Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Again, thank you. My Quran just came in the mail.

View attachment 47881
The beating I took seven days ago by a Zionist pig still hurts.

Coworkers see, want to lighten my load. Smile and tell them I will still do more than my share.

I am sitting on valuable real estate.

Will really like to meet a Muslim where $25,000 is chump change.

I absolutely don't put it past the Israelis, if they get really cornered and desperate, to drop a tactical nuke somewhere in Lebanon and blame Hezbollah by saying 'They had a dirty nuke which exploded on themselves'.
Zionism is a militaristic, colonial, and racist enterprise carefully progressed over one a half century, digging its nails in the West, even played, if not engineered, World Wars. They are NOT going to go down without trying to take the world down with them! They have truly 'internalized' a sense of 'victimhood', which does have a historical context, but this is a new world where 'faith' and even 'race' is becoming less and less a factor. In short, Zionists are psychos!
Will this get added to the DSM (American mental health guidelines) and get its own ICD-10 code (specific billing codes for medical procedures)?

The "Israeli government" spokesman says: "Lebanon and Hezbollah bear full responsibility for the deterioration of the security situation on the border, and we will restore security on our northern border, whether through diplomatic efforts or otherwise."In fact, the one who bears responsibility for any escalation is the one who made the decision to assassinate Abu Talib , and a number of resistance fighters accepted him.Therefore, matters must be confined to their place, and punitive strikes must be received, because a response will be followed by a response, and intimidation is of no use.


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