Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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A great interview with the Israeli historian Ilan Pappé. Even the way the early Zionist appealed to the British to support the Zionist cause was to tell them it would be a place for Eastern European Jews to go, instead of Britain. Appealing to the racism of the British ruling class.

He outlines how infighting amongst Muslim rulers encouraged these early Zionist and European powers to back these attempts.

This is what really terrifies the Zionists and their backers, the unity that comes as a response to this genocide. (The loss of face for the US due to this war also strengthens China in the Cold War with America; a potentially very consequential cost the US will have to bear because of this war).

Criticism of Israel “isn’t Anti-Semitic, it’s Anti-Stupid.”

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Mehmed Beg

Jun 16, 2024
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They are better at organised violence.
Tiered Yudeo Marxist flascula. Your avatar too, it happens to the people who have a complete intellectual laziness.
Thousands of Muslims were fighting Yudeo Marxists in German army for a good reason.
Many ideologies have some similarities but of course the details are important.
Of course, to your type of people anti colonial story is the most important. I can tell you, it is not my priority at all.
At some stages in history, Germans or Brits or French were useful for my region. Do you honestly think, for your sake we shouldn't had done that?
On this platform ir other places , people can talk for example about Churchill but it was us who physically fought him in every occasion.
Please do spare me of Yudeo Leftism


Full Member
Dec 17, 2023
Man, stop talking crap and spouting government propaganda
This is propaganda? Even Al Jazeera which hates Egypt reported.

Another evidence of their extremism :


Tareq El Zumor who was involved in the assassination of Sadat attended the celebration of the 6 October Victory (1973 war).

How is it propaganda? They are facts. Like I said, even if I send evidence, it will not change your mind.

It is like you to invite the assassinator of Ali Jannah on the Pakistan Independance Day. Will you accept that accept that the president invite the assassinator of your Founding Father.


Mar 16, 2012
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This is propaganda? Even Al Jazeera which hates Egypt reported.

Another evidence of their extremism :

View attachment 50165

Tareq El Zumor who was involved in the assassination of Sadat attended the celebration of the 6 October Victory (1973 war).

How is it propaganda? They are facts. Like I said, even if I send evidence, it will not change your mind.

It is like you to invite the assassinator of Ali Jannah on the Pakistan Independance Day. Will you accept that accept that the president invite the assassinator of your Founding Father.

You guys have been comprehensively defeated by the Zionists. I understand that you are willing to accept defeat.


Full Member
Sep 14, 2022
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Based on what? because I don't like Muslim Brotherhood. I f*cking hate Israel
Nothing wrong with the idea of the Muslim Brotherhood and various other groups (best not naming names because this thread will start a flame war)started out helping the poor and later on fighting the resistance of an occupying power, problem with many of these groups is they decide to become part of the political landscape and become just as corrupt as what they fought against and start losing what they once were, power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Man, stop talking crap and spouting government propaganda

You have had the same worthless deep state government for decades now and it's bought you to this point

You had one chance to overthrow them and change the middle east forever, and in a few months you clowns let the deep state pull back into the shit where you don't even see how pathetic you look at the moment

We could spend ages talking about the similar situations of our two countries, but what's happening at the moment between Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Uae, Saudi etc is unforgivable

The Muslim world will eventually rise, it destroy the Zionists and overwhelm them, but you people and your harami leadership will go down in history as utter scum

You have covered yourself in shame out of choice

The Egyptian government is actively helping the entity commit genocide on Gazans while Egyptian soldiers look on over the fence.

Flying into Cairo Airport, you can hear and see the explosions as Gaza is mercilessly bombed by the occupier their government collaborates with.

To talk about not liking the one government who may have done something to at least help the Gazans is so crass at this time.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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My Comment to a NY Times article--yet to be posted and sometimes they don't post anti-Israel Comments or post really late. So here it is:

"Clearly Netanyahu is working against Biden and so openly too. But I won't absolve a spineless, self-proclaimed 'Zionist' like Biden of his complicity in the ongoing massacre in Gaza. No amount of 'politics' or 'AIPAC' influence can wash away Biden's complicity. If he had a spine and a good moral compass, he would take a bold and historic stand and at least not Veto a UNSC Resolution to recognize Palestine along the 1967 borders. But he doesn't have any morality left him in. The last moral person was Jimmy Carter. A true Christian. After him are nothing but corporate stooges of the Military Industrial Complex. Shame on you Biden! "

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