Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

defeating Israel?
Israel with the backing of US cannot be defeated.This is clear to everyone even though some will not accept it publicly.
Your confidence in the entity is a little optimistic.

There is zero evidence the Zionist entity has nuclear weapons and even if they did, so what?

The "axis of resistance" can wipe them out with conventional weapons, forget about using anything else.

Most of the Jews in Palestine are settlers and those that are not really from the land will rather go back to their countries of origin than die in a last stand.
A limited nuclear strike on Yemen, Syria or Lebanon is entirely possible to put down the so called axis of resistance if the need arises.
You think Iran will provide nukes to these entities to counter balance the power?
I do not think so.
These proxies are just a nuance.They will never go big against Israel nor they have any capability to do so.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi:
China proposes a three-step approach to resolving the Palestinian issue:


Strengthening a comprehensive, permanent and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and ensuring the arrival of humanitarian and relief aid. The international community must unite its ranks on the issue of ceasefire.

* Second :
Adhering to the principle of “Palestinians governing Palestine” and working together to strengthen governance in Gaza and begin post-war reconstruction as soon as possible.
The international community must support the Palestinian factions in forming a transitional government with national consensus to effectively manage Gaza and the West Bank.

* Third:
Encouraging Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations and begin implementing the two-state solution. The convening of a more important and effective international peace conference must be supported, and a timetable and road map must be set for it.
Colombia’s President Petro posts a picture of Gaza’s children:“The children of the genocide in Gaza that humanity must not forget. If we overlook this crime against humanity, then it will be our own children who will be bombed next.”
View attachment 56140View attachment 56141
His people have already been bombed.

Colombia is a shithole in endless war since decades ago.

He's just trying to distract his people from their own problems.
Maybe. But I have my doubts.
Spousal inputs don't always go too far. Harris had months ago used 'ceasefire now' which was not the American policy then.
I don't think she can stoop to the lows of Biden. I think even Obama or Bush Jr. would have done more than Biden did to stop the massacre. Trump is a wild card though--his public posture is even more pro Israel than Biden but who knows what he will actually do.

Trump has already won. USA journalists have softed the speech against him after the attack, is it?

Anyway, USA can create troubles to Israel through a soft nice way (Trump) or through a hard ugly way (Kamala).

And a war is Middle East is actively seek by USA since more than one decade ago and the start of Israel Iran tensions.
Beggar Bibi is in Washington to beg money to keep killing people.

Bibi is the Zelensky of Middle East, in more than one way, in all ways.
Israel is the Ukraine of Middle East.
Ukraine is the Israel of Europe.
The useful idiots to trigger wars and unstabilize the zone.

And the USA target is destroy GCC richness in Middle East and West Europe richness in Europe.

It has nothing to do with ideologies or friendships.

When energy and raw materials start to run out, the only solution is decrease demand, destroying richest countries.
They don't have the fire power. Hezbullah does, and even they won't do it unless Israel declares open war.

Yes but they can attack at once using dozens of cruise/ballistic missiles and drones for distraction.

Houthis seem to have some quite advanced ballistic missiles and these could easily get through as we saw with Iranian ones back in April.
these people are a minority. Israelis don't view Palestinians as humans, they are mere cattle. People will be questioning Judaism now, why 90% people of a faith support a genocide and the excuse "we didn't what was really going" isn't going to fly.
These anti-Zion Jews are a ploy to water down the view of Jews as evil people. If Israeli Zions can't show compassion to women and children then everyone should consider if any compassion will be shown to their women and children.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi:
China proposes a three-step approach to resolving the Palestinian issue:

View attachment 56233

Strengthening a comprehensive, permanent and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and ensuring the arrival of humanitarian and relief aid. The international community must unite its ranks on the issue of ceasefire.

* Second :
Adhering to the principle of “Palestinians governing Palestine” and working together to strengthen governance in Gaza and begin post-war reconstruction as soon as possible.
The international community must support the Palestinian factions in forming a transitional government with national consensus to effectively manage Gaza and the West Bank.

* Third:
Encouraging Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations and begin implementing the two-state solution. The convening of a more important and effective international peace conference must be supported, and a timetable and road map must be set for it.
This will happen if only Israel is DeNazified, will China help DeNazify Israel:-"Strengthening a comprehensive, permanent and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip"
These anti-Zion Jews are a ploy to water down the view of Jews as evil people. If Israeli Zions can't show compassion to women and children then everyone should consider if any compassion will be shown to their women and children.

Extreme minority and we are looking at <10%.

If you look at the "left" in Occupied Palestine they are all agreed that the Palestinians have two choices:

1. Live in reservations in West Bank and Gaza where they will be treated like cattle.

2. Migrate somewhere else and have equality in their new lands.

While we should not treat every Jew as a bad person, do not think that at the least sympathy to Zionism does not extend to 90%+ of all Jews around the world.
Disgusting reporting in Pakistani Media parroting Zion media, instead of using the word slaughtering or murdering they use "hammering":

Depends on the type of rockets. Hezbullah has in the past launched over 200 smaller rockets at once, so they do have the capability to overwhelm Israel air defenses.
original poster talked about an "Iran-style" attack. that means ballistic missiles not small rockets
It's like inviting Adolf Hitler to London in 1939 while millions of people were being gassed and murdered by him. The US is truly sick to the core inviting this vile and evil man.

6 More updates

  • 1h ago
    (06:30 GMT)

    US police arrest 200 for protesting against Netanyahu​

    As we have previously reported, a number of people have been arrested at a US Congress building for protesting against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s scheduled address to lawmakers on Wednesday.
    The US Capitol Police now says the number of detained demonstrators is 200.
    “Demonstrating inside the Congressional Building is against the law,” read a statement.

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