza, Raphael Petit, said: “Random slaughter of the population and we do nothing... a rogue Israeli government... the West is losing all credibility in everything that happens... this is a historical moment in which we lose our basic values, they no longer have meaning!”


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