Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

When it comes to the americans and the west, it is ALWAYS about race.
"it is not about race"/ "get out of your raced -based way of thinking"- someone who probably doesn't really understand or see race well (in the first place).

Your posts are very high in truth (so they are essentially "harsh'), i have to give that to you, but truth makes MANY uncomfortable, and they will show that in different ways.
When a tiger goes on the hunt and sees a group of Gazelles, does he not slowly creep up, or does he start roaring? Every action has a time and place; if the tiger acts out in hubris and alerts the Gazelles, he's lost his advantage and possibly his meal for the day.

Always conceal your intent when you want to face an adversary.
Horrible and irrelevant analogy here...respectfully. Lol.
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IDF terrorist liquidated by anti-tank fire (Yasin-105) in Rafah

A reservist Israeli soldier was liquidated during fighting in southern Gaza's Rafah yesterday, the occupation military announces.

The slain terrorist is named as Cpl. (res.) Moti Rave, 37, an engineering vehicle operator in the Givati Brigade, from Shani.

According to an initial probe, Rave was killed by anti-tank fire launched at a D9 bulldozer he was operating.
Hezbollah ATGM strikes factory in Israel

An anti-tank guided missile launched by Hezbollah from Lebanon struck a factory in the border community of Avivim, local authorities say.

The Marom Hagalil Regional Council says damage was caused to the factory in the attack.
Clashes between the Resistance and Palestinian Authority security forces in the Palestinian West Bank

PA security forces tried to arrest a Resistance commander in hospital in Tulkarm

Thousands of supporters of the Resistance confronted the PA security forces and forced them to withdraw

@Falcon29 PA doing this in Tulkarm of all places (home of the West Bank Resistance forces) was silly

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"it is not about race"/ "get out of your raced -based way of thinking"- someone who probably doesn't really understand or see race well (in the first place).

Your posts are very high in truth (so they are essentially "harsh'), i have to give that to you, but truth makes MANY uncomfortable, and they will show that in different ways.

People don't like the truth. But the truth is that white western european people see black and brown people as worth less than insects. If 2 million brown Muslim Palestinians are genocided, the whites will say that they deserve it as they are all terrorists. If one white western european goes missing, the whole white world would be in uproar. That's the difference.
So it seems like Israel has made plans for invasion of Lebanon?
From what ISraeli govt officials have been saying, yes, but from what we've seen on the ground, not really, but i think its better to go with what Israeli officials are saying at this time.
Is Netanyahu really that stupid ? Or maybe he is ?
I think he is smart, because Israel invading Lebanon will most likely lead to the full incapacitation of the IDF, which will prevent it from fighting terrorist wars against neighbors for at least 5-10 year (while it "rebuilds").

Those who are well informed know the IDF is likely to die if it actually invades Lebanon, and US troops maaaaay get sent to support IDF from its irreversible demise (if it invades Lebanon).
Seems like Israel isnt producing Iron dome missiles in sufficient quantity and quality since after the war started on Oct. 7th.

When Israel got into A REAL WAR (that started on Oct. 7th) it performed so badly, it had to go criminal and genocidal to try to win. Thank you technology for making the recording of many Israeli military crimes in Gaza possible.
Seems like Israel isnt producing Iron dome missiles in sufficient quantity and quality since after the war started on Oct. 7th.

When Israel got into A REAL WAR (that started on Oct. 7th) it performed so badly, it had to go criminal and genocidal to try to win. Thank you technology for making the recording of many Israeli military crimes in Gaza possible.
you are right

they had to rely on thousands of weapons deliveries from the USA from week 2 of the war
Is this HOW your country ended up a slave to the West or will become free from it? because this sounds ALOT like what makes a country a slave to the West.

How has doing all of this made Pakistan free from the stranglehold of the West? This advice is so bad, it would have gotten Gaza nowhere today if they had followed it- PA and Abbas followed this advice, and it instead has led them to the political guillotine.

How are the Palestinians currently faring? They have been abandoned by their fellow Arabs. There are over 40,000 people dead and more than 100,000 injured or permanently scarred, 60% of Gaza destroyed. Many homes and facilities are not in working condition, and people are living in a wasteland. They are street dogs in their own land. The recent Israeli land grab in the West Bank resulted in the loss of more land than in the last ten years combined. All this for Israel just to hear regional whores shout, it's not going to lose any sleep, and will continue mowing the lawn.

Instead, this conflict did far worse damage to the regional countries, exposing them as toothless nations, as now Israel will strike when and where it wants with impunity, and it knows not one nation will touch it, Alhamdulillah.

If the West views Pakistan as a subordinate dog, it's because of the nation's decisions. Thus far, it has avoided the fate of Iraq and many others. This conflict has shown that only an insane individual would burn down his house and live in the ashes, knowing that its supporters are useless. However, Pakistan has the ability to defend itself if it were to declare war and has held its own against an enemy six times its size, which plays a major role in its decision-making; if the military is damaged, India will move, who the f*ck is coming to come then? Arabs, Iranians, or Turks?

It appears that you may have missed the main idea of my post. The main strategy I was trying to convey involves working in silence against a strong enemy, diverting their attention, making them feel at ease, and then striking a fatal blow when the opportunity would be most effective, with the support of an alliance [critical component in any strategy]. However, what seemed to occur was that you played your cards too early, allowing the enemy to regroup and counterattack, thus nullifying any potential element of surprise in the future. This misstep could even result in losing control of Gaza.

The comical part of all this was Iran denying knowing anything and Hezbollah throwing firecrackers and losing more men than the damage it inflicted on Israel; well played.

But yell out until your throat gives out if you feel it will be a good strategy. It's worked wonders for many others in the past, who are now footnotes in history.
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"No toddler gets shot twice in the head by mistake"

"All of the disaster zones I've seen combined - combined - 40 mission trips, 30 years, ground zero, earthquakes, all of that combined doesn't equal the level of carnage that I saw against civilians in just my first week in Gaza.
(Host: and when you say civilians, is it mostly children?)
Almost exclusively children, I've never seen that before."

And some here will try to equate this to what Hezbollah or Iran did in Syria. Selfcucking of the highest degree.
EXACTLY!!!!!!!...........You have uttered what I have been saying in this forum and it's previous iteration for nearly 10 years. For many reasons and circumstances, us Pakistanis and many other non-whites are in a state of inferiority and servitude to the white western europeans. The question is how do we break these chains of slavery and inferiority from the goreh?

Its really only one way
Play the same game.

But to do that you actually have to do the walk before the talk. Which is, build a better future for yourself first. Only then can you start having a self-image that matches and is justified by your achievments. Or else it will only appear self-delusional and «fake».

There was a time when europeans used to copy Ottoman and Moorish clothing trends. Why? Because europeans at that time were material and technologically inferior.

Everyone wants to follow a winning team. Its a deep human instinct. There is a good reason for that.

Btw, europeans advanced the society by being industrious, have ruthless thirst for wealth, taking risks, copying alot from the Islamic world. Of course now that Europe has surpassed Islamic world, most europeans dont know about it or willfully hides this historical fact.

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