Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Please stop acting like you are some "neutral watcher of the conflict with neutral ideas", this doesn't exist at all, at least not anymore, the proof is this thread and any forums talking about the conflict AND all the self proclaimed "neutral journalists and researchers", they both are either aligned with Palestine and Hamas, or aligned with Israel IDF, something in the middle simply do not exist

I respect your right to act as you wish and your right to form your opinions, and to express them. You must learn to allow others the same rights.
I respect your right to act as you wish and your right to form your opinions, and to express them. You must learn to allow others the same rights.
I also respect your ideas but sometimes it starts to be annoying

What i wanted to say at the end is that the era of "neutral watchers" dating from Vietnam war, the 1991 and 2003 Iraq wars do not exist anymore

First, UN reports are heavily biased for IDF and Israel, why are they reporting from the Israeli side only but not on the Palestine side only and put the two inside a report that is an illusion of neutrality? Why not listing in 2 articles at a time showing only all the war crimes of IDF and in another one Hamas?

Second and this is undeniable, the invasion of Ukraine, everywhere on this forum, on other big places i will not name, self proclaimed neutral journalists on Twitter etc, every single one of them are either pro-Russia or pro-Ukraine, on "neutral journalism" websites such as, they are not neutral but clearly pro-Russia for example and trying to act as if they are in the middle

Russia and Ukraine was the revelating moment that is now fully on display with Gaza

And for the Hamas report, we all know what they did and what they do there is nothing to hide, but this is a piece of dust compared to Israeli war crimes and its population at 98% approval for continued genocide, this is the main difference between Americans and Iraq and Israelis and Gaza, 98% of America supporting their wars never happened
Israel just stole Palestinian taxpayer money in the West Bank and transferred it to Israeli businessmen. This money are not 'funds' on behalf of PA. It's Palestinain taxpayer money. Palestinian money supposed to be put back into Palestinian society.

Palestinian Authority is allied with Israel and cooperates with Israel on security matters, mind you.

That's exactly the argument I had with my WASP neighbor who came to my house last night for some Desi food, as he does every few months. He is generally anti-Israel but he is too pro-Democratic Party to accept any criticism of Biden. He asserted that the offer made by Israel in year 2000 to Palestinians/Arafat was a 'good start'! He also said Biden has been trying hard to stop for killing Palestinians otherwise Israel would kill all the 2+ million Palestinians. I said you are supporting those policies because they were under Democratic Presidents!

I just couldn't take his BS and told him that 'You are too pro Democratic Party to ever criticize their policies'. He thought that was an 'insult'. I said, 'no, that's what I have ALWAYS seen you to do'. Then he started losing it and said even the Ukraine war is not Biden's fault and that Trump is basically a Russian agent, beholden to Putin. I said it was YOUR Obama in 2014 who laid the seeds for the Ukraine war! I said the Democratic Party is even more of a war-mongering party then the Republicans are in the last several decades.

We got into a heated argument and he stopped eating! I said let's drop the subject because we are too far apart on the US foreign policies. He is a Party-line person!! He eventually ate but the evening was not pleasant after the argument. I still respect him a lot except I can't ignore his blind support for the Democratic administrations.

I had even told him that I see no difference between Biden and Trump when it comes to Israel-Palestine conflict except Trump is not a hypocrite like Biden is! Something which you too have said here.
At least you can speak your mind.

Over here in the middle of the buckle of the Bible Belt, I have enough sense to mostly keep my mouth shut.

Otherwise, I will end up jobless and homeless.
And for the Hamas report, we all know what they did and what they do there is nothing to hide, but this is a piece of dust compared to Israeli war crimes and its population at 98% approval for continued genocide,

As you say, many here would want to justify what Hamas did on the grounds that it is a "piece of dust" compared to what Israel has done, but then again, that means that many others could justify Israel's actions on the same grounds, logically speaking, depending on their personal biases and preferences. After all, if 98% of Israelis support the actions taken by their side, support for Hamas over what it has done from the Palestinians would probably be similarly high.

Similarly, arguing about who did what first and who retaliated can extend a long, long way back into history, which, as I have said before, is not the topic of this thread.

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