Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

They are hinting at phantom or unannounced weapons we have never seen.

If Israel uses nukes against Lebanon (i don't think this is what they were referring to, but its possible), that would lead to a likely violent global reaction to Israel, which US will not be able to save Israel from. But Israel is probably threatening to use ghost weapons we have never seen to either demoralize or demotivate Hezbollah, but i guess the amount of equipment and men that Hezbollah has already destroyed in northern Israel have had the opposite effect- it has energized and re-motivated the resistance to know that it is fully competent to defeat through exhaustion, the Neo-Nazi govt and leadership leading Israel today.

Reading Israelis sites, it seems more and more likely that Israel is going to use tactical nukes and/or chemical-biological weapons in Lebanon. I think Israelis have concluded that if they couldn't dislodge Gazan resistance in such a small area despite Israel's overwhelming material advantages, then pushing Hezbollah from south of Lebanon will be very costly for Israel.

If there is a full blown war between Israel-Hezbollah then I think we are going to see such weapons will be used by Israel.
Reading Israelis sites, it seems more and more likely that Israel is going to use tactical nukes and/or chemical-biological weapons in Lebanon. I think Israelis have concluded that if they couldn't dislodge Gazan resistance in such a small area despite Israel's overwhelming material advantages, then pushing Hezbollah from south of Lebanon will be very costly for Israel.

If there is a full blown war between Israel-Hezbollah then I think we are going to see such weapons will be used by Israel.

They should retaliate in kind.

The lunatic state only understands brute force. We saw that after Iran humiliated them.
They should retaliate in kind.

The lunatic state only understands brute force. We saw that after Iran humiliated them.

Let us tone down the hysteria please.

There is no "more and more likely" about the use of nuclear weapons here by either side.
Let us tone down the hysteria please.

There is no "more and more likely" about the use of nuclear weapons here by either side.

The lunatic state only understands full retard.

There are lots of silent readers, including their loyal goyims.

And how would promoting hysteria about a non-existent rationale for using nuclear weapons in this conflict help silent readers go full retard? Far more likely that this forum itself will be seen as another useless echochamber of irrationality.

It is far better to discuss the conflict without the inflammatory hyperemotionalism that is being fanned endlessly here, but that is just my view on it.
Reading Israelis sites, it seems more and more likely that Israel is going to use tactical nukes and/or chemical-biological weapons in Lebanon. I think Israelis have concluded that if they couldn't dislodge Gazan resistance in such a small area despite Israel's overwhelming material advantages, then pushing Hezbollah from south of Lebanon will be very costly for Israel.

If there is a full blown war between Israel-Hezbollah then I think we are going to see such weapons will be used by Israel.
In that case, the Iranians will also cross the nuclear threshold if then haven't already.
Bro that was some vent there.:p

I cannot blame you there as your country is being used and abused by this entity really badly.

Hope US gets its independence one day.(y)

Both of my countries are getting abused & molested it's awful.

Hezbo say they have 500K missiles to hit Isarel with, is it true or a bluff?:-

And listen to the arrogance of this donkey.

You know, this guy was a Nobel Peace Prize co-winner with Sadat and he only agreed to the peace initiative which was initiated & offered by Sadat only. Sadat was the one who declared that he was seeking peace for the sake of stability in the Middle East and travelled occupied Palestine and addressed the Keneset and only he was the one who made it happen from the getgo. This guy only accepted the plan and made brutal demands and terms and wouldn't give much to the Palestinians which was what Sadat had requested to achieve peace, yet they were compelled to co-award him the peace prize. If there was anyone who definitely didn't deserve it, it was this butcher criminal killer.

And you know what else? When he died, he hadn't accumulated any personal wealth whatsoever and all he had was the little apartment he lived in and died in and they didn't discover the body until a week later when his family was looking for him. You know how dead human corpses smell something fierce when they've been decomposing for a while, right? Well, from all the reports this guy's dead corpse stench had the entire block evacuated. The stench of a dead human corpse is bad enough, right? Imagine that of a dead demon. Ooofff.
The appearance of potent Chinese ATGMs in the hands of Palestinians tells me that CHina got really tired of seeing Gaza get genocided, so it decided to follow North Korea's lead and supply some necessary and mandatory military goodies to Palestinians,especially those in Gaza.
View attachment 50785
China doesn't have the Balls to supply anything against Israel! There were HJ-8 supplied to terrorists during the Syrian "Civil" War and my bet is that these were either captured from them and passed on to Palestinian resistance or they were given to Hamas when they were fighting against the Syrian state and smuggled back to Palestine by the Hamas forces in Syria.
China doesn't have the Balls to supply anything against Israel! There were HJ-8 supplied to terrorists during the Syrian "Civil" War and my bet is that these were either captured from them and passed on to Palestinian resistance or they were given to Hamas when they were fighting against the Syrian state and smuggled back to Palestine by the Hamas forces in Syria.

I think you are right about China and about HJ-8. And it is not a Chinese conflict anyway. Do Muslim countries go out of their way to support China against Taiwan or even about the South China Sea islands dispute? Not much.

But it does greatly benefit China and Russia to have the Americans bogged down in yet another Middle Eastern war!!

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