Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Urgent || Channel 13 Hebrew:

America asked Israel not to respond extensively in Lebanon for fear of the outbreak of war.
Urgent Yedioth Ahronoth| Thousands of Israelis demonstrate in Tel Aviv again to demand a prisoner exchange deal

Israeli Army Radio on Ehud Barak at a demonstration in Kaplan: We need to start preparations for a massive intifada and disobedience including shutting down the economy

Urgent | Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jumblatt: We previously dropped Israel's project (to ignite strife in the region) and we will be on the lookout for it alongside the resistance (statement)

The only hope that Netanyahu has is to pull in the US and others into his fight but they won't get involved if only because they cannot anymore after decades of wars in the ME that has sapped their strength.

Correct. From Day One since this conflict began on 7 October 2023, Americans didn't want to get dragged into a regional war.

About the attack on the Golan Heights, look how a so-called news outlet of record like NY Times is calling the Occupied Golan Heights as 'Disputed' and it's not hard to guess the authors' background. God-damned leeches, hiding in the plain sight!!

Rocket From Lebanon Kills at Least 10 in Israeli-Controlled Golan Heights​

It was the deadliest single attack from across Israel’s northern border in months of hostilities. Israel blamed Hezbollah, which denied responsibility.

Emergency workers at the scene after a rocket fired from Lebanon struck a soccer field in Majdal Shams, a village in the disputed Golan Heights, on Saturday.
Erdogan: When we see those (in Congress) applauding the killer of 40,000 innocent people, we not only worry about humanity, but also about our future.

President Erdogan: Who guarantees that those who destroyed Gaza today will not turn their dirty eyes to Anatolia in the future?

Only copy them in terms of science, technology and economy. DO NOT copy their social or cultural norms. There is a REASON why white european families are mass breaking apart and their fertility rates are significantly below replacement levels. There is also a reason why in the west/europe, men of black African descent are mass breeding/procreating with white european women.
Here is the reason why......

Jews Confirm Jewish Media Control

"Of course, there are more Gentiles than Jews in the American media, as in America at large. But notice how many Jews are in control of media giants. This helps explain why the media is constantly pushing immorality and the liberal Zionist political agenda. Why are Whites always marginalized in films and TV? Why is the Palestinian perspective not included in the news? Face the forbidden truth: The media speaks with a Jewish voice."


By Rev. Ted Pike
13 Feb 12

Editor's note: In 2002 the Jewish website "Judaism Online" posted an extensive list of Jews who dominate the American media. Since 2006 this article, with my comments, has proven one of the very most frequented at

In this update and revision, I keep much of the original Judaism Online article (which is in italics) but delete out-of-date information. I add much more, documenting the present status of the Jewish media moguls who tell us what to believe - and degrade our morals. Unless otherwise stated, these individuals are Jewish. The names of persons who are almost certainly Jewish but unconfirmed are followed by an asterisk.

Jewish control of the media is a taboo topic. In Congress, among evangelicals and mainline conservative talk radio, it is never mentioned. It is discussed only in snatches on far right alternative talk radio.

This is astonishing, considering that almost every substantial library in America contains a number of books confirming such Jewish control. These include Neil Gabler’s An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood and Hoberman and Shandler’s Entertaining America: Jews, Movies, and Broadcasting.

These encyclopedic histories of Jewish control of the American media outdo any efforts by so-called “anti-Semites” to document an astonishing, frightening fact: The majority of media news and information to the American public comes from Jews.

An authoritative Jewish website Judaism Online ( in its article “Jewish Success in the American Media” documents Jewish media preeminence. It does so not from motives of anti-Semitism but from Jewish pride. Its 2002 list of many Jewish superstars in the media today is printed, in part, below.

Of course, there are more Gentiles than Jews in the American media, as in America at large. But notice how many Jews are in control of media giants. This helps explain why the media is so relentlessly anti-Christian, constantly pushing immorality and the liberal Zionist political agenda.

Why are Christians always marginalized in films and TV? Why is the Palestinian perspective not included in the news? Face the forbidden truth: The media speaks with a Jewish voice.



Sumner Redstone - chairman of board and CEO of the CBS Corporation, which includes Viacom, "world's biggest media giant" (Economist, 11-23-02). The CBS Corporation is the world's most powerful and corruptive Jewish media giant. Viacom owns Viacom Cable, CBS, and MTV… Blockbuster Video Rentals, and Black Entertainment TV. Viacom operations include UPN, BET Networks, Paramount Pictures and such well-known global brands as VH1, CMP, Logo, Nickelodeon, Nick at Nite, Nick Jr., Teen Nick, Comedy Central, Showtime, Spike TV, TV Land, Rock Band, Addicting Games, Atom, Neo Pets, and Shockwave as well as Simon and Schuster.

Phillipe Dauman is president and CEO of Viacom.

Leslie Moonves (great-nephew of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion) - president of CBS Television.

Martin Franks (*) is executive vice president, planning, policy and government affairs.

Louis J. Briskman (*) is executive vice president of research and planning and general counsel.

Although Jews compose less than 2 percent of the US population, the CBS Corporation Board of Directors, as well as major corporation divisions, is occupied by over 60 percent Jews.


In 2011 Comcast purchased NBC Universal. Steve Burke (a gentile yet board member of J. P. Morgan) became new CEO of NBC Universal. Robert Greenblatt is chairman of NBC Entertainment.

Steve Capus (*) is president of NBC News.

Max Mutchnik and David Kohan - co-executive producers of NBC’s “Good Morning, Miami.”


Robert Iger - major owner of Walt Disney, Capital Cities, and ABC. Disney owns cable TV networks such as Disney Channel, ESPN, A&E TV Network, ABC Family, as well as many other entertainment venues.

Allan Braverman is executive vice president and general counsel of Walt Disney

Ben Sherwood is president of ABC News.


Rupert Murdoch (Jewish mother, hence legally Jewish) is owner of FOX TV, New York Post, London Times, and News of the World.

Joel Klein, ex-chancellor of New York Department of Education, was appointed by Murdoch to clean up the news corporation's hacking image.


Wolf Blitzer is host of CNN’s "The Situation Room."


The prestigious Encyclopedia Judaica, in its article “Motion Pictures,” pg. 449, says: “Thus all the large Hollywood companies, with the exception of United Artists...were founded and controlled by Jews.”

Sony Corporation (worldwide): Howard Stringer - chairman and group CEO. Sony produced the blasphemous "Da Vinci Code" (See The Jews Behind Da Vinci Code)

Columbia Pictures: Michael Lynton - cochairman.

Sony Pictures Entertainment: Amy Pascal - cochairman.

Warner Bros.: Barry Meyer - chair.

Edgar M. Bronfman Jr. was CEO of Warner Music Group from 2004 until sale of WMG in 2011. He was previously CEO of Seagram and vice chairman of Vivendi Universal.

Time Warner: Gary Ginsberg is executive vice president of marketing and communications.

Paramount: Brad Gray - president of Paramount Pictures.

DreamWorks: Stephen Spielberg, David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg (owners).

Miramax Films: Harvey Weinstein, former CEO of Miramax, left to found, with his brother, Weinstein Films.

Warner Brothers: Barry Meyer - chairman.

MGM: Harry Sloan - chairman.

AMC: Charlie Collier - president.

Screen Actors Guild: Alan Rosenberg - president.


Clear Channel Communications: Robert Sillerman - founder.

PBS: Ben Wattenberg - moderator, PBS ThinkTank.


The Encyclopedia Judaica, in its article “Publishing,” lists the following publishing houses, as of 1971, owned or controlled by Jews: Viking, Knopf, Random House, Modern Library, Simon and Schuster, Harcourt, Brace & Co., Greenberg Publishers, Ziff-Davis, Crown Publishers, Dial Press and Dryden Press. Publishing houses either founded by or with a Jew as editor-in-chief include: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, Abelard-Schumann, Basic Books, Grosset & Dunlap, Federal Writers Project, Gaer Associates, Macmillan & Co., Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Citadel Press, Chanticleer Press, Arthur Frommer, Inc., Hart Publishing Co., Lantern Press, Oceanea Publications, Twayne Publishers, Arco Publishing Co., Grossman Publishers, and Stein & Day.

Publishing houses involved in book clubs, reprints, or children’s literature either founded by or controlled by Jews include the Literary Guild, Book of the Month Club, Limited Editions Club, Heritage Club, Junior Heritage Club, Readers Club, Jewish Book Guild, Military Science Book Club, Natural History Book Club, Book Collector’s Society, Art Book Guild, Science Book Club, Beech Hurst Press, A. S. Barnes & Co., Sagamore Press, Thomas Yoseloff Inc., The Modern Library, World Publishing Co., Little Blue Books, Pocket Books Inc., Avon Publications, Popular Library, Schocken Books, Golden Books, and Golden Press.

In its article on New York City, the Judaica adds to the list of publishing houses owned by Jews, Liveright & Boni, and Anchor Books.

Today, Random House, Doubleday, and Anchor Books, while Jewish owned and controlled, participate in the world’s largest publishing consortium, Bertelsmann A.G., benefiting from its staggering distribution advantages.

Judaism Online says: Bertelsmann’s American operations are headed by Joel Klein, chair and CEO.


The following, from the 2002 Judaism Online article, though largely outdated, I have left unrevised because of the general picture it presents.

Samuel Newhouse Jr. and Donald Newhouse own Newhouse Publications, which includes 26 newspapers in 22 cities. The Conde Nast Magazine Group includes the New Yorker, Parade, the Sunday newspaper supplements, American City Business Journal, business newspapers published in more than 30 major cities in America, and interests in cable television programming and cable systems serving one million homes.

Wall Street Journal: Peter R. Kahn, CEO

New York Times, Boston Globe, and other publications: published by Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr.

New York Daily News: Mortimer Zuckerman, owner

Village Voice, New Times and network of alternative weeklies: Owned by David Schneiderman

Washington Post: Donald Graham, chair and CEO, son of Katharine Graham Meyer, former owner of Washington Post

San Francisco Chronicle: Ron Rosenthal, managing editor; Phil Bronstein, exec. editor

AOL-Time Warner Book Group: Laurence Kirshbaum, editor


US News & World Report: Mortimer Zuckerman, owner and chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish-American Organizations, one of the largest pro-Israel lobbying groups

New Republic: Marty Peretz, owner and publisher (NR openly identifies itself as pro-Israel.)

Barron’s: Peter R. Kahn, CEO

National Review: Michael Ledeen, editor

Business Week: Bruce Nussbaum, editorial page editor

Newsweek: Donald Graham, chair and CEO, and Howard Fineman, chief political columnist

Weekly Standard: William Kristol, editor, also executive director, Project for a New American Century, (PNAC)

The New Yorker: David Reznik, editor; Nicholas Lehman, writer; Henrick Hertzberg, “Talk of the Town” editor


Ivan Seidenberg - CEO of Verizon Communications, Comcast-ATT Cable TV, with Ralph and Brian Roberts as owners.

Norman Ornstein, American Enterprise Institute - regular columnist for USA Today, news analyst for CBS and co-chair with Leslie Moonves of the Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligation of Digital TV Producers, appointed by Clinton.

Dennis Lebowitz - head of Act II Partners, a media hedge fund.

Barry Diller - chair of USA Interactive, former owner of USA Entertainment.

Kenneth Roth - executive director of Human Rights Watch.

Richard Leibner - head of N. S. Bienstock talent agency, which represents 600 news personalities such as Dan Rather, Dianne Sawyer, and Bill O’Reilly.

Ari Fleischer - Bush’s former press secretary

Stephen Emerson - every media outlet’s first choice as an expert on domestic terrorism.

Terry Semel - CEO of Yahoo!, former chair, Warner Bros.

Mark Golin - VP and creative director for AOL.

Warren Lieberford - president of Warner Bros. Home Video Division of AOL-Time Warner.

Judaism Online’s list presents only the most outstanding, well-recognized Jews in the American media. I could name hundreds more from the top ranks of Jewish media leadership. Such names are readily available from corporate directories such as Standard and Poor's and Lexis Nexus.

Yes, some a small number of the Jewish superstars listed above are political conservatives. Yet studies of top-level Jewish media executives prove they are overwhelming liberal. The famous Lichter-Rothman poll in the early 1980s found that top media executives were radically out of step with the moral values of the American public.

Of these, 97% affirm a woman's right to an abortion if she pleases. 80% disagree that homosexuality is wrong. 86% believe homosexuals have the right to be schoolteachers. 51% believe adultery is permissible. Of 104 top executives polled, 59% were "raised in the Jewish religion."

Who can deny such Jewish domination of big media? As Jewish film critic Michael Medved argues, "It makes no sense at all to try to deny the reality of Jewish power and preeminence in popular culture. Any list of the most influential production executives at each of the major movie studios will produce a heavy majority of recognizable Jewish names."

Does it matter who dominates the media? It does!

The media shapes not only our children's values and actions but our own. The Jewish media has normalized sexual degeneracy, profanity and all kinds of sin. It also leads us into war to make the Mid-East safe for Israel. This happened in Afghanistan, Iraq and, tomorrow, Iran.

If an anti-Christian agenda were being advanced by Moonies or Scientologists, dominating the most powerful positions of media leadership in America, there would be a howl of protest. Americans would demand Congressional hearings and investigations. But because the Jewish media has forbidden identification of itself as Jewish, vilifying such as anti-Semitism, a deafening silence prevails. Meanwhile, relentless evil continues to control the spigot of information from which America drinks.
At least 9 Israeli settlers killed and 34+ injured in failed Iron Dome interception in occupied Syrian Golan Heights

Israel claims it was a Hezbollah rocket, but others claim it was a failed interceptor missile. Hezbollah officially denies responsibility.

When we consider Zionist conjured up lies after lies after lies over and over again, why can they be believed in?

How many times will any acquiantance of yours got to lie to you before you stop believing in what he said?

I am now convinces Pompeo was a typical graduate from Zionist teachings.
And almost all Americans that you see printed such as Geriactic Joe, Nuland, Colin Powell.



She on the other hand, was telling the truth. With a satisfied gloat on her face

Screenshot 2024-02-22 192559.png

those fucking Zionist Nazis broken countless human rights laws for decades. They worse than Hitler Gestapo 😡😡😡 I hate Hitler for not completing his FINAL SOLUTION on Biblical psycopath Jews and letting them to infest Middle East like cockroaches and bedbugs 🖕🖕🖕😡😡😡

*From the River to the Sea'
No longer 2 state solution
Just one single state.
The state of Palestine
Zionist Nazis will all be exiled from Palestine.
They will go back to where they crawled out of the woodwork
And re-infest the countries in the West where they were spawned from
Giving thumbs up, not because I agree with content, but for posting news and views.

I posted a lengthy ten year old article on the Jewish ownership and control of media here in America a few hours ago. This is an undeniable fact.

With this control, the Zionists can and will shape any narrative they wish. Even Jim Morrison, over 50 years ago, knew this....

Golan missile puts Lebanon on the brink of war... Statements of disavowal and condemnation... Are they enough to stop the response?
07-28-2024 | 00:08 Source : "An-Nahar"

Could the Majdal Shams missile be the trigger for a major war between Israel and Hezbollah after nine months of limited field confrontations, often with red lines and shifting rules of engagement? The reality is that the Israeli response to the launch of a missile on the village of Majdal Shams in the occupied Golan Heights , with the announcement by the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu holding Hezbollah and Lebanon responsible for the launch of the missile on Majdal Shams and threatening that the response to the attack would be very strong, no longer leaves much room for doubt that the Majdal Shams missile will constitute the most dangerous turning point in the course of the confrontations on the Lebanese-Israeli front, such that Israel has begun operational measures for a military response after most of its leaders and officials confirmed that the confrontation with Hezbollah has become a matter of hours.

Consequently, the official denial issued by Hezbollah's war media regarding the launch of the rocket and its announcement that "the Islamic Resistance has absolutely nothing to do with the incident, and we categorically deny all false allegations in this regard" was of no use, as the Israeli army insisted on confirming that Hezbollah launched the rocket at the football stadium in Majdal Shams.

It announced that based on the assessment of the situation and intelligence information, Hezbollah was behind the launch of the rocket, and that the party launched it from Shebaa in southern Lebanon , and that the Israeli army's response would be strong. Fiery bidding ignited in Israel, as the Israeli Foreign Minister announced that "Hezbollah crossed the red line and the response will be based on that" and said: "I asked the Foreign Ministry employees to inform the countries of the world that Hezbollah bears responsibility for what will happen after the Majdal Shams attack." The far-right leader Avigdor Lieberman said that "the one responsible for the killing of many children in Majdal Shams is Nasrallah, and it is time for him to pay the price." Israeli Culture Minister Miki Zohar said: "We must stop the constant procrastination and strike Hezbollah with a harsh attack. It is time to act." The Israeli Finance Minister went on to say: "Nasrallah must be assassinated in response to the Majdal Shams attack and all of Lebanon must pay the price."

The government, Berri and Jumblatt

The emerging situation has become extremely dangerous to the point that the Lebanese government is trying to prevent the outbreak of war. It issued a statement last night announcing its "condemnation of all acts of violence and attacks against all civilians and calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities on all fronts." It stressed that "targeting civilians is a flagrant violation of international law and contradicts the principles of humanity."

It was also reported that Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri "followed up on the developments of the field situation in the south and for this purpose received a call from the United Nations Special Coordinator in Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, during which the Parliament Speaker stressed that Lebanon, whose southern villages, especially the border ones, have been subjected for more than 9 months to continuous Israeli aggression in which the Israeli military machine, with its internationally prohibited weapons (white phosphorus), has not spared civilians, agricultural areas, ambulance crews, or media personnel. Despite these flagrant and explicit Israeli violations of the provisions of Resolution 1701, Lebanon and its resistance are committed to this resolution and to the rules of engagement by not targeting civilians. The resistance's denial of what happened today in the town of Majdal Shams in the occupied Syrian Golan categorically confirms this commitment and its and Lebanon's lack of responsibility for what happened.

According to Israeli media, a missile attack on Majdal Shams in the Syrian Golan led to the death of 11 people and the injury of dozens, most of them children, as a result of the attack on a football field, while the The Israeli ambulance service reported that about 30 wounded, including 7 children, are in critical condition in Majdal Shams.

The former leader of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, also issued a statement in which he announced that "in light of the tragic incident that occurred in the town of Majdal Shams in the occupied Golan, the following must be done:
First: To offer our sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the martyrs who died and to all the people of the occupied Syrian Golan.
Second: Targeting civilians is unacceptable and condemned, whether in occupied Palestine or the occupied Golan, or in southern Lebanon. The history and present of the Israeli enemy is full of massacres that it has committed and continues to commit against civilians without mercy. We call on everyone in Lebanon, Palestine and the Golan to refrain from any slippage or incitement in the context of the enemy's destructive project, as what is required is not to expand the war and to immediately stop the aggression and the firing.
Third: In light of Hezbollah’s statement denying the Islamic Resistance’s involvement in what happened in Majdal Shams, we strongly warn and alert against what the Israeli enemy has been working on for a long time to ignite strife, fragment the region, and target its components. We have previously foiled this project, and as it rears its head again, we are on the lookout for it alongside the resistance and all the resistance fighters who are confronting the Israeli crimes and occupation.”
At night, he announced that Jumblatt received a phone call from the US envoy to the Middle East, Amos Hochstein, who expressed his concern about the developments on the southern Lebanon front in light of the Majdal Shams incident.

The position on Israel

Israeli media indicated that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering shortening his visit to Washington following the Majdal Shams incidents, as he is receiving updates and holding consultations regarding the incident, and that Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant is holding security consultations with army leaders and security services. Israeli media reported that Netanyahu had obtained US approval to launch a military operation against Lebanon before the Majdal Shams incident.
The Defense Minister threatened, “We will strike Hezbollah.” “Everywhere we need to hit it,” Israeli Defense Ministry sources were quoted as saying, “there will be a response in the north that we have not seen in the war so far.”
Reuters quoted UNIFIL as saying that it is in contact with the Lebanese and Israeli authorities regarding the Majdal Shams incident in an effort to maintain calm.

All of this was preceded by a significant development when Hezbollah launched drones towards the Karish gas field for the first time since the start of the confrontations. The Israeli army announced that an Israeli naval missile ship intercepted a drone that entered Israeli economic waters from Lebanese territory. Israeli media reported that the drone coming from Lebanese airspace, which was shot down by a warship in cooperation with the Israeli Air Force, was heading towards the Israeli Karish gas field in the Mediterranean, and is likely to be an intelligence mission. In turn, the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said that it is suspected that a drone was launched from Lebanon towards the Karish field platform, while it was not clear whether it was booby-trapped or for reconnaissance.

The southern front also flared up in the afternoon hours, after the Israeli warplanes launched a violent raid on the town of Kfar Kela, which resulted in the deaths of four Hezbollah members. Hezbollah mourned its members: Ahmed Hekmat Musa "Dhu al-Fiqar", born in 1999 from the city of Tripoli and a resident of the town of Ali al-Nahri in the Bekaa, Mustafa Marish "Mahdi Yaghi", born in 1993 from the Bashoura area, Naim Ali Farhat "Malak", born in 1991 from the town of Beit Shama in the Bekaa, and Hassan Hilal al-Saidi "Ali al-Hadi", born in 1993 from the town of Toul.

The party announced that "in response to the targeting of Kfar Kila, we bombed the headquarters of the Hermon Brigade in the Ma'ale Golani barracks with Katyusha rockets. It also announced targeting a building where soldiers are positioned in the Manara settlement. It also announced targeting espionage equipment at the Samaka site and a technical espionage system at the Manara site and the deployment of soldiers in its vicinity with suicide drones."

Netanyahu wants more babies to slaughter

Golan missile puts Lebanon on the brink of war... Statements of disavowal and condemnation... Are they enough to stop the response?
07-28-2024 | 00:08 Source : "An-Nahar"

Could the Majdal Shams missile be the trigger for a major war between Israel and Hezbollah after nine months of limited field confrontations, often with red lines and shifting rules of engagement? The reality is that the Israeli response to the launch of a missile on the village of Majdal Shams in the occupied Golan Heights , with the announcement by the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu holding Hezbollah and Lebanon responsible for the launch of the missile on Majdal Shams and threatening that the response to the attack would be very strong, no longer leaves much room for doubt that the Majdal Shams missile will constitute the most dangerous turning point in the course of the confrontations on the Lebanese-Israeli front, such that Israel has begun operational measures for a military response after most of its leaders and officials confirmed that the confrontation with Hezbollah has become a matter of hours.

Consequently, the official denial issued by Hezbollah's war media regarding the launch of the rocket and its announcement that "the Islamic Resistance has absolutely nothing to do with the incident, and we categorically deny all false allegations in this regard" was of no use, as the Israeli army insisted on confirming that Hezbollah launched the rocket at the football stadium in Majdal Shams.

It announced that based on the assessment of the situation and intelligence information, Hezbollah was behind the launch of the rocket, and that the party launched it from Shebaa in southern Lebanon , and that the Israeli army's response would be strong. Fiery bidding ignited in Israel, as the Israeli Foreign Minister announced that "Hezbollah crossed the red line and the response will be based on that" and said: "I asked the Foreign Ministry employees to inform the countries of the world that Hezbollah bears responsibility for what will happen after the Majdal Shams attack." The far-right leader Avigdor Lieberman said that "the one responsible for the killing of many children in Majdal Shams is Nasrallah, and it is time for him to pay the price." Israeli Culture Minister Miki Zohar said: "We must stop the constant procrastination and strike Hezbollah with a harsh attack. It is time to act." The Israeli Finance Minister went on to say: "Nasrallah must be assassinated in response to the Majdal Shams attack and all of Lebanon must pay the price."

The government, Berri and Jumblatt

The emerging situation has become extremely dangerous to the point that the Lebanese government is trying to prevent the outbreak of war. It issued a statement last night announcing its "condemnation of all acts of violence and attacks against all civilians and calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities on all fronts." It stressed that "targeting civilians is a flagrant violation of international law and contradicts the principles of humanity."

It was also reported that Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri "followed up on the developments of the field situation in the south and for this purpose received a call from the United Nations Special Coordinator in Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, during which the Parliament Speaker stressed that Lebanon, whose southern villages, especially the border ones, have been subjected for more than 9 months to continuous Israeli aggression in which the Israeli military machine, with its internationally prohibited weapons (white phosphorus), has not spared civilians, agricultural areas, ambulance crews, or media personnel. Despite these flagrant and explicit Israeli violations of the provisions of Resolution 1701, Lebanon and its resistance are committed to this resolution and to the rules of engagement by not targeting civilians. The resistance's denial of what happened today in the town of Majdal Shams in the occupied Syrian Golan categorically confirms this commitment and its and Lebanon's lack of responsibility for what happened.

According to Israeli media, a missile attack on Majdal Shams in the Syrian Golan led to the death of 11 people and the injury of dozens, most of them children, as a result of the attack on a football field, while the The Israeli ambulance service reported that about 30 wounded, including 7 children, are in critical condition in Majdal Shams.

The former leader of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, also issued a statement in which he announced that "in light of the tragic incident that occurred in the town of Majdal Shams in the occupied Golan, the following must be done:
First: To offer our sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the martyrs who died and to all the people of the occupied Syrian Golan.
Second: Targeting civilians is unacceptable and condemned, whether in occupied Palestine or the occupied Golan, or in southern Lebanon. The history and present of the Israeli enemy is full of massacres that it has committed and continues to commit against civilians without mercy. We call on everyone in Lebanon, Palestine and the Golan to refrain from any slippage or incitement in the context of the enemy's destructive project, as what is required is not to expand the war and to immediately stop the aggression and the firing.
Third: In light of Hezbollah’s statement denying the Islamic Resistance’s involvement in what happened in Majdal Shams, we strongly warn and alert against what the Israeli enemy has been working on for a long time to ignite strife, fragment the region, and target its components. We have previously foiled this project, and as it rears its head again, we are on the lookout for it alongside the resistance and all the resistance fighters who are confronting the Israeli crimes and occupation.”
At night, he announced that Jumblatt received a phone call from the US envoy to the Middle East, Amos Hochstein, who expressed his concern about the developments on the southern Lebanon front in light of the Majdal Shams incident.

The position on Israel

Israeli media indicated that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering shortening his visit to Washington following the Majdal Shams incidents, as he is receiving updates and holding consultations regarding the incident, and that Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant is holding security consultations with army leaders and security services. Israeli media reported that Netanyahu had obtained US approval to launch a military operation against Lebanon before the Majdal Shams incident.
The Defense Minister threatened, “We will strike Hezbollah.” “Everywhere we need to hit it,” Israeli Defense Ministry sources were quoted as saying, “there will be a response in the north that we have not seen in the war so far.”
Reuters quoted UNIFIL as saying that it is in contact with the Lebanese and Israeli authorities regarding the Majdal Shams incident in an effort to maintain calm.

All of this was preceded by a significant development when Hezbollah launched drones towards the Karish gas field for the first time since the start of the confrontations. The Israeli army announced that an Israeli naval missile ship intercepted a drone that entered Israeli economic waters from Lebanese territory. Israeli media reported that the drone coming from Lebanese airspace, which was shot down by a warship in cooperation with the Israeli Air Force, was heading towards the Israeli Karish gas field in the Mediterranean, and is likely to be an intelligence mission. In turn, the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said that it is suspected that a drone was launched from Lebanon towards the Karish field platform, while it was not clear whether it was booby-trapped or for reconnaissance.

The southern front also flared up in the afternoon hours, after the Israeli warplanes launched a violent raid on the town of Kfar Kela, which resulted in the deaths of four Hezbollah members. Hezbollah mourned its members: Ahmed Hekmat Musa "Dhu al-Fiqar", born in 1999 from the city of Tripoli and a resident of the town of Ali al-Nahri in the Bekaa, Mustafa Marish "Mahdi Yaghi", born in 1993 from the Bashoura area, Naim Ali Farhat "Malak", born in 1991 from the town of Beit Shama in the Bekaa, and Hassan Hilal al-Saidi "Ali al-Hadi", born in 1993 from the town of Toul.

The party announced that "in response to the targeting of Kfar Kila, we bombed the headquarters of the Hermon Brigade in the Ma'ale Golani barracks with Katyusha rockets. It also announced targeting a building where soldiers are positioned in the Manara settlement. It also announced targeting espionage equipment at the Samaka site and a technical espionage system at the Manara site and the deployment of soldiers in its vicinity with suicide drones."

No one gives a fu(k what the Nazi Jews will say or do. The Muslims will do what they need to do to end this evil.
Golan missile puts Lebanon on the brink of war... Statements of disavowal and condemnation... Are they enough to stop the response?
07-28-2024 | 00:08 Source : "An-Nahar"

Could the Majdal Shams missile be the trigger for a major war between Israel and Hezbollah after nine months of limited field confrontations, often with red lines and shifting rules of engagement? The reality is that the Israeli response to the launch of a missile on the village of Majdal Shams in the occupied Golan Heights , with the announcement by the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu holding Hezbollah and Lebanon responsible for the launch of the missile on Majdal Shams and threatening that the response to the attack would be very strong, no longer leaves much room for doubt that the Majdal Shams missile will constitute the most dangerous turning point in the course of the confrontations on the Lebanese-Israeli front, such that Israel has begun operational measures for a military response after most of its leaders and officials confirmed that the confrontation with Hezbollah has become a matter of hours.

Consequently, the official denial issued by Hezbollah's war media regarding the launch of the rocket and its announcement that "the Islamic Resistance has absolutely nothing to do with the incident, and we categorically deny all false allegations in this regard" was of no use, as the Israeli army insisted on confirming that Hezbollah launched the rocket at the football stadium in Majdal Shams.

It announced that based on the assessment of the situation and intelligence information, Hezbollah was behind the launch of the rocket, and that the party launched it from Shebaa in southern Lebanon , and that the Israeli army's response would be strong. Fiery bidding ignited in Israel, as the Israeli Foreign Minister announced that "Hezbollah crossed the red line and the response will be based on that" and said: "I asked the Foreign Ministry employees to inform the countries of the world that Hezbollah bears responsibility for what will happen after the Majdal Shams attack." The far-right leader Avigdor Lieberman said that "the one responsible for the killing of many children in Majdal Shams is Nasrallah, and it is time for him to pay the price." Israeli Culture Minister Miki Zohar said: "We must stop the constant procrastination and strike Hezbollah with a harsh attack. It is time to act." The Israeli Finance Minister went on to say: "Nasrallah must be assassinated in response to the Majdal Shams attack and all of Lebanon must pay the price."

The government, Berri and Jumblatt

The emerging situation has become extremely dangerous to the point that the Lebanese government is trying to prevent the outbreak of war. It issued a statement last night announcing its "condemnation of all acts of violence and attacks against all civilians and calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities on all fronts." It stressed that "targeting civilians is a flagrant violation of international law and contradicts the principles of humanity."

It was also reported that Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri "followed up on the developments of the field situation in the south and for this purpose received a call from the United Nations Special Coordinator in Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, during which the Parliament Speaker stressed that Lebanon, whose southern villages, especially the border ones, have been subjected for more than 9 months to continuous Israeli aggression in which the Israeli military machine, with its internationally prohibited weapons (white phosphorus), has not spared civilians, agricultural areas, ambulance crews, or media personnel. Despite these flagrant and explicit Israeli violations of the provisions of Resolution 1701, Lebanon and its resistance are committed to this resolution and to the rules of engagement by not targeting civilians. The resistance's denial of what happened today in the town of Majdal Shams in the occupied Syrian Golan categorically confirms this commitment and its and Lebanon's lack of responsibility for what happened.

According to Israeli media, a missile attack on Majdal Shams in the Syrian Golan led to the death of 11 people and the injury of dozens, most of them children, as a result of the attack on a football field, while the The Israeli ambulance service reported that about 30 wounded, including 7 children, are in critical condition in Majdal Shams.

The former leader of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, also issued a statement in which he announced that "in light of the tragic incident that occurred in the town of Majdal Shams in the occupied Golan, the following must be done:
First: To offer our sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the martyrs who died and to all the people of the occupied Syrian Golan.
Second: Targeting civilians is unacceptable and condemned, whether in occupied Palestine or the occupied Golan, or in southern Lebanon. The history and present of the Israeli enemy is full of massacres that it has committed and continues to commit against civilians without mercy. We call on everyone in Lebanon, Palestine and the Golan to refrain from any slippage or incitement in the context of the enemy's destructive project, as what is required is not to expand the war and to immediately stop the aggression and the firing.
Third: In light of Hezbollah’s statement denying the Islamic Resistance’s involvement in what happened in Majdal Shams, we strongly warn and alert against what the Israeli enemy has been working on for a long time to ignite strife, fragment the region, and target its components. We have previously foiled this project, and as it rears its head again, we are on the lookout for it alongside the resistance and all the resistance fighters who are confronting the Israeli crimes and occupation.”
At night, he announced that Jumblatt received a phone call from the US envoy to the Middle East, Amos Hochstein, who expressed his concern about the developments on the southern Lebanon front in light of the Majdal Shams incident.

The position on Israel

Israeli media indicated that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering shortening his visit to Washington following the Majdal Shams incidents, as he is receiving updates and holding consultations regarding the incident, and that Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant is holding security consultations with army leaders and security services. Israeli media reported that Netanyahu had obtained US approval to launch a military operation against Lebanon before the Majdal Shams incident.
The Defense Minister threatened, “We will strike Hezbollah.” “Everywhere we need to hit it,” Israeli Defense Ministry sources were quoted as saying, “there will be a response in the north that we have not seen in the war so far.”
Reuters quoted UNIFIL as saying that it is in contact with the Lebanese and Israeli authorities regarding the Majdal Shams incident in an effort to maintain calm.

All of this was preceded by a significant development when Hezbollah launched drones towards the Karish gas field for the first time since the start of the confrontations. The Israeli army announced that an Israeli naval missile ship intercepted a drone that entered Israeli economic waters from Lebanese territory. Israeli media reported that the drone coming from Lebanese airspace, which was shot down by a warship in cooperation with the Israeli Air Force, was heading towards the Israeli Karish gas field in the Mediterranean, and is likely to be an intelligence mission. In turn, the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said that it is suspected that a drone was launched from Lebanon towards the Karish field platform, while it was not clear whether it was booby-trapped or for reconnaissance.

The southern front also flared up in the afternoon hours, after the Israeli warplanes launched a violent raid on the town of Kfar Kela, which resulted in the deaths of four Hezbollah members. Hezbollah mourned its members: Ahmed Hekmat Musa "Dhu al-Fiqar", born in 1999 from the city of Tripoli and a resident of the town of Ali al-Nahri in the Bekaa, Mustafa Marish "Mahdi Yaghi", born in 1993 from the Bashoura area, Naim Ali Farhat "Malak", born in 1991 from the town of Beit Shama in the Bekaa, and Hassan Hilal al-Saidi "Ali al-Hadi", born in 1993 from the town of Toul.

The party announced that "in response to the targeting of Kfar Kila, we bombed the headquarters of the Hermon Brigade in the Ma'ale Golani barracks with Katyusha rockets. It also announced targeting a building where soldiers are positioned in the Manara settlement. It also announced targeting espionage equipment at the Samaka site and a technical espionage system at the Manara site and the deployment of soldiers in its vicinity with suicide drones."

You read Al Nahar too , y3ne int 3rbe twaal alwaqt 😁

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