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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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British Middle East Eye editor-in-chief David Hirst: “Israel has worked to strengthen ties with the European extreme right... Israel and the extreme right have a common enemy: Muslims!”

No secret whatsoever. These Zionists have infiltrated many Western and even Islamic countries.


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Mar 22, 2024
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Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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They r@ped the states dry.....

Out of all those, pay attention to how many of them are sucking up to the orange meathead. This is how dangerous this scum-sucking hog is on so many levels it's actually not a joke anymore, it's frightening & scary.


We know he's getting elected, I don't think that's much of a question at this point with the way Biden is falling on his face left & right trying to garner support from every side when this guy is simply trashing 2 groups of people which makes the other overwhelmingly larger group love & admire him for that and they'll be enough to get him the right number of votes. But he's also supported by a powerful & wealthy group of zionists with dual citizenships who are contributing phenomenal amounts of $$$ to get him elected in return for major favors and he's proved he comes through for them. The biggest one being declaring Jerusalem the capital of that shithole. That one broad that gave him hundreds of millions (that I believe you even posted about here if you remember) is an Israeli American financial mogul or some crap like that and she was a huge advocate for making Jerusalem the capital of Israel and had contributed over $100 million to his campaign in 2016 and what was one of the first things he did once he was elected? He declared Jerusalem the capital, so he came through for her. Do you remember posting about that on this thread and who that was?

One can only imagine what promises are being made right now in exchange for major favors (once he gets in) leading into November and we'll know much more after Thursday when he destroys Biden in the debate. Biden is finished. This go around will be much worse with that jackboot thug pig in the white house in 2016-2020.

Its over, this guy is the terminator, Arab world is about to give Israel Syria, Lebanon and Egypt once this guy joins.

Sorry I'm a little slow this morning but that doesn't make any sense at all. How is this Hindu cuck-lover of Israel going to make the Arab world give those countries to whom exactly? You're all over the place with that?!


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Surprised he didn’t get shot.
They have no sense of morals. In the 1940s the Nazis got away with atrocities - today with the social media outlets these cockroaches won’t get away with with it. There is a mobile phone on every other street corner….

It is the Israeli arrogance! When Netanyahu can come to Washington and bitch-slap a sitting US President by addressing a Joint Session of Congress then no surprise what many ordinary Israelis would do. Netanyahu did that to the then President Obama and about to do to President Biden, although it is not the spineless Biden he is going to target much--it is whatever little resistance in the Dem Party exists against Israel.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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"To Idiots it only matters when terror attack Synagogues and Churches in the name of Egypy salafi which is very WRONG. We should not when Islam is attack to condemn only Muslim Brotherhood is Evil"

@eIsQengiz Islam didn't teach us to attack Churches and Synagogues. Islam teaches us tolerance, respect and any muslims know that. Allah tells us to not even cut a tree. That shows how Allah is tolerant

So called Islamic extremism is a tiny drop in the ocean of extremism made up other nations and religions.... Esp Zionists.

Zionists are extremists, hindutva are extremists, westerns are extremists

What we have is hand wringing clowns like this


Sep 19, 2010
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I can’t predict it either. Just trying to figure out the trends and how best humanity conscious people can get a better option the next go around.

I have some thoughts too, but it seems prudent to not speculate in the environment on this thread in particular given that it is rife with hysteria and irrationality.

Having said that, the conflict is likely to simmer on for a good while yet in my view, for many reasons, despite the horrific death toll and suffering.

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