Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Noa Shpigel

Noa Shpigel
10 minutes ago

Ben-Gvir to Netanyahu: 'No more excuses, you can't hide behind Gantz and Eisenkot anymore'

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National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.Credit: Olivier Fitoussi
National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir publicly criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday night after not being summoned to a security discussion.

"The excuses are over," Ben-Gvir wrote. "You're the prime minister, and you can't even hide behind [former war cabinet members Benny] Gantz and [Gadi] Eisenkot."

"Well done for the elimination [of a senior Hezbollah commander] in Lebanon, but hundreds of missiles are not responded to with precise operations," Ben-Gvir wrote. "There is no doubt that the prime minister's obscene practice of excluding me from security discussions 'proved itself' during the events of October 7."
got to love this Bibi has lost total control we all hate and despise the ” man” but you had to admit he was able to manipulate and keep those people in check under him he’s going down in ball of flame.
Hezbollah today launched over 20 attacks against Israel

thats 20 attacks and NOT 20 missiles

in one attack they launched over 200 Katusha rockets

many drones and ATGM

seems like Hezbollah really open up today
Honestly best thing the Israelis can do is let them hit these rockets are the distraction to spend what little the Israelis have left in Interceptors next wave is coming soon they’re taking out far more surveillance equipment than usual hitting the air traffic radars fires are burning out of control, it’s finally started and I hope Hezbollah gives them the fight they deserve
Was just reading up on the upcoming Hajj.

When the pilgrims throw the symbolic pebbles at the devil, will some aim for the House of Saud?
(Bad joke?)
The Pilgrims throw stones at an Obelisk that symbolizes the devil. The house of Saud built a wall around the Obelisk to shield it from the stones!!!
Hamas submitted the amendments in its name, as well as “Jihad” and the Palestinian factions

Hamas's amendments called for the reconstruction of Gaza within 3 to 5 years

Hamas' amendments demanded a complete Israeli withdrawal and a complete ceasefire

Hamas amendments demanded that Israel withdraw from the Philadelphia Axis

Hamas amendments adhere to the role of UNRWA

Hamas' amendments demanded ending the complete siege of Gaza and opening all crossings, especially Rafah

Hamas's amendments called for the addition of China, Turkey, Russia, and the United Nations as guarantors of the agreement

Hamas amendments demanded that all prisoners from the Shalit deal be released

Israeli Defense Forces Chief of Staff Halevy met with his counterparts from the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan in Manama in a meeting organized by the US Army Central Command.

The meeting was to discuss the upcoming possible regional war and to coordinate efforts

To avoid it or against whom???

Wella Hebrew website:
The Arab countries whose army commanders participated in the meeting with the Israeli Chief of Staff are Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, and the Emirates
“We have turned into a fascist state.” Academic Orit Yael says that the State of Israel has begun to adopt a bloody ideology, to the point of abandoning the cover settlements and the detained Israelis in the Gaza Strip, and employing its media to practice deception in the service of this “messianic ideology.”

Al Jazeera channel broadcasts shocking pictures and video clips, showing occupation soldiers targeting Palestinian civilians while they were walking in what the Israeli army called the “safe corridor” on Al-Rashid Al-Sahili Street, west of Gaza City.


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