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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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@DF-41, you get your talking points from Ted Cruz?



Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Palestinians did what they could've done under the circumstances. But they are not in a position to confront the whole West who are hellbent of backing the Zionist settler entity with military and financial means. It is the rest of "Ummah" who are missing.

We've said it over and over again

Tiny Palestine is taking on not just the monstrous Israeli but the entire western system

They have done their bit,.it's the rest of the Muslims world who has failed, but the main blame lies with the surrounding Arab States whose actions and behavior has been cockroach like and beneath all human contempt


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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We return to the Druze officer Waseem Mahmoud.

Wasim was one of the soldiers who entered Gaza at the beginning of the war. He was injured in his hand and left the Gaza Strip for treatment, but he was very determined to return to Gaza to resume fighting and take revenge.

The second time, he returned in a coffin

These Arab semite snitches are the worst. Good thing he ended up in the coffin.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Red Cross says 22 killed in strike near its Gaza office

The Zionist babykillers are on a rampage. Killing anything and anyone they can kill.

There are too many lessons to be learnt here.

MS Sandhu

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Dec 16, 2023
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For all you Armenia-hating Muslims here and the mislead Pakistanis who think they should support Azerbaijan for some unknown reason:

Currently,Israel has called the Armenian ambassador for explanations. You see,Israelis think it's ok to sell weapons to Azerbaijan,but not ok for Armenians to recognize Palestine.
The Son of Safavid Ruler,Tahmasp was besieged by Afghans in Isfahan.
The begged Russians & Ottomans for help.
Peter The Great helped him.Expelled the Afghans and put him on Persian Throne but with a cost.He took away Baku & all the Persian possessions in Caspian Sea.
Lesson : Foreign Help comes at a cost.
AZ fought Armenia and defeated them with the significant support of Israel.This help is not free of cost.Now Azeris are bound to fuel Israeli Genocide against Palestine.What else AZ can do?
Block supply of oil to Israel?
This can end very bad for AZ since Israel can help Armenia to re-build its military posture.
Barak-8 ADSs & Herop like loitering munitions can prove very dangerous for AZ to handle in case the region re-ignites up.They can even lobby US to help Armenia.
That can actually be a doomsday for AZ.The cost for Foreign Help will have to be paid.
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