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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Jan 11, 2012
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The Jew comes with pernicious consequences.

In truth, the Jewish race is born with a unique criminal brain. When it is allowed to operate at full capacity, the repercussions are damaging, often lethal.

It would be wise to cut the blood supply to the Jewish brain, by appropriately terminating the entire organism.

It's not unimaginable. The Jew is a phenomenally noxious critter. It always was.

What's unimaginable is the friends, partners and lovers of the Jew in positions of power.

A Gentile that shares the bed with the Jew is explicitly showing the world that it is imbued with the same harmful attributes. The bond is real.

Personalities with these detrimental qualities have probably been weeded out in past, or they have been suppressed more wisely, but now they sit at the top, totally unchallenged.

The fault lies with the plebs. They have failed in their mission to eliminate the genetic lines of these types.

That they continue to live is exceptional, but that they live at the top of privilege scale is incredible.
honestly , just for curiosity do you have any scientific study to back those claims ?


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Their are many governments in the Muslim world that are pathetic

But these Arab regimes and not just pathetic they are COMPLICIT in the slaughter of their own people

You look at them and ask yourself, what has happened to these people that they are happy to sit and talk with the Israeli scum after this
That they will order their military to protect Israel from attack
That they will share intelligence with Israel
That they will involve themselves in conferences with Israeli military leaders

If the Muslim warriors of the past could see what these Arab regimes are doing they would curse them

And what's WORSE is , if these countries showed the tiniest bit.of courage, honor and spine they could save tens of thousands of innocent people

If they told the world, the U.S, Europeeans and Israel that this genocide is Intolerable and would lead to the collapse of all agreements

If they told the world that the Arab world will boycott and sanction all countries supplying and supporting Israel in war crimes

If they sent their own forces,.just in preparation, it would give the Zionists pause for thought about the consequences of their actions

These scum could have saved tens of thousands


And Israel, U.S, Europe saw this and said, ohh, these guys are just cowards who arent going to do anything, sonit doesn't effect us at all mid we support Israel

Their cowardice caused this genocide

Their complicity, blocked any OIC and Muslim action

They block the resistance and are worse then the Zionists themselves

I am just shocked at what the Arabs have become

Please add in Turks as well.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Please add in Turks as well.

You could say the Turks as well,.or any of us from across the Muslim world

But the Palestinians are Arabs just like these people, and they are direct neighbours with borders

It's been intolerable looking at the carnage and day in day out news comes out of , meetings, or Jordanians defensive Israel or some other shit


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
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honestly , just for curiosity do you have any scientific study to back those claims ?
Half mankind believe in religions and ideologies created mainly by people from Jewish elite.

That's not something necessarily bad.

My opinion is: Jewish elites are more cold and rational than other people elites.

And Jewish common people are like any other people.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Half mankind believe in religions and ideologies created mainly by people from Jewish elite.
That's not something necessarily bad.
My opinion is: Jewish elites are more cold and rational than other people elites.
And Jewish common people are like any other people.

I don't see a 5th generation German or Italian or Spaniard or whatever actively working for the country of their origin at the expense of the interests of their adopted homeland. So, no, outwardly Jerry Seinfeld was an 'ordinary' looking comedian who didn't delve much into politics until he saw his real home under threat, as evidenced recently of him, by him.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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A summary of the most prominent details of the war on #Gaza during the last 12 hours

🔸30 martyrs in a bombing that targeted the tents of displaced people in #Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip

🔸43 martyrs as a result of the occupation raids on Gaza City since this morning, including:

▫️ 10 martyrs and 17 wounded as a result of the bombing of a house for the Salah family in Al-Shati camp.
▫️ Martyrs and wounded as a result of bombing


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Belgian Foreign Minister: Civilian losses in the Gaza Strip and ongoing violence are unacceptable



Full Member
Sep 14, 2022
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So it not really a secret Hamas has military presence in Lebanon but interestingly no one really ever talks about, hezbollah most likely helps train them and other things as well but they do keep a pretty low profile. Most of these Palestinian groups are usually only allowed to carry arms unofficially in refugee camps etc but I’m assuming Hamas has some joint and separate areas with or without hezbollah but even Hezbollah who supports resistance against Israel im assuming has made sure to keep the number of fighters and weapons under observation.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Urgent | NBC about American pilots: Israel’s attack on Gaza is genocide, and the scenes of war affect us and those who think the same way.


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