Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Imagine a tiny country whose real, only real, safe border is the Med. Sea. Even Egypt is not safe for Israel and that's why the Philladelphia Corridor is so critical for Israel.

Add to Israel's miseries, the Houthis provide a kind of 'plausible deniability' to Iran/Hezbollah. Yemen has the least to lose! Those who have the least to lose, are often willing the lose the most for their 'cause'!
Anyone with authentic info about Israeli casualties ?.....
US is trying to collect intelligence on prisoners whereabouts, and also trying to tap into Hamas's communications as Hamas is still operating in a organized manner despite the damage done to Gaza and it's infrastructure:

The US & UK spy planes and the US special forces have been directly participating in the genocide. It is well-documented,.

What is Hezbollah's ballistic missile estimate?
For any military entity that is actually brave to use them, the estimate is infinite, and for any military entity that is actually scared to use them, like Egypt and Turkey, the estimate is actually 0.

Hope you understand my point here.
By keeping our mouths shut, working behind the scenes, and not shouting Death to America and other nonsense to attract attention.
Is this HOW your country ended up a slave to the West or will become free from it? because this sounds ALOT like what makes a country a slave to the West.

How has doing all of this made Pakistan free from the stranglehold of the West? This advice is so bad, it would have gotten Gaza nowhere today if they had followed it- PA and Abbas followed this advice, and it instead has led them to the political guillotine.

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