Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The Palestinians are locals and always have been

Thousands of years ago local Hebrews may have live in the region amongst all the other people

But the Jews today are absolutely NOT middle Eastern, they are foreigners, poles, French, Russians, Ukrainians and other colonial scum

The fact these vermin are pretending to be middle Eastern is comical

After what the Jews have done they absolutely cannot remain in the middle east, the middle east needs peace and the Jews are a cancerous people and they have to leave

Take them back to Europe
😂 I didn’t see you posted basically same thing I did
Bolded part: You forgot to add 'gave them mass graves'.
No, It was the Hamas goal 7th octobre. And they succed !
Now no one should be surprised to experience the storm after raising the wind.
They won several wars against a coalition of arab country... Something to develop hubris.
Do you really imagine that palestinian child don't have their brain washed by islamism propaganda?
and yet after almost a year they can’t beat a bunch of rag tag motivated fighters in Gaza, reservists are starting to refuse to go back in because they have been demoralized they are going back to their worn out routine bombing from the air they’re terrified that’s the truth buddy. Orthodox boys who love to shoot innocent civilians who do it knowing the dozens of soldiers behind them will prevent them from harm are refusing to go to war 😂 it’s easy when they don’t shoot back right. Here’s the truth of the modern day era Israel can’t hold more territory than they have people to control that territory they send 50 to 100 thousand soldiers to Lebanon they leave West Bank Gaza and Syria open for attacks they send their air defenses up north they leave openings for Houthi and iran etc etc end of the day two things have stopped Israel from mass destruction nuclear weapons(which soon enough I think iran Saudi and Egyptians will get its a domino effect perhaps even turkey) and America and here’s the truth Americans especially the younger generation don’t care or be bought out
They won several wars against a coalition of arab country... Something to develop hubris.
Do you really imagine that palestinian child don't have their brain washed by islamism propaganda?
They won because of the help of the west.

Palestinians dont need be brainwashed, its like saying the nazis doing what they did will not create a reaction.

Palestinians are not occupying land, not daily killing Palestinians including children (all before oct 7), not detaining hundreds of people thousands now including kids without trial or justification, they dont set up aparthied israel does allof this and its islamism your worried about what a joke.
They won several wars against a coalition of arab country... Something to develop hubris.
Do you really imagine that palestinian child don't have their brain washed by islamism propaganda?
Why is defending yourself from occupation islamism propaganda????

The Jews were never welcomed in the middle east, they were never asked to come

The machinations of the Zionists and British led to establishment of Israel on a land that was already inhabited

The people have a right to resist and fight back against a pariah and parasite like the Zionists
Why is defending yourself from occupation islamism propaganda????

The Jews were never welcomed in the middle east, they were never asked to come

The machinations of the Zionists and British led to establishment of Israel on a land that was already inhabited

The people have a right to resist and fight back against a pariah and parasite like the Zionists

Never understood why a homeowner did not have the right to resist the house invader.

When you invade someone’s house they have every right to resist you and throw you out.

The UN had no right to give Palestine away and so the Palestinians will never accept the stealing of their land.

Those that support this entity are either ignorant or lacking in basic knowledge of what is right and what is wrong.
The genocidal behaviour of the settlers has turned them into pariahs.

People all over the world are refusing to serve these settlers in their shops and restaurants.
All over the world ? No.
Even in nthe muslim world : Morocco purchased these ultimate days 2 sat from Israel...

Some (maybe many) in the muslim world are happy to see Israel doing this cleaning job with Hamas (*). But the top brass can tell it because the people in the streets don't agree....

Strangely (but not strange for me) no muslim country suggest to give part of their soil to Palestinian.... Saoudi Arabia, Egypt... has a lot of unused land.
In the Egyptian case they just have to cross the border to take a tiny 360km² in the egyptian Sinai. Egypt = more than 1 million km².... we are speaking of 0.036% .....
But no. And why no? see (*)
So all of the Arabs and Muslims close to 2000 years weren’t there, I think your trying to sound intelligent but your not Muslims and Jews used to live in a peaceful state for hundreds of years in Palestine or whatever you wish to call it what caused strife was fanatical Zionists in Europe and the immigration of Russian Jews no one argues Jewish people didn’t live there 🤦‍♂️

You are correct... We shouldn't confuse Jews with Zionists. Most of those living in Israel are hardcore Zionists. Ethnically, most are Kazars. European of Central Asia who converted to Judaism.
All over the world ? No.
Even in nthe muslim world : Morocco purchased these ultimate days 2 sat from Israel...

Some (maybe many) in the muslim world are happy to see Israel doing this cleaning job with Hamas (*). But the top brass can tell it because the people in the streets don't agree....

Strangely (but not strange for me) no muslim country suggest to give part of their soil to Palestinian.... Saoudi Arabia, Egypt... has a lot of unused land.
In the Egyptian case they just have to cross the border to take a tiny 360km² in the egyptian Sinai. Egypt = more than 1 million km².... we are speaking of 0.036% .....
But no. And why no? see (*)

Why are you confusing illegitimate Arab puppet regimes with the people?

Was the Vichy Regime the true representative of the French during WW2?

Let the settlers vacate Palestine and go back to their countries of origin and then the Palestinians can go back to their lands in Palestine that is from “the river to the sea”.

If you love the Zionist Jews so much, then give them a part of the French coast on the Mediterranean Sea. About half from Pyrenees stretching 50kms inland should give them enough land to fit in properly and create a viable state of their own.

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