J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

We need planes that can fly all the way to the Zionist entity, drop their bombs and come back safe. Is this one of such planes?
Needless to say this is a hypothetical question but maybe one day, some day, we will have the property dealers replaced with actual soldiers. Pakistanis can dream.
This is a technical discussion thread, do not discuss or extend any political topics in this thread!

The international community strictly controls long-range military aircraft with strike capability.
Currently known:
American and Russian strategic bombers. China's H6 barely reaches it, but there's still a big gap. Chinese and US long-range drones and experimental skyplanes.
Long-range operations using aerial refueling are not considered.
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Hmm thats some weird shit. I didn't know.
General knowledge of international weapons: (this is the default knowledge, not a legal standard, and may be controversial)
1、Short-range: <1000KM
This categorization applies to all long range weapon systems. It is mainly used for ballistic missiles and bombers.
Currently, the countries confirmed to have ICBMs are P5 + North Korea. India's Agni-5 (5000KM) is referred to as an ICBM by some, but does not meet international consensus and is not widely recognized.
Currently, the countries recognized as having Intercontinental bombers (often called strategic bombers) are the US and Russia. China's H6 has just enough range to meet intercontinental standards to be called an Intercontinental bomber, but is not fully recognized. ------I call the H6 a long-range bomber rather than an Intercontinental bomber. The future H20 is the real Intercontinental bomber.
Most of the world's fighters and front-line bombers have a maximum range in the “medium range” range.

Under the terms of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) treaty, arms exports are severely restricted. One of the most important provisions is that missiles with a range of more than 300 kilometers and a combat weight of more than 500 kilograms are prohibited from being exported. China is not a party to this treaty, but has publicly declared its support for it. Therefore, all of China's exported missiles and rockets have a maximum range that does not exceed this provision. ------China formally applied to join the MTCR in 2004, which was not approved, but China supports the MTCR. the Chinese export of DF3s to Saudi Arabia happened long before this.

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