Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I think Israel missed the chance against Hezbollah. Maybe the Israelis thought they could finish off Gazan resistance in no time and then fully concentrate on northern front. Maybe Israelis wanted to pileup the weaponry (of course supplied by the Americans) before going north. But in all likelihood then feared and still fear Hezbollah.

Going forward, as long as a chunk of northern Israel is empty, Israel will be compelled to go after Hezbollah. Israel is a tiny country with not much good land. The north is where there is good land and strategic places to watch both Lebanon and Syria--and maybe even beyond them. Israeli population displaced in the north are not willing to go back until Hezbollah is pushed back or eliminated. So living with the 'new reality' that you are mentioning will be very difficult, if not impossible. Plus, as long as he is the PM of Israel, Netanyahu has a personal stake in expanding and prolonging the war.

Iran is likely to be involved as well as the rest of the “Axis of Resistance”. They cannot afford to let Hezbollah face destruction as that puts them at serious risk then.

It is either the new reality that Hezbollah has imposed or almost certain destruction of the settler entity in a full on war.

Remember most of these settlers are not suicidal especially when they have safe and prosperous options in the west.
Iran is likely to be involved as well as the rest of the “Axis of Resistance”. They cannot afford to let Hezbollah face destruction as that puts them at serious risk then.

It is either the new reality that Hezbollah has imposed or almost certain destruction of the settler entity in a full on war.

Remember most of these settlers are not suicidal especially when they have safe and prosperous options in the west.

Can't disagree with anything you said!
So it is a very difficult situation for both sides and the root cause is the Israeli arrogance and determination to never allow millions of Palestinians their God-given right of independence and prosperity. Until Israel changes that, we are looking at a bleak future for that region where a catastrophic war is very likely with dire consequences for a large part of the world.
The Israel-Palestine conflict is not like an India-Pakistan, or India-China or even Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Another blow to Israel. So technically Netanyahu should be arrested in UK one day if the ICC does issue an Arrest Warrant.

'For the Court to decide': Labour Gov. not pursuing action against ICC warrants​

On the ICC submission... I can confirm the government will not be pursuing (the proposal) in line with our long-standing position that this is a matter for the court to decide on, says spokesperson.​

Britain said on Friday it would not proceed with efforts to question whether the International Criminal Court (ICC) has jurisdiction to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

In May, the ICC's prosecutor said he had requested arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant and three Hamas leaders over alleged war crimes.

Court documents made public in June showed Britain, an ICC member state, had filed a challenge to the court to provide written observations on whether "the court can exercise jurisdiction over Israeli nationals, in circumstances where Palestine cannot exercise criminal jurisdiction over Israeli nationals (under) the Oslo Accords".

In May, Andrew Mitchell, former Tory foreign office minister, said “We do not think the ICC has jurisdiction in this case, the UK has not recognized Palestine as a state and Israel is not party to the Rome Statute.”
Another blow to Israel. So technically Netanyahu should be arrested in UK one day if the ICC does issue an Arrest Warrant.

'For the Court to decide': Labour Gov. not pursuing action against ICC warrants​

On the ICC submission... I can confirm the government will not be pursuing (the proposal) in line with our long-standing position that this is a matter for the court to decide on, says spokesperson.​

Britain said on Friday it would not proceed with efforts to question whether the International Criminal Court (ICC) has jurisdiction to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

In May, the ICC's prosecutor said he had requested arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant and three Hamas leaders over alleged war crimes.

Court documents made public in June showed Britain, an ICC member state, had filed a challenge to the court to provide written observations on whether "the court can exercise jurisdiction over Israeli nationals, in circumstances where Palestine cannot exercise criminal jurisdiction over Israeli nationals (under) the Oslo Accords".

In May, Andrew Mitchell, former Tory foreign office minister, said “We do not think the ICC has jurisdiction in this case, the UK has not recognized Palestine as a state and Israel is not party to the Rome Statute.”

Great and UK Muslims played a role here as we either voted independent or for those principled Labour MPs who stood for humanity and voted for immediate ceasefire when this horror started last year.
Great and UK Muslims played a role here as we either voted independent or for those principled Labour MPs who stood for humanity and voted for immediate ceasefire when this horror started last year.

Good job!!
You are so lucky to have a real 'left' in your politics. Here in America, it is a duopoly and only fringes like The Green Party which is our 'left'.
But your votes make it clear that organized electioneering can have tangible results in a democracy. Something the Arab-Muslim community in America is only now beginning to work on, since the Gaza war began. But better late than never.
Good job!!
You are so lucky to have a real 'left' in your politics. Here in America, it is a duopoly and only fringes like The Green Party which is our 'left'.
But your votes make it clear that organized electioneering can have tangible results in a democracy. Something the Arab-Muslim community in America is only now beginning to work on, since the Gaza war began. But better late than never.

Muslims voted strategically as we knew we had to have a voice in the next government.

I voted for my local Labour MP in a high Muslim population area as she even resigned a junior shadow government post to vote for ceasefire back in November 2023.

The right wing racists were dealt a massive blow on July 4th.

This new government is put on notice by the Muslims and the left that it needs to change its policy as regards Gaza and they need to deliver or else support will no longer be given and opposition started.
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Kamala's speech after meeting Netanyahu keeps getting good coverage and making Israelis nervous.
Important to notice is that the snake Netanyahu, through his vassals in America, trying to portray that Israel has accepted the Biden's ceasefire proposal but Hamas is rejecting, the loud-mouths in Netanyahu's cabinet keep spilling the beans! Hahahaha!!
But the deal, if implemented as what Kamala outlined, is certainly not good for Netanyahu.

Australia, Canada and New Zealand press Netanyahu on a Gaza cease-fire.

Australia, Canada and New Zealand called Friday for an urgent cease-fire in Gaza, increasing the pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel a day after Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, declared she would “not be silent” about Palestinian suffering.

Mr. Netanyahu’s trip to Washington this week, which included White House meetings with Mrs. Harris and President Biden and a high-profile speech to Congress, has heightened criticism, both at home and abroad, of his ambivalent response to a proposed cease-fire deal that has been under negotiation for weeks.

He was set to meet the Republican presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump, who has also called for an end to the war, on Friday in Florida.

“The situation in Gaza is catastrophic,” said a statement issued Friday by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of Australia and signed by Justin Trudeau and Christopher Luxon, the leaders of Canada and New Zealand. “The human suffering is unacceptable. It cannot continue.”

“We fully stand behind the comprehensive cease-fire deal, outlined by President Biden and endorsed by the U.N. Security Council,” the statement said. “We call on parties to the conflict to agree to the deal. Any delay will only see more lives lost.”

U.S. officials have said negotiators are close to sealing a deal and Mr. Netanyahu has recently hinted at the possibility that one would come soon. But the two sides remain fundamentally divided over when and how the war should end.

According to officials familiar with internal conversations, Israel’s defense agencies fear that Mr. Netanyahu will doom hopes for a cease-fire deal if he refuses to back down on some new demands, including his insistence that Israeli forces screen Palestinians for weapons at checkpoints as they move between southern and northern Gaza.

His U.S. visit came at an unusually fraught period in the American presidential race, as Mr. Biden announced on Sunday he would not run for a second term and Ms. Harris quickly became the presumptive Democratic nominee. But even Mr. Trump, who in the past has been strongly supportive of Mr. Netanyahu, expressed frustration with the Israeli leader’s stance on the truce deal.

Israel must end the war in Gaza “and get it done quickly,” Mr. Trump said in an interview on Fox News on Thursday, arguing that Israel was “getting decimated” by negative publicity over its conduct of the war.

Palestinian health authorities say that more than 39,000 people have been killed in Gaza since the conflict started and the enclave has been devastated by incessant Israeli airstrikes and fighting.

After her meeting with Mr. Netanyahu, Ms. Harris offered strong backing for Israel’s right to defend itself from terrorism. But she added that “far too many innocent civilians” had died in Gaza.

“I will not be silent about their suffering,” she said.

The comments were the first significant statements she has made on foreign policy since Mr. Biden’s announcement and were closely watched by both Israeli and Palestinian analysts for any sign that, if she were elected, her policies would deviate from those of Mr. Biden.

Israel’s far-right finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, who plays an important role in Mr. Netanyahu’s governing coalition, criticized the comments. A cease-fire on the terms that have been outlined would amount to surrender to Hamas, he said, adding: “Do not fall into this trap.”

Another far right leader, Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s national security minister, addressed Ms. Harris bluntly: “There will be no cease-fire, Lady presidential candidate,” he said on social media.
Great and UK Muslims played a role here as we either voted independent or for those principled Labour MPs who stood for humanity and voted for immediate ceasefire when this horror started last year.

I tried to push this prior to the election also, my local M.P met with a group of us Muslim business men etc We made a case for a range of local issues and our outrage at what was happening in Gaza and they M.P was very vocal and supportive

You can't just abandon parties the that just leaves them to the Zionists or hindutva types, you need to gain support and influence within parties
I tried to push this prior to the election also, my local M.P met with a group of us Muslim business men etc We made a case for a range of local issues and our outrage at what was happening in Gaza and they M.P was very vocal and supportive

You can't just abandon parties the that just leaves them to the Zionists or hindutva types, you need to gain support and influence within parties

"Charity" is given. "Rights" are taken.
In a democracy, organized campaigning can go long ways. Many people don't even vote and so even a determined, organized minority can make a big difference.
They are still nervous about Harris comments.

A senior official on Friday criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for saying the serious humanitarian situation in Gaza cannot be ignored. Harris spoke after she met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday. "Hopefully the things the vice president said in a press conference would not be interpreted by Hamas as a rift developing between Israel and the United States, which would delay a deal," the official said ahead of Netanyahu's meeting with Donald Trump.

"We cannot allow ourselves to be numb to the suffering and I will not be silent," Harris said in a press conference after her meeting with the prime minister.

The officials said Harris's comments differed from what she had said in her meeting with the Israeli prime minister. He claimed there was no tension in their meeting. "Her tone surprised us," he said.

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