Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

They are still nervous about Harris comments.

A senior official on Friday criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for saying the serious humanitarian situation in Gaza cannot be ignored. Harris spoke after she met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday. "Hopefully the things the vice president said in a press conference would not be interpreted by Hamas as a rift developing between Israel and the United States, which would delay a deal," the official said ahead of Netanyahu's meeting with Donald Trump.

"We cannot allow ourselves to be numb to the suffering and I will not be silent," Harris said in a press conference after her meeting with the prime minister.

The officials said Harris's comments differed from what she had said in her meeting with the Israeli prime minister. He claimed there was no tension in their meeting. "Her tone surprised us," he said.

She was putting those statement for public consumption. She is trying to get back the voters that abandoned Biden due to his part of the genocide in Gaza. In reality, there is no good Zionists vs bad Zionists. A Zionist is someone who wants to uproot the indigenous people in Palestine and the Levant (Shaam) in general, and give it to a collection of people from all over the world who have nothing to with the Holy Land but have a book in which they claim "God has given them the land".


"'She and President Biden are in lockstep when it comes to Israel. There is no daylight between them to be found,' said Halie Soifer, who was Harris’ national security adviser when she was a senator."

Let us not forget Kamala Harris is the same woman who protested when Obama administration allowed a resolution through the UNSC that condemned Israel's new settlements in the West Bank. She did that when she was a fresh senator. This is a woman who supported illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

"In a move considered a slap in the face for Israel, the UNSC passed a decision not to recognize any changes to the ceasefire border of June 4, 1967, including Jerusalem. Of the 15 members of the council, 14 supported the resolution. The US abstained from the vote, also refrained from exercising its veto.

That history, which involves Biden, is relevant now, not only because of the involvement of the then-vice president in such an anti-Israel resolution, but also because Vice President-elect Kamala Harris opposed the resolution at the time. Harris was even one of the authors of a Senate resolution that expressed opposition to 2334 – not because she supported the settlements, but because she thought that the resolution was biased

The only reason that she would be making those statements yesterday is the Democratic party leaders came to the conclusion that there was no way they could win the election if Biden remains their candidate due to his age and dementia and also their record in Gaza. So it is all about playing with voters' emotions. Hillary Clinton did when she was running for the Senate in 2000. So this is a gimmick they always play.
This video is now going viral....

Someone mentioned this is an old video from 2015.

The Christians are being riled up for a new crusade against Islam.

I mentioned weeks ago the door of opportunity to defeat the bandit state of Israel is closing.

If christianity goes back to its middle age mindset, then i am afraid American and European jews will be its first casulties. Where will jews flee to this time? last time it was same situation, it was muslims that shielded them

… but with the zionist behaviour the past century…
Great and UK Muslims played a role here as we either voted independent or for those principled Labour MPs who stood for humanity and voted for immediate ceasefire when this horror started last year.

I tried to push this prior to the election also, my local M.P met with a group of us Muslim business men etc We made a case for a range of local issues and our outrage at what was happening in Gaza and they M.P was very vocal and supportive

You can't just abandon parties the that just leaves them to the Zionists or hindutva types, you need to gain support and influence within partie
The only reason that she would be making those statements is, the Democratic party leaders came to the conclusion that there was no way they could win the election if Biden remains their candidate due to his age and dementia and also their record in Gaza. So it is all about playing with voters' emotions. Hillary Clinton did when she was running for the Senate in 2000. So this is a gimmick they always play.

Kamala is certainly yet another compromised American politician. Even Bernie Sanders is to a large extent but he could have still thrown some curve ball toward Israel and hence he was not allowed to be the nominee.
However, I believe Kamala is going to surprise us. Only time will tell.

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