Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hezbollah is showing the entity that is has capability to hit it back just as hard now.

If entity does not de-escalate soon then it will be very sorry, as Hezbollah will punish it heavily and the millions of settlers will feel the same fear as Gazans have been since October 7th,
At least you can speak your mind.
Over here in the middle of the buckle of the Bible Belt, I have enough sense to mostly keep my mouth shut.
Otherwise, I will end up jobless and homeless.
I am sorry to hear of your situation. No restrictions on me speaking on my mind. Just regretting how the neighbor, who is a Southern Gentlemen otherwise, dragged me into politics last night--he is been trying for last few years, probably curious as to why I, until recently a staunch Democratic supporter, moved away from Dems. I have resisted politics--you know, religion and politics in gatherings-- but he can't help himself and ruined a couple of my parties with picking fights with people where a lady said 'Why don't you shoot yourself!?' and stomped away.

Poor, poor Chosen People!!
Seems like Hezbollah is really upping the tempo here

Some very sophisticated attacks

Those drones are doing wonders

And even I think it’s only 10% of what Hezbollah can do

I still think that the newer Burkan 2 and Burkan 3 can hit enemy IDF barracks deep inside Israel

And if Hezbollah get Intel on when the dinner breaks out and when the sleeping times are they can level the barracks with the IDF inside

It will result in dozens of IDF killed and that’s what we need to see if Israel pushes Hezbollah to much
Fierce resistance to the occupation...soldiers are suffering from severe exhaustion - immigration out of Israel is increasing and the army requests 15 battalions

Gilly Cohen on Channel 11 says:

In light of the escalation in the north: The war cabinet is now meeting, and a political official tells us:

Voices are getting louder to move the center of gravity from south to north.

This is happening while part of the war goals as defined at the military level so far has been to make Lebanon a secondary arena.

At the same time, the United States warned Israel of a military operation in Lebanon that would "get out of control."

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