Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

These Arabs are the root cause of the problem.

These Arabs are the ROOT CAUSE of the problem.

We can't say it enough, these Arab countries are complicit, they are sold out. Their leadership's cares for their worthless regime's above faith, values, history and our people's.

The deal is simple for these bastard's,,U.S and Zionist support for their regime's in exchange for near total subjugation of the arab people's

What makes it worse is they hate and blame Iran for standing up and fighting back

The idea was simple, Hamas is supported by Iran
The Muslim brotherhood wants the end of these worthless regime's
So let's support Israel to destroy Hamas, so we can recognise and work with Israel and the U.S to target Iran and M.B off shoots
The only problem was the Zionists and the U.S think these Arabs are scum, so they have just committed genocide and these cuckless Arab leaders are left looking like monkey's, when they thought it would be a quick ending of Hamas

This conflict for all its costs, has done the entire Muslim world a massive favour, it's opened its eyes to the reality.
We have the numbers and the time and we need to unitedly hate these common enemy
These Arabs are the ROOT CAUSE of the problem.

We can't say it enough, these Arab countries are complicit, they are sold out. Their leadership's cares for their worthless regime's above faith, values, history and our people's.

The deal is simple for these bastard's,,U.S and Zionist support for their regime's in exchange for near total subjugation of the arab people's

What makes it worse is they hate and blame Iran for standing up and fighting back

The idea was simple, Hamas is supported by Iran
The Muslim brotherhood wants the end of these worthless regime's
So let's support Israel to destroy Hamas, so we can recognise and work with Israel and the U.S to target Iran and M.B off shoots
The only problem was the Zionists and the U.S think these Arabs are scum, so they have just committed genocide and these cuckless Arab leaders are left looking like monkey's, when they thought it would be a quick ending of Hamas

This conflict for all its costs, has done the entire Muslim world a massive favour, it's opened its eyes to the reality.
We have the numbers and the time and we need to unitedly hate these common enemy

About a day away. This year's Hajj may be something special. Over 1,000 Palestinians sponsored.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time Davey.
Indeed, the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, called the release of Muslim prisoners a great task. Islam even commands Muslims to either release prisoners who cannot be ransomed (in exchange for money or an equivalent number of Muslim prisoners) or ransom prisoners of war.

Islam warns its followers that one of the best deeds is to free the prisoners of the believers and unshackle their chains and it also determine the rules of war. 1400 years ago, Islam instructed Muslims should protect prisoners and treat prisoners of war well before the Geneva Convention or any other principles.

The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his followers showed that the Muslims of that time had established moral standards in the treatment of their captured enemies. His religion treated prisoners of war in a way that unprecedented in history. Hamas thinks this rule is universal and acts upon it to heal trauma-wounded captives. Sadly, Israeli terrorist brutality is unparalleled, Israel's Machiavellian Zionist thugs, in response to the October 7 Gaza prison break operation, we saw how some Hamas prisoners immediately arrested by the Israeli occupation defense forces, to the point of torture. We witnessed captives’ skin was burned with a incineration device. The torture of burning the skin of the Palestinian prisoners is carried out in form of brutality or humiliation, as in ancient Egypt Hittite war captives were flayed alive by Pharaoh's army. Palestinians do not have the right to human dignity, they are deprived of the right to be free from sexual, emotional and physical violence and they are deprived of proper health, and adequate food.

This is a short verse from Surah al-Insan of the Holy Quran that shows us how Muslims should treat the captive.

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Merciful

76:1 Has it come upon man during the ages, and there is no mention of it?
Has there ever been a time for mankind in which there was no mention of it?
76:2 We created man from the sperm of, so We made him hearing and seeing.
76:3 We have given you the way, either grateful or ungrateful.
76:4 Indeed, We have prepared for the disbelievers chains and shackles and a blaze.
76:5 Indeed, the righteous will drink from a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of Kafur,
76:6 A spring of which the [righteous] servants of Allah will drink; they will make it gush forth in force [and abundance].
76:7 They [are those who] fulfill [their] vows and fear a Day whose evil will be widespread.
76:8 And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive,
76:9[Saying], "We feed you only for the countenance of Allah. We wish not from you reward or gratitude.
76:10 Indeed, We fear from our Lord a Day austere and distressful.
76:11 So Allah will protect them from the evil of that Day and give them radiance and happiness

Again, thank you. My Quran just came in the mail.

Gravity-throwing trebuchets have been spotted in the Israeli army on the border with Lebanon. Previously, trebuchets were seen in Syria. There are no official comments yet from the leadership of the Israeli army. The first mention of a trebuchet throwing machine appeared in China in the 5th century BC, then in a modified form they appeared all over the world. Trebuchet are usually intended for the siege of cities, but in history there have been cases of their use on ships. Building a trebuchet in such a way as to ensure the required range, accuracy and reliability of fire is not easy. All proportions must be perfectly balanced, and this can be achieved either by knowledge of geometry and mechanics, or by long practical experience.

minimum damage? ALl the valuable houses destroyed, internally displaced citizens created from the insecurity, damaged bases and govt infrastructure- thats all minimum damage? what do you consider more than minimum damage? all out war? Hezbollah went from 1 or 2 attacks per day to 8-50 a day, went from shooting small rockets to large caliber rockets like Burkans that are obliterating most things around it when it strikes. Soon Fatehs and cruise missiles, i guess,especially if a regional war will happen.

If Hezbollah's damage has been so minimal, why would Israel respond to it by threatening to invade and destroy Lebanon?

I meant as in comparing Gaza v Israeli war, Israel has destroyed everything in Gaza and Hamas, PIJ caused minimum damage, when the last Hizbollah v Israel war took place, Israel bombed and destroyed everything in South Lebanon whilst 1000s of rockets were fired in to Israel but they didn't cause much damage. Similarly now if Israel attacks South Lebanon, they will flatten everything but does Hizbollah have the power to flatten Israel? Rockets don't cause heavy damage, Hizbollah and Syria need to invest in large missile arsenal and war winning weapons which would stop any attack on them. Israel can easily use ballistic missiles to cause maximum damage.
He is neither friends of Muslims nor has any soft corner for Islam. We know that but there is a difference between him and the rest. He speaks in public what he thinks or beliefs unlike back stabbing genocidal Biden or democratic party as whole. I rather deal with a known enemy than fake friend.

That's exactly the argument I had with my WASP neighbor who came to my house last night for some Desi food, as he does every few months. He is generally anti-Israel but he is too pro-Democratic Party to accept any criticism of Biden. He asserted that the offer made by Israel in year 2000 to Palestinians/Arafat was a 'good start'! He also said Biden has been trying hard to stop for killing Palestinians otherwise Israel would kill all the 2+ million Palestinians. I said you are supporting those policies because they were under Democratic Presidents!

I just couldn't take his BS and told him that 'You are too pro Democratic Party to ever criticize their policies'. He thought that was an 'insult'. I said, 'no, that's what I have ALWAYS seen you to do'. Then he started losing it and said even the Ukraine war is not Biden's fault and that Trump is basically a Russian agent, beholden to Putin. I said it was YOUR Obama in 2014 who laid the seeds for the Ukraine war! I said the Democratic Party is even more of a war-mongering party then the Republicans are in the last several decades.

We got into a heated argument and he stopped eating! I said let's drop the subject because we are too far apart on the US foreign policies. He is a Party-line person!! He eventually ate but the evening was not pleasant after the argument. I still respect him a lot except I can't ignore his blind support for the Democratic administrations.

I had even told him that I see no difference between Biden and Trump when it comes to Israel-Palestine conflict except Trump is not a hypocrite like Biden is! Something which you too have said here.

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