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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Mehmed Beg

Jun 16, 2024
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Exactly! it was not Palestine state nor Israel state.

There were state there after British left, thats why jewish can declare state since they became majority in certain region there.
I will repeat the same thing as long as you repeat yourself.
British Passport- Palestine.
No mentioning and entity called Israel.
Your argument that you were the majority goes both ways . In Eastern Jerusalem, Palestinians are majority so give it up. Even earlier maps show Palestine. They don't show Israel.
Not every group of people has a country per ce , but nevertheless they do exist.
The only claims for your nationalhood are bagles and demonisam. That's not enough.
The time when the nationalities were being established, you were nowhere to be seen. So a Jew as the nationality is a complete paradox.
You are nothing more then amalgam of mish mash elements. The cement of that is esoteric believes. Some of you are blond, some of you are black, some of you are mongoloids. Naturally it brings different habits.
What's even funniest thing is the fact, the more radical you are less likely that you are religious. Cintradicto in objecto.
You are a social anomaly not a nation.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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This can end very bad for AZ since Israel can help Armenia to re-build its military posture.
Azerbaijan has the protection of Turkey and Israel wouldn't bother help Armenia for any reason.

Davey Crockett

Full Member
Dec 17, 2023
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