Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hezbollah striking Galilee military base right now 😍😍

I am banned on X for 5 more days

I got banned for calling Netanyahu mother a bad name and it wasn’t even that bad after all she was over the age of consent when it happened anyways

Any Twitter posts on it ? What kind of attack and what missiles ?
I found those two images from another website post, i don't know what book it is from

I am referring to the UN Inquiry Commission report. Forming or influencing opinions based on mere excerpts is almost always misleading and does not represent the entire picture.

I better trust something with facts from an official group researches than Israeli and their supporters compulsive lying machines

From the link that you posted:

III. Factual findings: acts committed by the Hamas Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades and other Palestinian armed groups on 7 October 2023 in Israel

A. Introduction

  1. On 7 October, a coordinated attack by more than 1,000 members of Hamas military wing and other Palestinian armed groups, accompanied by Palestinian civilians, was launched against Israeli civilian targets and military bases in southern Israel, near the border with Gaza. Attackers entered Israel by land, sea and air under cover of an unprecedented rocket and mortar attack targeting southern and central Israel.
  2. According to Israeli sources, more than 1,200 persons were killed directly by members of various Palestinian armed groups and others and by rockets and mortars launched from the Gaza Strip. Of these, at least 809 were civilians, including at least 280 women, 68 foreign nationals and 314 Israeli military personnel. Among those killed were 40 children (including at least 23 boys and 15 girls) and 25 persons aged 80 and over. In addition, 14,970 people were injured and transferred to hospitals for treatment. At least 252 people were abducted to Gaza as hostages, including 90 women, 36 children, older people and members of Israeli Security Forces (ISF). About 20 of these abductees were members of ISF, many of whom have since been killed in captivity. As of 21 May 2024, 128 hostages had been released or rescued. This number includes bodies retrieved of killed hostages, and 128 remained in captivity, alive or dead.
  3. The attack began at 06:30, with a heavy barrage of rockets and mortar shells fired at southern Israeli villages and towns. While many rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome system deployed by Israel, at least 18 civilians were killed by direct projectile hits in Israel on 7 October and in the weeks that followed. Hamas armed wing and the PIJ publicly claimed responsibility for these attacks and declared in several statements their intention to target civilian locations.
  4. Approximately 150,000 people were evacuated from their homes in southern Israel on and immediately after 7 October. As of April 2024, the majority were still displaced, residing in hotels and temporary housing.

B. Killing, mistreatment and abduction in civilian locations

  1. Hamas military wing, other Palestinian armed groups and civilians attacked distinct civilian targets in at least 24 localities, as well as public spaces and outdoor festivals. In these sites militants systematically moved from house to house setting homes on fire, shooting into private and public shelters, and removing people from hiding places, killing, injuring and abducting civilians to Gaza. The Commission investigated six distinct attacks in Be’eri and eight attacks in Nir Oz, each involving multiple victims, largely from the same families.
  2. In Be’eri, 105 civilians were killed (63 men and 42 women) by members of the military wings of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) as well as by civilians from Gaza. In addition, 31 civilians (13 men and 18 women) were abducted to the Gaza Strip. Attackers entered the kibbutz and shot at residents, cars, pets and houses, killing and injuring, setting houses on fire and abducting people to Gaza. In one case, a nine-month-old baby girl, was shot and killed while hiding with her mother in their safe room in Be’eri. In another case, at least four people were taken out of their homes and killed at the perimeter of the Be’eri, likely while being transferred to Gaza.
  3. In Nir Oz, 46 civilians were killed (33 men and 13 women) by members of the military wings of Hamas and the PIJ, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement and the armed wing of the Popular Resistance Committees. Palestinian civilians also participated in these killings. Seventy-two residents of the kibbutz (37 men and 35 women) were abducted to Gaza. In one case, a 79-year-old woman and her 12-year-old autistic granddaughter from Nir Oz were killed close to the perimeter fence with Gaza, allegedly because they were slowing down the retreat of their captors. In another case, a 70-year-old woman and her 73-year-old husband were attacked while out for a walk in the kibbutz. The woman was killed, while her partner was abducted to Gaza where he died in captivity.
  4. Many Israeli families suffered a multigenerational impact with several members either killed or abducted to Gaza. In one case in Be’eri, a 48-year-old woman and her two teenage daughters were killed, while the father was abducted to Gaza. In Nir Oz, a family of five was hiding in their safe room when militants broke into the room, shot and killed both parents, and set fire to their home, which resulted in the killing of their three children from smoke suffocation. The children’s grandmother was shot dead in a different safe room in the kibbutz. In another case from Nir Oz, an entire family was abducted to Gaza, including both parents, a four-year-old boy and a 9-month-old baby. Two of the children’s grandparents were also killed in the attack and their bodies were found near the Gaza border.
  5. Of 3,000 young people at the Nova music festival in Re’im, 364 attendees (including 215 men and 136 women) were killed by members of the military wing of Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups, while around 40 others were abducted to Gaza. Victims were killed at the site of the main festival while attempting to hide under the festival stage, in portable public toilets, inside parked cars and in garbage containers. In one case, a man hid by a parked silver car, when Hamas militants shot him to death. Many of those killed were shot while running through a field east of the Nova site, trying to escape. Others were killed while hiding in stationary cars and in public shelters along road 232 where they sought refuge. Survivors in shelters reported lying for hours under piles of bodies waiting for first responders to arrive.
  6. The Commission investigated the killing of civilians in four public shelters (near Re’im, Be’eri and Alumim). In all four locations, militants attacked the shelters using grenades and machine gun fire, shooting at any person attempting to escape. In a shelter near Re’im, the Commission found that militants also used a rocket propelled grenade. Militants abducted civilians to Gaza from the Re’im shelter, all of whom were suffering from serious injuries. The similar pattern of attack against these and other public shelters suggests that the attackers planned the modalities of the attacks in advance.
  7. In Zikim beach, Hamas militants killed at least 18 civilians, including five teenagers (four boys and one girl), in a public shelter, public toilets and at other locations on the beach. Two boats carrying some 10 Hamas militants arrived at the beach at approximately 06:45. Hamas militants threw grenades into the shelter and then shot The Commission reviewed and verified digital evidence of the attack on the toilet block showing five teenagers crouching while shooting is heard in the background. An ISF soldier is also present, engaging the militants and returning fire. In another video published by Hamas six dead bodies, including the five teenagers, are seen in the toilet block, all of whom appear to have been shot and killed.
  8. The Commission found evidence of mistreatment of civilians and ISF members in several locations, and significant evidence on the desecration of corpses, including sexualized desecration, decapitations, lacerations, burning, severing of body parts and undressing.
  9. The Commission estimates that some 130 older persons were killed in the attack. In one incident at a bus-stop in Sderot, militants shot and killed 13 civilians, eight of them were over the age of 65.
  10. At least 68 foreign nationals were killed on 7 October. The Commission documented the torture, attempted beheading and killing of Thai workers in Nir Oz and the killing of 19 Thai and Nepalese exchange students in Alumim.

C. Killing of soldiers considered hors de combat and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in Nahal Oz military outpost

  1. The Commission investigated an attack on the Nahal Oz military outpost in which members of the military wing of Hamas and other armed groups killed 66 ISF soldiers, including one male soldier who was decapitated after death, and female intelligence observation soldiers (Tazpitaniyot), who were young, unarmed, and untrained for combat. The Commission found that militants killed at least 20 female soldiers and abducted seven. The Commission notes that in several cases these soldiers were visibly unarmed, wounded, hiding, captured and/or showing signs of having surrendered at the time of their abduction or killing, including one case where three female soldiers were hiding under a desk and shot and killed. The Commission finds reasonable grounds to believe that some soldiers were hors de combat and should not have been attacked.
  2. The Commission found that seven female soldiers were taken to Gaza as hostages and viewed footage showing that they had been subjected to physical and verbal abuse. Four female bodies found at Nahal Oz outpost were partially or completely undressed, two of which were isolated in separate rooms, showing signs of physical abuse and sexual violence.
Also if you are pointing into Hamas researches, i strictly don't care and the main focus is on the IDF civilian-killing machine, i do not care and i do not condemn Hamas, i have the right to not condemn Hamas and other affiliated groups, the main terrorists here are IDF thugs spamming the whole report with every sorts of war crimes and genocidal manners that are built into the chosen people DNA

This is the difference between Americans and Israelis
This is also taken from the same link above:

V. Legal Analysis

  1. In relation to the Commission’s investigation into the attack of 7 October in Israel, the Commission found that members of Hamas military wing, members of the military wings of other Palestinian armed groups and Palestinian civilians committed war crimes, as well as violations and abuses of IHL and IHRL.
  2. The Commission found that the war crimes of intentionally directing attacks against civilians and murder or wilful killing were committed by shooting and killing residents of kibbutzim and other civilian locations, including women, children and older persons, and by indiscriminately firing projectiles towards populated areas in Israel. The Commission also found that the war crimes of torture, inhuman or cruel treatment and of destroying or seizing the property of an adversary were committed.
  3. The Commission found that the war crime of cruel treatment was committed in several locations, as well as the war crime of inhumane treatment and torture. The Commission found that the war crime of outrages upon personal dignity was committed in the desecration of corpses by burning, mutilation and decapitation. The Commission also found the sexualized desecration of both male and female corpses, including the exhibition of undressed bodies.
  4. The Commission found that the war crime of taking hostages was committed, in most cases together with outrages on personal dignity and inhumane treatment, including SGBV, such as assault, harassment and intimidation against women while abducted in Israel and taken to Gaza.
  5. The Commission found that acts of sexual violence were committed on 7 October in Israel, including at the Nova festival, on road 232, at Nahal Oz military base and kibbutzim Re’im, Nir Oz and Kfar Aza.
  6. The Commission found that members of the military wings of Hamas and PIJ violated the principle of distinction when they attacked, killed and injured the civilian population and intentionally launched rockets and mortars from Gaza into Israel.
  7. The Commission found that ISF soldiers violated the principles of distinction, precaution and proportionality when they fired shells at a house occupied by Israeli civilian hostages in Be’eri and directed helicopter fire at a civilian hostage from Nir Oz.
  8. In relation to the Commission’s investigation into Israel’s attacks and operations in Gaza and OPT, the Commission found that Israeli authorities and members of the ISF committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and violations of IHL and IHRL.
  9. The Commission found that the war crimes of starvation as a method of warfare; murder or wilful killing; intentionally directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects; forcible transfer; sexual violence; outrages upon personal dignity; and SGBV amounting to torture or inhuman and cruel treatment were committed.
  10. The Commission found that through several actions including siege, Israel inflicted collective punishment on the Palestinian population in Gaza, in direct violation of IHL.
  11. The Commission found it foreseeable that civilians would be present in the areas targeted by the ISF; nonetheless, the ISF intentionally proceeded to direct its attacks against the civilian population and civilian objects, including places of worship, with such knowledge, in direct violation of the IHL principles of adequate precautions, distinction, proportionality, and special protections for children and women.
  12. The Commission found that the chapeau elements of crimes against humanity have been fulfilled, namely a widespread or systematic attack directed against the civilian population in Gaza. The Commission found that the crimes against humanity of extermination; murder; gender persecution targeting Palestinian men and boys; forcible transfer; and torture and inhuman and cruel treatment were committed.
  13. The Commission found that the siege and forcible transfer, compounded with widespread destruction caused by attacks and military operations, resulted in the IHRL violations of the rights to family life, adequate food, housing, education, health, social security, and water and sanitation, particularly impacting children and persons in vulnerable situations. The age and gender specific harms resulted in violations of the CRC and rights to non-discrimination in the CEDAW.
Also if you are pointing into Hamas researches, i strictly don't care and the main focus is on the IDF civilian-killing machine, i do not care and i do not condemn Hamas, i have the right to not condemn Hamas and other affiliated groups, the main terrorists here are IDF thugs spamming the whole report with every sorts of war crimes and genocidal manners that are built into the chosen people DNA

This is the difference between Americans and Israelis

Of course you have the right to not care as you wish. Others are also equally free to form their own views based on ALL the evidence, and not a selected portion. I mam merely presenting what the UN says in its report without taking any side due to my personal bias.
The Conclusions section of the report:

VI. Conclusions

  1. 7 October 2023 has marked a clear turning point for both Israelis and Palestinians, and it presents a watershed moment that can change the direction of this conflict; with a real risk of further solidifying and expanding the occupation. Amid months of losses and despair, retribution and atrocities, the only tangible result has been compounding the immense suffering of both Palestinians and Israelis, with civilians, yet again, bearing the brunt of decisions by those in power. Children and women make up a large part of those civilians, the latter marginalised from decision-making.
  2. For Israelis, the attack of 7 October was unprecedented in scale in its modern history, when in one single day hundreds of people were killed and abducted, invoking painful trauma of past persecution not only for Israeli Jews but for Jewish people everywhere. Palestinians with Israeli citizenship were also deeply affected by the attack of 7 October.
  3. For Palestinians, Israel’s military operation and attack in Gaza has been the longest, largest and bloodiest since 1948. It has caused immense damage and loss of life and triggered for many Palestinians traumatic memories of the Nakba and other Israeli incursions.
  4. The Commission affirms that both the 7 October attack in Israel and Israel’s subsequent military operation in Gaza should not be seen in isolation. The only way to stop the recurring cycles of violence, including aggression and retribution by both sides, is to ensure strict adherence to international law. That includes ending the unlawful Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory, discrimination, oppression and the denial of the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people and guaranteeing peace and security for Jews and Palestinians.
  5. In relation to the attack of 7 October in Israel, the Commission concludes on reasonable grounds that members of the military wings of Hamas and of other Palestinian armed groups, as well as Palestinian civilians who were directly participating in the hostilities, deliberately killed, injured, mistreated, took hostages and committed SGBV against: civilians, including Israeli citizens and foreign nationals; and members of the ISF, including soldiers considered hors de combat, in many locations in southern Israel. These actions constitute war crimes and violations and abuses of IHL and IHRL.
  6. The Commission concludes that civilians were intentionally targeted, that the attack was premeditated and planned over a significant period, reflecting a high degree of organisation and coordination, and implemented in several locations at or about the same time. The attacks were led and coordinated by Hamas and implemented by the military wings of Hamas and six other Palestinian factions, with the participation of some Palestinian civilians.
  7. Members of the military wing of Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups abducted primarily Israeli people as hostages to Gaza, without regard for age or gender, to use them in negotiations with the Israeli authorities. Some abductees were shot at and in some cases killed. Many abductions were carried out with significant physical, mental and sexual violence and degrading and humiliating treatment, including in some cases parading the abductees.
  8. Israeli children were subjected to physical and emotional mistreatment on 7 October. In addition to those who were killed and injured, many children lost one or both parents. Many children witnessed the killings of their parents and siblings and were also filmed for propaganda purposes by Palestinian armed groups who published videos depicting young Israeli children in vulnerable positions. The Commission finds it particularly egregious that children were targeted for abduction, several of them taken
  9. The Commission concludes that members of the military wing of Hamas and Palestinian armed groups targeted women, including by wilful killings, abductions, and physical, mental and sexual abuse. These crimes were deliberate and, in several cases, enforced with violence, intentionally causing great suffering and serious injury to the victims. The Commission particularly notes that women were subjected to GBV during the course of their execution or Women and women’s bodies were used as victory trophies by male perpetrators and the abduction, violence and humiliation of women, were put on public display, either on the streets of the Gaza Strip or online.
  10. The Commission identified patterns indicative of sexual violence in several locations and concludes that Israeli women were disproportionally subjected to these crimes. The attack on 7 October enabled perpetrators to commit SGBV and this violence was not isolated but perpetrated in similar ways in several locations and by multiple Palestinian perpetrators. The Commission did not find credible evidence, however, that militants received orders to commit sexual violence and so it was unable to make conclusions on this issue. However, inflammatory language and disbelief around sexual violence, observed with both parties, risks silencing and discrediting survivors, further exacerbating trauma and stigmatization.
  11. The Commission notes that Israeli authorities failed to protect civilians in southern Israel on almost every front. This included failing to swiftly deploy sufficient security forces to protect civilians and evacuate them from civilian locations on 7 October. In several locations ISF applied the so-called ‘Hannibal Directive’ and killed at least 14 Israeli civilians. Israeli authorities also failed to ensure that forensic evidence was systematically collected by concerned authorities and first responders, particularly in relation to allegations of sexual violence, undermining the possibility of future judicial proceedings, accountability and justice.
  12. In relation to Israel’s military operations in Gaza from 7 October, the Commission concludes that Israel has committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and violations of IHL and IHRL.
  13. The Commission concludes that the immense numbers of civilian casualties and widespread destruction of civilian objects and crucial civilian infrastructure are the inevitable results of Israel’s chosen strategy for the use of force during these hostilities, undertaken with intent to cause maximum damage, disregarding distinction, proportionality and adequate precautions, and thus unlawful. ISF’s intentional use of heavy weapons with large destructive capacity in densely populated areas constitutes an intentional and direct attack on the civilian population, particularly affecting women and children. This conclusion is confirmed by the substantial and increasing numbers of casualties, over weeks and months, with no change in Israeli policies or military strategies.
  14. ISF has killed and maimed tens of thousands of children, resulting in permanent physical impairment for thousands of children and long-term emotional trauma for all children. Israel has the obligation under international law to ensure that the needs of all children, particularly of the large number of orphans and children separated from their families, are prioritised and addressed. It has a duty to avoid the separation of families and to facilitate their reunification, noting the particular impact separation of family member has on mothers and children.
  15. The Commission concludes that evacuation orders issued by ISF were at times insufficient, unclear and conflicting, and did not provide adequate time or support for safe evacuations. Moreover, areas evacuated were attacked with no regard for those who could not or would not evacuate, and evacuees were targeted along the evacuation routes and in designated safe zones. Civilians who choose not to evacuate do not lose their protected status under international law. Moreover, statements by Israeli officials demonstrated an intent to forcibly transfer the population.
  16. Israeli authorities consistently presented their military objectives as destroying all of Hamas, releasing Israeli hostages and preventing future threats to the State of Israel emanating from the Gaza Strip, yet their actions and the consequences of their actions indicate other motivations including, vengeance and collective punishment. Statements made by Israeli officials reflected policy and practice of inflicting widespread destruction, killing large numbers of civilians and forcible transfer. The Commission found that statements made by Israeli officials amounted to incitement and may constitute other serious international crimes. Statements aimed at systematically dehumanizing Palestinians, particularly Palestinian men and boys, and called for collective punishment.
  17. The Commission concludes that Israel has used starvation as a method of war, affecting the entire population of the Gaza Strip for decades to come, with particularly negative consequences for children. This is a war crime. At the time of writing this report, children have already died due to acute malnutrition and dehydration. Through the siege it imposed, Israel has weaponized the withholding of life-sustaining necessities, cutting off supplies of water, food, electricity, fuel and other essential supplies, including humanitarian assistance. This constitutes collective punishment and reprisal against the civilian population, both of which are clear violations of IHL.
  18. The frequency, prevalence and severity of sexual and gender-based crimes perpetrated against Palestinians since 7 October across the OPT indicate that specific forms of SGBV are part of ISF operating procedures. Palestinian men and boys experienced specific persecutory acts intended to punish them in retaliation for the crimes committed on 7 October. The way in which these acts were committed, including their filming and photographing, in conjunction with similar cases documented in several locations, leads the Commission to conclude that forced public stripping and nudity and other related types of abuse were either ordered or condoned by Israeli authorities.
  19. SGBV constitutes a major element in the ill-treatment of Palestinians, intended to humiliate the community at large. This violence is intrinsically linked to the wider context of inequality and prolonged occupation, which have provided the conditions and the rationale for gender-based crimes, to further accentuate the subordination of the occupied people. The Commission notes that these crimes must be addressed by tackling their root cause; through dismantling the historically oppressive structures and institutionalized system of discrimination against Palestinians, which are at the core of the occupation.
  20. The situation in the West Bank has continued to deteriorate, with Palestinian fatalities recorded since 7 October exceeding any other period since 2005. The rise in fatalities is linked to several highly militarized ISF operations and a surge in violent settler attacks on Palestinian communities, often assisted or condoned by
  21. The Commission is aware of reports and ISF allegations indicating that the military wing of Hamas and other non-State armed groups in Gaza operated from within civilian areas. The Commission reiterates that all parties to the conflict, including ISF and the military wings of Hamas and other non-State armed groups, must adhere to IHL and avoid increasing risk to civilians by using civilian objects for military purposes.
  22. The Commission concludes that the individuals who bear the most responsibility for the international crimes, violations and abuses that it has investigated include: senior members of the political and military leadership of Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups and of the Palestinian Joint Operations Room; senior members of the political and military leadership of the Israeli State, including members of the War Management Cabinet and the Ministerial Committee on National Security, other Ministers of the Government and leaders of the ISF. The Commission will continue its investigations focusing on individual criminal responsibility and command responsibility.
Of course you have the right to not care as you wish. Others are also equally free to form their own views based on ALL the evidence, and not a selected portion. I mam merely presenting what the UN says in its report without taking any side due to my personal bias.

Please stop acting like you are some "neutral watcher of the conflict with neutral ideas", this doesn't exist at all, at least not anymore, the proof is this thread and any forums talking about the conflict AND all the self proclaimed "neutral journalists and researchers", they both are either aligned with Palestine and Hamas, or aligned with Israel IDF, something in the middle simply do not exist as we saw with Russia and Ukraine everywhere and here

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