Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

PIJ and Hezbollah coordinating a rocket strike on Israel at same time
They are getting bolder with each day as they probably figured out that retaliation by occupiers will not be done by ground invasion and they are hesitant to start genocidal destruction campaign as in Gaza because they will face also destruction of their cities too.
I absolutely don't put it past the Israelis, if they get really cornered and desperate, to drop a tactical nuke somewhere in Lebanon and blame Hezbollah by saying 'They had a dirty nuke which exploded on themselves'.
Zionism is a militaristic, colonial, and racist enterprise carefully progressed over one a half century, digging its nails in the West, even played, if not engineered, World Wars. They are NOT going to go down without trying to take the world down with them! They have truly 'internalized' a sense of 'victimhood', which does have a historical context, but this is a new world where 'faith' and even 'race' is becoming less and less a factor. In short, Zionists are psychos!

This is why you don't corner a nuclear armed nation, Usa nuked Japan because Japan wouldn't surrender and nuking 2 cities bought Japanese on their knees, Israel will use nukes or any dangerous weapons if their existence is threatened. Iran needs to sign defence pact with Syria and Hizbollah, build the nukes (if they dont have them already), build up the Syrian army again. If the war starts between Hizbollah and Israel, South Lebanon will be made in to another Gaza, Hizbollah will cause alot of damage to Israel but nothing like how Israel will cause damage to Lebanon.
Please stop acting like you are some "neutral watcher of the conflict with neutral ideas", this doesn't exist at all, at least not anymore, the proof is this thread and any forums talking about the conflict AND all the self proclaimed "neutral journalists and researchers", they both are either aligned with Palestine and Hamas, or aligned with Israel IDF, something in the middle simply do not exist as we saw with Russia and Ukraine everywhere and here

After watching this genocide, even the western people who always supported Israel are speaking against it. The genocide and terrorism is in front of our eyes.

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