Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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I doubt it. If Israel gets a free pass on Holocaust of the Palestinians, they will easily get a pass on nukes. The West will ALWAYS support Israel even if it means the end of the West itself. It's demonic bond.
Best thing about the west is suppose to be the morality (especially the emancipation of the individual; equality) and democratic system that came out of the enlightenment. This is what those that call criticism of what is happening as anti-western fail to accept. This is the foundation that also makes capitalism possible, in a sustainable way, see the failure of the Spanish empire and Latin America for when it falls apart.

The Soviets exploited when America acted hypocritically but the soviets never really could sustain the economy competition. The last 30 years was a unipolar moment and Israel and America took for granted the breathing space that gave them to ignore what was happening. With the rise of China, Israel is costing America and the west global influence. China has products it can trade to get oil and have their currency used as a means of exchange for oil.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Interesting information from Bassem Youssef, for the record about what happened on October 7, and the number of causalities that were IDF military combatants.


1129 total dead, 373 civilians (a condemnable action I state once again), 756 IDF and police. Also amongst the civilians killed were those killed by Israel, the Hannibal directive possibly by Apaches.



Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Both of my countries are getting abused & molested it's awful.

And listen to the arrogance of this donkey.

You know, this guy was a Nobel Peace Prize co-winner with Sadat and he only agreed to the peace initiative which was initiated & offered by Sadat only. Sadat was the one who declared that he was seeking peace for the sake of stability in the Middle East and travelled occupied Palestine and addressed the Keneset and only he was the one who made it happen from the getgo. This guy only accepted the plan and made brutal demands and terms and wouldn't give much to the Palestinians which was what Sadat had requested to achieve peace, yet they were compelled to co-award him the peace prize. If there was anyone who definitely didn't deserve it, it was this butcher criminal killer.

And you know what else? When he died, he hadn't accumulated any personal wealth whatsoever and all he had was the little apartment he lived in and died in and they didn't discover the body until a week later when his family was looking for him. You know how dead human corpses smell something fierce when they've been decomposing for a while, right? Well, from all the reports this guy's dead corpse stench had the entire block evacuated. The stench of a dead human corpse is bad enough, right? Imagine that of a dead demon. Ooofff.

What a complete donkey that Romanian origin Zionist is.

Hezbollah is dug into the hills and forests of southern Lebanon and they even recently made a Zionist warplane flee after they targeted it with an Iranían MRSAM.

This donkey(sorry to use their name as they are much better creatures than this odious specimen) will be hiding in his bunker while Hezbollah targets everything above ground in a full scale war.

War with Hezbollah will actually be a real war where thousands of Zionist terrorists and unfortunately some civilian settlers are sent packing from this planet to meet their maker.

Should learn to shut his mouth rather than talk delusions.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Interesting information from Bassem Youssef, for the record about what happened on October 7, and the number of causalities that were IDF military combatants.


1129 total dead, 373 civilians (a condemnable action I state once again), 756 IDF and police. Also amongst the civilians killed were those killed by Israel, the Hannibal directive possibly by Apaches.

The good thing about him is he really doesn't hold back and delivers the goods with a smile. But it's interesting how Cuomo was basically letting him go as far as he wanted. Usually someone like Cuomo who is wicked pro-Israel BTW going back to his days pre-CNN and defends it like the typical American robot/zionist stooge yet in a way was ok with letting Basem say what he had to say without interrupting him, and the stuff said really wasn't pretty at all, despite the satirical nature of his delivery methods.

And everyone knows the actual October 7th numbers and what they truly reflected as well as the Hanibal Directive and the Apaches taking out all those "civilians", but then you listen to Basem labeling Israel as the serial killer complaining about a paper cut and that no one gets away with playing the victim while being the oppressor but despite all that, Cuomo is still ok with the zionist entity having the right to play the victim and the occupier at the same time, lol. That, in of itself is the root of the blind support the majority of Americans who support the entity give it, but no one knows where it really come from. Money? religion? Land? It's all murky. What is the vested interest in a trouble-making bitch ass criminal entity that gives absolutely zero in return to America & average Americans? Not even the United States itself gets that kind of blind support for itself! it's disgusting on so many levels. Here's another beauty.



Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Reading Israelis sites, it seems more and more likely that Israel is going to use tactical nukes and/or chemical-biological weapons in Lebanon. I think Israelis have concluded that if they couldn't dislodge Gazan resistance in such a small area despite Israel's overwhelming material advantages, then pushing Hezbollah from south of Lebanon will be very costly for Israel.

If there is a full blown war between Israel-Hezbollah then I think we are going to see such weapons will be used by Israel.
This is where Pakistan needs to step in and provide equivalent weapons to Lebanon

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