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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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many massacres in Gaza in the last few days

huge losses of civilian life and children in particular

Israelis are not even trying to cover up the massacres anymore!! Shows their frustration and desperation.
These Mofos must be mercilessly killed by invading armies and rockets / missiles from all sides! You will see how they'd flee back to Europe then.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2024
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Israelis are not even trying to cover up the massacres anymore!! Shows their frustration and desperation.
These Mofos must be mercilessly killed by invading armies and rockets / missiles from all sides! You will see how they'd flee back to Europe then.

Judeo-christian values.
Israel represents the West.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Judeo-christian values.
Israel represents the West.

Interesting account of me meeting an older WASP guy in a restaurant through a friend. This guy bragged by saying 'Oh, nobody in the world fights like the Europeans!' [I am sure he meant Westerners in general]. And I agree with him. Except for the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, I don't see the level of butchery and prolonged wars for decades where the Westerners were not involved. Even the Iran-Iraq war was hugely influenced by the Western support for Iraq. Look at India and Pakistan in contrast: At each other's throats for 75+ years. But they rarely stoop to the low levels like in the European-originated wars with absolute butchery and no holds barred.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2024
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Interesting account of me meeting an older WASP guy in a restaurant through a friend. This guy bragged by saying 'Oh, nobody in the world fights like the Europeans!' [I am sure he meant Westerners in general]. And I agree with him. Except for the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, I don't see the level of butchery and prolonged wars for decades where the Westerners were not involved. Even the Iran-Iraq war was hugely influenced by the Western support for Iraq. Look at India and Pakistan in contrast: At each other's throats for 75+ years. But they rarely stoop to the low levels like in the European-originated wars with absolute butchery and no holds barred.

They are better at organised violence.
Jan 29, 2024
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Israelis are not even trying to cover up the massacres anymore!! Shows their frustration and desperation.
These Mofos must be mercilessly killed by invading armies and rockets / missiles from all sides! You will see how they'd flee back to Europe then.
I would slightly qualify this. Only the criminals should be subjected to what you are suggesting. These criminals scums do not deserve any mercy.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Israelis are not even trying to cover up the massacres anymore!! Shows their frustration and desperation.
These Mofos must be mercilessly killed by invading armies and rockets / missiles from all sides! You will see how they'd flee back to Europe then.
We'll warm up the ovens again for when they come back.
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Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Interesting account of me meeting an older WASP guy in a restaurant through a friend. This guy bragged by saying 'Oh, nobody in the world fights like the Europeans!' [I am sure he meant Westerners in general]. And I agree with him. Except for the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, I don't see the level of butchery and prolonged wars for decades where the Westerners were not involved. Even the Iran-Iraq war was hugely influenced by the Western support for Iraq. Look at India and Pakistan in contrast: At each other's throats for 75+ years. But they rarely stoop to the low levels like in the European-originated wars with absolute butchery and no holds barred.
What is the legend of Ogier the Dane?


Ogier in Danish legend is said to dwell in Kronborg Castle, his beard grown down to the floor. He will sleep there until the day when the country of Denmark is in the greatest peril, at which time he will awaken and save the nation.

One such legend who serves as a warning to all foreign enemies to never ever disturb the northern European man, because it is in our blood to destroy all those who seek to destroy us.

Danes and the Swedes may have been pushovers for some time, but force us in a corner, we will remind the world once again to fear the northman.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Israel is escalating it's terrorism in Gaza and the West Bank. Now trying to annex Palestinian territory of the West Bank. Parts of which are run by their security partner, the PA. That made a peace deal with Israel. Israeli radical extremist government and the backing of the Jewish lobby in the US is going to plunge the region into a war.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Primarily - a security incident in Tal Al-Sultan, west of Rafah

Several explosions were heard in the western Rafah axis, which continued for 15 minutes. This event was followed by intense smoke bombing, with active artillery inside the axis.

Helicopter flight is heard but not visible west of Rafah.


Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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The Jew is not psychologically ill. The Jewish brain operates according to its DNA makeup.

The highly specialized Jewish DNA is fraught with an unholy amount of nucleotides that specifically encode for the creation of the essential proteins that can best implement the strategy of the Jewish organism, which is parasitism.

The particular proteins that come into operation in the brain of the Jew are highly prone to elicit psychopathic personalities. Psychopathy is an important attribute, a principal auxiliary, in fact, it is the key to maximize the intake of the essential nutriments that sustain this peculiar life form.

Engaging in unparalleled criminality and the virulent sucking of blood and energy are the natural operating procedure in the Jew.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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I don't put total faith in Col. Macgregor or Scott Ritter because both can be loose talkers, especially Macgregor. But they do have some credible opinion to keep one interested.

You're being way too kind calling them loose talkers. Maybe Macgregor since much, and I mean MUCH of his predictions have fallen spectacularly flat on their faces. Those kinds of things put a beating on one's reputation, especially when they're sensationalized by prognosticators with the qualifications & backgrounds of people like good old Mac. They've both been exposed of the umpteenth degree, but Scott Ritter has redefined the term loose talker. More like loose cannon.

Did you see what that clown expounded about with his brilliant military analysis that Egypt is a cowardly nation because it hasn't done anything to stop the genocide AND that all it needed to do was send -- now get this -- 5 DIVISIONS to the border with the Gaza! 5 DIVISIONS!!! You know how many troops & armored platforms are 5 divisions? That's 100,000 men, 1,500 tanks, 1,200 artillery units, 800 IFVs & APC and 600 mobile SAM systems not to mention all the SOFs & their equipment ATGMs & other equipment.

A total of 5 divisions is exactly what Egypt had when it launched the Yom Kippur WAR! A war! lol and this genius (who apparently has the military IQ of an asparagus) thinks "all they had to do was just that" and that it would not only stop the genocide (which is absurd just on its own merit to begin with) but didn't even ponder for a second or take an ounce of consideration as to the consequences of such a dumbass idea. Or to not even have the understanding of the military restrictions of the area or any of the history that's had a great impact on the military conditions of the army he's so boldly trying to lecture while ignorantly & arrogantly defaming and insulting. That alone is so mind-blowing, the fact that he didn't even know it, let alone consider it. As if there wouldn't be any drawback to such an absurd suggestion and that the only result of such a moronic idea would be the evil, bastardly entity ending its genocide on the Palestinians. He's lucky he's not peddling that crap at someone who knows what they're talking about and would instantly put him in his place. You're not gonna get that from Judge Napolitano loool. What a clown.

Of course, the worst part is this is coming from a supposed ex-Marine Corp intelligence officer. That's the asinine level of quality that is what this jerkoff Scott Ritter the pedophile has to offer with his brilliant military analyst.

The guy is a half-looted imbecile with a filthy & disgusting past and imagine with his supposed Marine Corps military intelligence background and being a pedophilic lowlife then having the nerve to come out to the world and call an entire population and army that has fought 4 wars with this filthy, decrepit entity, a cowardly nation and army. A pedophile said this.

What might be equally worst is those who believe that and use it to promote their hatred. That's that specific vitriol I mentioned to you before, except this is not the well-intentioned kind. This is the real filthy bottom of the barrel scum vitriol that's mainly rooted in sectarianism and does absolutely nothing but create friction & division between all of us who support and must keep supporting the Palestinians but instead, it feeds the enemy. With every word they talk about the non-presence of the Ummah, they accomplish nothing but show their hypocrisy in the same breath by promoting that breakdown in the Ummah with their own vitriolic notions. It's a crying shame.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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I understand what you meant.
I see the far right in Europe gaining lots of ground just in the past five years.
And they really do not give a damn if you call them Nazis or not.
The far right are natural allies to Islam fighting against the Zionists.

You sure have some strange ideas. Have you thought of that the same Far Right will also go after the large Muslim immigrant/community in Europe?

Also, I don't believe there is much love for Israel/Jews in Europe and never been. Israel is a product of Europe's ethnic cleaning of Jews from Europe. Why would the Europeans like them now? I don't think Europe is going to like boatloads of Israelis flocking to Europe in case of a catastrophic Middle Eastern war; there is a long history of Christian Europeans pogroms against Jews and Hitler is made a convenience single scape goat.

But Europeans are mostly powerless against the Americans and the American govt is truly a Zionist Occupied Govt (ZOG) and so much of Europe still officially supports Israel but that support is not much present on public level.

Finally, the Islamic world--even its militias can sort out Israel in case of a regional war. No support needed from any Far Right. In yesterday's 'Judging Freedom' episode on You Tube, Larry C. Johnson, who is an Ex-CIA official, said something 'the only way Israel can prevail over Hezbollah would be by using tactical nukes and it is not beyond Israel to use the nukes'. Larry is a very responsible analyst.

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