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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

MS Sandhu

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Dec 16, 2023
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Azerbaijan has the protection of Turkey and Israel wouldn't bother help Armenia for any reason.
To teach a lesson to AZ? No?
Armenia was buying a lot of stuff from Indians imagine if Israelis turn to help them , equation can change rapidly since Israel can lobby US to actively monitor the region
Turkey alone cant do much in that case.Remember Israeli Herops neutralized the Armenian Defences & then came the TB2s.

Mehmed Beg

Jun 16, 2024
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To teach a lesson to AZ? No?
Armenia was buying a lot of stuff from Indians imagine if Israelis turn to help them , equation can change rapidly since Israel can lobby US to actively monitor the region
Turkey alone cant do much in that case.Remember Israeli Herops neutralized the Armenian Defences & then came the TB2s.
When I and Khachatur entered the house our soldiers had nailed a 13 years old Turkish (Azeri) childe to the window. He was making much noise so Khachatur put mother's cut breast into his mouth. I skinned his chest and belly. Seven minutes later the child died. As I used to be a doctor I was humanist and didn't consider myself happy for what I have done to 13 years old Turkish child. But my soul was proud for taking 1% if vengeance of my nation. Then Khachatur cut the body into pieces and threw it to a dog of same origin with Turks. I did the same to three Turkish children in evening. I did my duty my duty as an Armenian patriot. Khachatur had sweated much. But I saw struggle of revenge in other soldiers eyes. The next day we went to the church to clear our souls from what we had done previous day. But we were able to clear Khojali from 30 thousands of people
Zori Balayan "The Revival of Our Souls"1996 pages 260 to 262
Think whatever you guys want to think but when it comes to the final battle, us Muslims of Balkan, Turkey and Caucasus always win
Make your plans, prepare yourself, dream the dreams and believe in your victory but it won't change anything. You will loose yet again.
Only one thing, please wash yourself, your stink is too much. I don't know why the Christians if Balkan, have a bath only on At Georges Day. Phew


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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This is why they wanted to get rid of Morsi and the Muslim brotherhood

These Arab regimes are made up of these murtads

If their own sisters were being raped, these Arabs leaders would hold them down for the rapists

The arabs should be outraged that these sons of whores and bar workers rule over them


Full Member
Apr 10, 2024
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This is why they wanted to get rid of Morsi and the Muslim brotherhood

These Arab regimes are made up of these murtads

If their own sisters were being raped, these Arabs leaders would hold them down for the rapists

The arabs should be outraged that these sons of whores and bar workers rule over them

Most gulfi Arabs worship jews and white european people. Even the ones in the uk.

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