Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

original poster talked about an "Iran-style" attack. that means ballistic missiles not small rockets
I'd say that Hezbullah is capable of launching a large scale ballistic missile attack as well, though the issue remains that they'd run out pretty quickly.
Another very important factors are Tunnel warfare is the main strategic asset of Hizbollah. The tunnels are a bit underestimated Hizbollah has vast tunnels inside the mountains that lets them move freely across the areas.
Zionism needs to be declared as a terrorist ideology by the UN.

Isn't it ironic that the same UN you say has no right is the also the UN that you want to validate your preferred actions?
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Zionism needs to be declared as a terrorist ideology by the UN.
To start the OIC should ask all members to severe ties and make recognition of Israel dependent on creation of Palestinian state per UN mandate.

Then they should brand zionism a colonial racist ideology and put a ban on it within their countries which will be more a symbolic gesture.

Then at every international forum name and shame the zionist state for its brutality.

In the meantime they should help stabilise Syria, Lebanon, Iraq providing them airdefence missiles which can be procured from Russia or the Chinese. Lebanese army should be asked to take a active role in its defence and merge Hezbollah into the armed forces. Yemen should be supported with humanitarian aid and Sudan and the OIC should not allow any goods to be transported to Israel through their air or sea lanes.

This should have been the minimum, no genocide would have happened and we would be closer to a Palestinian state. OIC needs a backbone and be united like the EU. Maybe the conditions are not there now but in the future the next generations need to aspire to a level of unity.
To start the OIC should ask all members to severe ties and make recognition of Israel dependent on creation of Palestinian state per UN mandate.

Then they should brand zionism a colonial racist ideology and put a ban on it within their countries which will be more a symbolic gesture.

Then at every international forum name and shame the zionist state for its brutality.

In the meantime they should help stabilise Syria, Lebanon, Iraq providing them airdefence missiles which can be procured from Russia or the Chinese. Lebanese army should be asked to take a active role in its defence and merge Hezbollah into the armed forces. Yemen should be supported with humanitarian aid and Sudan and the OIC should not allow any goods to be transported to Israel through their air or sea lanes.

This should have been the minimum, no genocide would have happened and we would be closer to a Palestinian state. OIC needs a backbone and be united like the EU. Maybe the conditions are not there now but in the future the next generations need to aspire to a level of unity.

OIC wanted to do put sanctions in November 2023 but it was blocked by the likes of Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Not going to happen when the OIC is full of puppet regimes and traitors.
To start the OIC should ask all members to severe ties and make recognition of Israel dependent on creation of Palestinian state per UN mandate.

That would a be a good first step to take. Why has it not been done already is a mystery.
OIC wanted to do put sanctions in November 2023 but it was blocked by the likes of Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Not going to happen when the OIC is full of puppet regimes and traitors.

I have nothing against Saudi Arabia or Egypt but boy do they go out of their way in order to protect and serve israel/the west. It's almost as if they want to be seen as being faithful slave dogs.
All over the world ? No.
Even in nthe muslim world : Morocco purchased these ultimate days 2 sat from Israel...

Some (maybe many) in the muslim world are happy to see Israel doing this cleaning job with Hamas (*). But the top brass can tell it because the people in the streets don't agree....

Strangely (but not strange for me) no muslim country suggest to give part of their soil to Palestinian.... Saoudi Arabia, Egypt... has a lot of unused land.
In the Egyptian case they just have to cross the border to take a tiny 360km² in the egyptian Sinai. Egypt = more than 1 million km².... we are speaking of 0.036% .....
But no. And why no? see (*)

The Palestinians already have their own land occupied by the Jews

The Palestinians have a demographic advantage over the Jews, so why would any other middle Eastern state let the Jews steal the land by help removing the Palestinians?

The best bet the Palestinians have to remove the Jews from Palestine is to outbreed them and give constant resistance to occupation constantly dragging Israel through the mud until one day it can't get back.up

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