Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Istael theeatens full scale war? Lmao what does that mean and how can they sustain it without western support unless US agreed to fight for them.

Regarding the killing of the Hamas leader. It really isn’t that hard to take out a high profile person with proper intelligence and weapons. This could happen anywhere I mean a 20 year old kid nearly took out Trump. It is about basic political etiquette, these rules are respected EVERYWHERE. Why do you think Putin didn’t kill Zelensky? Or any opposing leaders kill the other? Basic etiquette and it sets a precedent that the other side can do the same to you. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone high profile in israel gets taken out. Israel is like a spoiled kid who thinks the rules don’t apply to them, just for this take out their entire administration and do it again if they cry.
Do we know if it was a airstrike? It was not according to reports I'm seeing. Was a shoulder fired guided missile or anti - tank missile.

This has happened to Palestinians before and host countries did nothing. Obviously, Iran has other reasons to respond to this too, but it is commendable. They're risking a lot when they can just withdraw from the whole scene and move on from Hamas.

Israel is going to do anything as long as they believe US will have their back. They seem to have tons of confidence in the Jewish-American community's ability to destroy America and sacrifice American interests and soldiers for their genocidal agenda. Nothing will stop Israel until the terrorist facists are expelled from the occupied land and security control is given to non-Jews. Jews cannot rule a inch of the land, period.

A ground invasion of Israel should be a top priority and Arabs must participate in it too. Israel has conventional advantage due to US army and NATO behind them. Ground invasion renders their technology useless.
Again, America needs to be, at the time of a full scale attack on the occupiers, dealing with chaos at home.

I have been part of the Resistance against Zionism in America for over twenty years.

I know, for a fact, there are, by now, hundred of thousands of far right here in America itching to take ZOG down.

Back in 1984, a group called The Order, lead by Robert J Matthews, tied up half of the FBI agents for nearly a year and a half. There were only about forty of them....

The Order never went away. Went underground and are still recruiting, forty years later.

This Silent Brotherhood is what scares the shit out of ZOG. Not the larpers you see in video clips or read about in the news.

I had an opportunity over 15 years ago to talk with a member of The Order (which the feds keep insisting no longer exists). At that time, my best guess was around 100,000 in the Brotherhood.

Today, will not surprise me it is well over a quarter million, multi-generational.

All keeping quiet.

Many of them ditched cell phones and social media by 2007. Most keeping a very low profile.

This is why none of you here know about this hidden resistance.

I describe it the Invisible Empire on steroids.

We will not see them appear until they think America is ready for a real revolution.
On the far left, commies and Anti-fa. I have been watching them for over twenty years.

Their ranks have exploded in the past ten years. We have all witness the damage and chaos they can create. And most Americans too.

This is why we have seen hundreds of thousands of Americans over the past few years relocate to regions where they will be safe from the coming civil war.

I have been interviewed by the feds several times and the one question they ask me is will there be a race war in America. And each time I look the agents in the eyes and say yes.

Again, I left the movement ten years ago. But I have not forgotten what I have seen and heard, meeting hundreds in the real resistance across America.
Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah have never been able to take down a senior Israeli goverment official ever and i dont see that happening now.
Why cant you see it happening now even after Gaza militants with less resources and weapons already killed and kidnapped high ranking Israeli military officials since the Oct. 7th war started?
Even when these leaders become civilians(with reduced security detail) - they are untouchable -
they are untouchable in your perspective, that is not a fact, even if they have been untouchable until now.
whereas Israel can and will killl anyone they want.
Not really, at least not without some unpredictable and high costs or consequences it has to accept.
Those three will be safe and sound.
Never say never. The overconfidence in your belief that Israeli officials are untouchable is what got Israel into the losing position in the ongoing Gaza war.
Iran may do a technicolor show for show and effect but no leader or senior person in Israel will be killed - be under no illusions on that ...
how do you know this? Iran may kill (or have killed during its recent strike) Israeli officials and Israel may hide the deaths. We dunno how many senior Israeli officials died in the base attacks Iran did some months ago on Israel. Also remember attacks with the element of surprise and no advanced warning- Israelis, including their leaders, are more likely to die during those sort of attacks.
October 23, 2024

The day the entire Resistance to ZIONISM, the world over, attacks the beast.

This includes Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc.

You all know the other countries.

This will need to be a world wide uprising.

Mark my words, once Trump gets into office, the Resistance will get destroyed. This is the reason the bandit state is dragging this out.

Can't anyone see this?

Trump will probably be a hardcore Israel supporter but his past actions could suggest otherwise. On one hand his son in law Kushner is a Zionist pig, but on the other Trump was the only president to not start any new wars. Trump also said in a past interview that he could tell Netanyahu did not want peace and said the Palestinian representative was very nice "like an uncle" to him when they had a meeting.

Edit: What is ZOG? Nvm it is Zionist Occupation Government
Do we know if it was a airstrike? It was not according to reports I'm seeing. Was a shoulder fired guided missile or anti - tank missile.

This has happened to Palestinians before and host countries did nothing. Obviously, Iran has other reasons to respond to this too, but it is commendable. They're risking a lot when they can just withdraw from the whole scene and move on from Hamas.

I said strike not airstrike.
Israel is a hostile country to Iran and has assassinated Iran military leaders such as in Syria. This attack was in Iran and as such needs to be met with a fierce retaliation. They are risking a lot also funding Hamas and Hezbollah. This attack still crossed many red lines and Iran has vowed to retaliate if any attacks were carried inside Iranian sovereignty. I am not saying an all out war but a retaliation that causes casualties, maybe level a government building in Tel Aviv?

While I understand there might be a risk for a regional war, a harsh retaliation needs to be done. This assassination is a huge escalation.

Israel is going to do anything as long as they believe US will have their back. They seem to have tons of confidence in the Jewish-American community's ability to destroy America and sacrifice American interests and soldiers for their genocidal agenda. Nothing will stop Israel until the terrorist facists are expelled from the occupied land and security control is given to non-Jews. Jews cannot rule a inch of the land, period.

Israel knows that if an all out war happens with Iran, US will be there. This is nothing new and will always be the case till AIPAC and the Zionist lobby loses their influence.
A ground invasion of Israel should be a top priority and Arabs must participate in it too. Israel has conventional advantage due to US army and NATO behind them. Ground invasion renders their technology useless.
Arabs are not going to do anything. If they were going to do something, it wouldn’t have taken this long to do something. A genocide is taking place and all they want is Palestinian concession to Israeli demands. They have not sent a single bullet to Palestine just some sympathies and “condemnations”.
If the Zionists call off November's election, all the better.
Now you have millions of those on the right up in arms.
Do you really think they will support a regional war by an illegitimate government?
Going to take total chaos in America to take away the one thing that is saving Israel right now.
America had elections even during the Second World War!
Mark my words, once Trump gets into office, the Resistance will get destroyed. This is the reason the bandit state is dragging this out.
Can't anyone see this?
I don't think Trump would be able to do any more than Biden. President Biden is a hardcore Zionist and Trump is not. Trump is beholden to a 'no more wars' and 'isolationist' mindset while Biden is an inheritor of the destructive Democrats of past five decades. Besides, whatever restraints are placed on Biden will be placed on Trump: The rich Arab nations would rather wrap this up quickly without provoking their populations' anger too much.

Regarding the killing of the Hamas leader. It really isn’t that hard to take out a high profile person with proper intelligence and weapons. This could happen anywhere I mean a 20 year old kid nearly took out Trump. It is about basic political etiquette, these rules are respected EVERYWHERE. Why do you think Putin didn’t kill Zelensky? Or any opposing leaders kill the other? Basic etiquette and it sets a precedent that the other side can do the same to you. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone high profile in israel gets taken out. Israel is like a spoiled kid who thinks the rules don’t apply to them, just for this take out their entire administration and do it again if they cry.
Bolded part. That's right.

but on the other Trump was the only president to not start any new wars. Trump also said in a past interview that he could tell Netanyahu did not want peace and said the Palestinian representative was very nice "like an uncle" to him when they had a meeting.

Trump is too unpredictable and I have seen even Israeli bloggers are nervous about Trump.
Assassinations are propaganda
Do not let the assassinations of resistance leaders fool you. Israel is fighting a war of attrition that threatens its existence
Its military losses are estimated at 20,000 soldiers, reservists, and mercenaries
The economic cost of the war only is 76 billion
Political division threatens civil war
And social loss of confidence in the existence of the entity

Ali Khamenei should triple his bodyguards and live in a secure underground facility from now on.
Seyyed Khorasani will defeat all of enemies of Islam until arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH)

He has 5 - 10 million soldiers inside and millions outside
Several Afghan Taliban leaders were assassinated after they visited Iran. So Haniyeh's assassination follows those other Muslim leaders. Someone or a group in Iran provides information to Israelis and the Western intelligence services.
It's the renegade Shah of Iran descendents and their western links

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