Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Sell outs.
Something we need to introspect about is "why" is Palestine happening and "how" can the Almighty allow such an evil to perpetuate?

I say this as a humble servant who is ignorant of the future. The only thing we can say about the present and see with our eyes is that the Palestinian blood exposes us more than the Zionists. It's our own treason and Munafiqs that are being exposed. That's the lesson here.

Palestinian bloody genocide exposes the Munafiqs.
No harm in this as in Europe the smaller countries defer to the greater powers like Germany, France and UK, and that is why they are prosperous and relatively secure.

Good example! Yes, European countries have learned from the two World Wars to swallow their pride and learn to co-exist. Peace brings huge dividends to countries! Even the once mighty British Empire is happy to be a very junior partner to America.
The Yemenis could launch a large number of ballistic missiles to keep the US/UK busy in the sky while the real attack comes from north eastern Africa with low flying drone, or perhaps underwater drones. This would be successful if the Axis launches dummy missiles at the same time to keep the IDF jets busy.
no evidence of direct Israeli strike against Iranian territory (some locally launched quadcopters and a few ALBMs that seemed to fail and land in Iraq)

and since October 7th - Israel has already been reached by 7 countries/regions:

1) Gaza
2) West Bank
3) Iraq
4) Iran
5) Syria
6) Lebanon
7) Yemen

The thing is Israel is supplied by the U.S, even though weapons and weapons systems have changed for example from F16s to F35s the capabilities Israel have remained constant

They were surrounded by underfunded and underdeveloped militaries...

Egypt for example, (if they weren't coward's) could decimate the Israeli military,
Not because the Israeli military isn't capable or the Israeli air force isn't capable, but because Israel is TINY and doesn't have any depth whatsoever
So all those Israeli forces, aircraft etc are concentrated and spread over a small area that can be heavily targeted by a state like Egypt

This is why the Zionists and the U.S have worked so hard to make Egypt, Jordan, GCC lackeys

The rise of Iran however, has meant weapons development and spread to Iran's proxies, so unlike the past, Israel can be targeted by weapons that can actually cause it some harm like the Almas anti tank system Hezbollah have been using, or the drones or missiles

It's still not a better option then a full state with a states resources, but it will keep Israel busy and under pressure
Good example! Yes, European countries have learned from the two World Wars to swallow their pride and learn to co-exist. Peace brings huge dividends to countries! Even the once mighty British Empire is happy to be a very junior partner to America.

Unfortunately riches beyond their imagination have given the Gulfies a false sense of importance both in the ME and the wider Muslim world.

Their replacement with more representative government is a pre-requisite for the peace and development both of the ME and the wider Muslim world.

Gulfies and the Zio-US fit together like a glove to maintain the current unjust world order.
Unfortunately riches beyond their imagination have given the Gulfies a false sense of importance both in the ME and the wider Muslim world.

Their replacement with more representative government is a pre-requisite for the peace and development both of the ME and the wider Muslim world.

Gulfies and the Zio-US fit together like a glove to maintain the current unjust world order.

At the moment, the gulfies are a threat to the entire Muslim world

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