Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Do not lie ,

Iron dome doe not carry that much exolosive.

This was more thasn 50 kg of explosive.

12 dead, many in critical condition after Hezbollah rocket hits soccer field in Druze town​

34 wounded, including at least 17 in critical condition after Hezbollah rocket hits a soccer field in the majority-Druze northern Israeli town Majdal Shams


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These squatters should leave occupied territory. They are NOT civilians if they CHOOSE to live on occupied land and enforce ethnic cleansing.
Just in the last 24 hours, Israel has slaughtered yet another 70 Palestinians in Gaza and hasn't stopped its extermination campaign. Jews deliberately murder close to 100 Palestinians a day. Trying to get body count as high as possible like Hitler and Nazis were trying to do. Yet they pretend to have moral high ground while they're the literal Nazis.

66 martyrs and 241 injured during the last 24 hours in the Gaza Strip

Israel is trying to scare Hezbollah into stopping its support role for Gaza. Israel wants to isolate Gaza entirely so it can kill literally everyone. Israel is trying to kill 50% of the population in Gaza and then will try forcing out the remaining 50%. We're talking about a extreme evil. Jews are Hitlerian and Satanic. And they must be stopped. We can't allow such a great evil to occur.
Israeli security cabinet meeting has been delayed to 6PM Israeli time. Netanyahu will take six hours to approve something. Israeli government will demand Hezbollah pull out of Lebanon. All theatrics. He cannot do anything significant besides attempt a significant terrorist attack thinking it will deter Hezbollah from its support role for Gaza.

Israel is not showing any signs of shifting its campaign from Gaza to the north. It's all theatrics to scare the Lebanese people. So is Netanyahu cutting his trip early. Just theatrics. You can expect two scenarios. The one I mentioned yesterday or one where a single infrastructure point is targeted or something at the airport. Which will not make a difference and give Hezbollah a excuse to continue its support role.
As I said. All theatrics. What they did in Gaza cannot be replicated anywhere else simply because Gaza is so isolated, small, and endured a 20 year blockade/siege. They just want to scare Hezbollah in pulling back from its support role so they can execute the Hitlerian Final Solution in Gaza, undisturbed.
Lebanese Foreign Minister to Reuters: The US asked the Lebanese government to curb Hezbollah

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These squatters should leave occupied territory. They are NOT civilians if they CHOOSE to live on occupied land and enforce ethnic cleansing.

Israel can stop the Hezbollah war today if its stop the Genocide in Gaza

during the cease fire and prisoner exchange in Nov 2023 Hezbollah and Houthis stood down
Do not lie ,

Iron dome doe not carry that much exolosive.

This was more thasn 50 kg of explosive.

12 dead, many in critical condition after Hezbollah rocket hits soccer field in Druze town​

34 wounded, including at least 17 in critical condition after Hezbollah rocket hits a soccer field in the majority-Druze northern Israeli town Majdal Shams


no the Iron Dome blast radius is very big because its used to down incoming missiles

so this explosion is consistent with Iron Dome
Israel wants to try to exiling the entire population of Gaza via means of terrorism and destroying the civilian infrastructure. And exhausting the civilian population. It wants more time and weapons to do that. US is granting that to them while working around the clock to keep Gaza isolated. Arab states and Arab media are assisting by calling for a Palestinian surrender and encouraging Israeli behavior.

Israel wants to then deal with Hezbollah down the road, likely sometime next year. When they achieve what they want in Gaza. All indications are that they want to catch Hezbollah off guard with a random massive aerial campaign. 3,000 air strikes or so on day one. To cripple Hezbollah as much as possible. And with Gaza sidelined, it can direct much of its energy on Lebanon. With full US backing and Arab media in full drive demonizing Hezbollah. If Hamas is not around, it could take on a rather dirty and sectarian tone.

This is why it's in the interests of Hezbollah and the resistance axis to catch Israel off guard while they are exhausted from Gaza, repairing their tanks, treating their injured soldiers, and facing a shortage in munitions. Netanyahu knows all of this and is very worried about the prospect of the northern front escalating. As it foils his plans for Gaza but also for Lebanon. And for the first time, will force the terrorist and his terrorist country to consider ceasing attacks on Gaza.

That's why I say Hezbollah should continue its increased rate of fire throughout the entire coming month even at risk of a larger clash. All out war is ruled out as Israel simply cannot do it right now. And is very heavily focused on Gaza.
The explosive power of Israel's Iron Dome is more than double that of a 155mm high-explosive shell.
Moreover, if it makes a U-turn soon after launch and falls back to the ground, it will ignite the large amount of remaining rocket fuel and cause a huge explosion.
We must not forget that the power of anti-aircraft missiles is far greater than we imagine.
Do not lie ,

Iron dome doe not carry that much exolosive.

This was more thasn 50 kg of explosive.

12 dead, many in critical condition after Hezbollah rocket hits soccer field in Druze town​

34 wounded, including at least 17 in critical condition after Hezbollah rocket hits a soccer field in the majority-Druze northern Israeli town Majdal Shams


@The SC @Musings this israeli is hiding his flags, he was already warned about this

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