Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Nobody can stoop to the murderous lows of killing the Palestinians as Biden has done or Trump might do. They are two old school racist and also deeply in the pocket of the Israeli lobbies. Biden is even a self-proclaimed Zionist. So I am hoping Kamala Harris will be better; I don't think she can be any worse than Biden/Trump. She is a person of color, much younger, and a woman. But we will have to suffer Biden into several of weeks of January 2025 even if Harris wins.

Here is on an Israel source. They are rightly nervous!

Kamala Harris has a different outlook than Biden on Israel and the Palestinians​

It is widely believed that a President Harris won't significantly shift course from Biden's path, but some questions linger in Israel after she expressed solidarity with Palestinian 'plight', though she did express unqualified support for Israel when it came to Iran's regional and nuclear ambitions​

[And some Comments to the article]

"Biden was the last very worm president to Israel. He understands and remember the 2nd World War and what happened to the Jewish people and so, the significance of the State of Israel. Camela does not and does not really care. She will not feel she has any obligations to Israel and could possible be the 1st to vote against Israel in the UN. So, Israel should get ready to tough times ahead and start looking for ways to deal with its problems in a more creative way. I belive Bibi too should go, because his refusal to compromise could hurt Israel and its people."

"A desaster is looming for Israel if Harris becomes the US leader." President Harris" is a progressive, she will be anti Israel from the get go."

She is married to an ardent Zionist Jewish guy. She will be far worse.

She is married to an ardent Zionist Jewish guy. She will be far worse.

Maybe. But I have my doubts.
Spousal inputs don't always go too far. Harris had months ago used 'ceasefire now' which was not the American policy then.
I don't think she can stoop to the lows of Biden. I think even Obama or Bush Jr. would have done more than Biden did to stop the massacre. Trump is a wild card though--his public posture is even more pro Israel than Biden but who knows what he will actually do.

"A secret Israeli-American-Emirati meeting was held in Abu Dhabi last Thursday to discuss the “next day” in the Gaza Strip.

The meeting was held with the participation of the Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs, the UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Advisor to the US President.

Netanyahu wants an Emirati role in the Gaza Strip after the war, and he wants the UAE to send its soldiers to Gaza, finance reconstruction, and change education curricula in Gaza to “de-radicalize” the population.

Walla Hebrew newspaper, reporting on Israeli officials
Netanyahu sees the UAE as a role model for normalization, after integrating it with Israel in the roots of society, education, and combating those who are intellectually hostile to Israel.

Therefore, he seeks for Gaza to be a similar model, and wants the UAE, rather than any other Arab country, to play a ruling role after the end of the war to implement its method of normalization."
More on Kamala Harris. Media Benjamin is a legendary American hero on the Israel-Palestinian conflict and every word she says carries weight. She is a fearless fighter for Palestinians--and she is Jewish.

Official Chinese media announced on Tuesday that the Palestinian movements Fatah and Hamas had signed the “Beijing Declaration” for reconciliation, ending the division and strengthening Palestinian unity.
The Chinese Global Television Network (CGTN) explained that the leaders of the two movements will meet with media representatives in Beijing, on Tuesday, in the presence of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, following meetings that lasted over 3 days.
Chinese Central Television indicated that representatives of 14 Palestinian factions will attend the meeting.


A total of 14 factions participated in the dialogue.. #Fatah and #Hamas sign the #Beijing declaration to end the division and form a unity government to manage #Gaza after the war

Chinese TV: A photo of Palestinian faction leaders with the Foreign Minister after signing the Beijing Declaration to end the division

Hezbollah doesn't have the logistics or ability to fire 100 ballistic missiles at once

Iran had the luxury of preparing for that attack in the open given how vast Iran is and how far from Israel it is. Hezbollah doesn't have those benefits (not to mention it doesn't have tens of thousands of ballistic missiles like Iran in the first place)
Depends on the type of rockets. Hezbullah has in the past launched over 200 smaller rockets at once, so they do have the capability to overwhelm Israel air defenses.
Depends on the type of rockets. Hezbullah has in the past launched over 200 smaller rockets at once, so they do have the capability to overwhelm Israel air defenses.
If Hamas could launch 3 to 5 thousand missiles at once hezbollah I would think have the ability at least in the first day of real war to send double that if not more but I think this will happen only if a sudden mass casualty event either in Lebanon or Israeli territory or in the event of a Nasrallah type death or a very high ranking official on the Israeli side both sides at this current stage aren’t ready to pull the trigger both sides are trying to goad the other side to do something big so they can scream they are defending themselves

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